He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2635 Four Enemies

"What's wrong, Serena, you keep staring at this ink seahorse~?"

Xiaozhi didn't know what Serena was thinking, but there was a cute ink sea horse in the window in front of the latter, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Speaking of which, Mo Haima is Xiaoxia's Pokémon~"

He couldn't help but recall that a brown five-pointed starfish happened to be swimming next to him.

"There are also starfish~ I really miss them~!"


Next to her, Serena suddenly came back to her senses, and her panicked eyes suddenly looked a little hollow.

It sounds like a girl's name.

"Oh, didn't I tell you? Xiaoxia is my travel companion before~ She is an excellent water attribute trainer~"

Xiaozhi talked to himself and walked in the direction of the starfish's rotation, without paying any attention to the change in Serena's expression behind him.

"When it comes to a pure water-type battle, I can't say that I can definitely defeat her~"

Coincidentally, there was a Kodak duck swimming nearby, and it was a rare Kodak duck that could swim.

Xiaozhi quickly quickened his pace and followed with interest.

No, the Kodak duck that can't swim seems to be a weird thing.

"This Xiaoxia seems to pose a certain threat to the host. It is tentatively designated as enemy No. 1. I will start to query the opponent's information and ask the host to continue to find out the enemy's information from the target."

The sound of the system suddenly popped up in Serena's mind.


She raised her eyebrows and was speechless at the system's explanation.

They are just companions who traveled together before. There is no enemy. What kind of word is this!

Thinking of this, Serena couldn't help but chase after her and asked:

"Xiao Zhi, let's talk about Xiaoxia"

Beep! !

Before he finished speaking, a crisp whistle came from an entrance to the aquarium, which immediately attracted the attention of all the tourists in the aquarium.

But he saw a friendly and gentle tour guide who was leading the way and blowing the whistle.

Behind them, there are also cute, small and exquisite blue and white penguins.

They have round heads and short, pointed beaks. They walk unsteadily, but they line up very neatly and follow the tour guide, just like kindergarten children on a trip.

"Next is the performance time of the round penguins~ Those who want to watch please follow me to the Ice Exhibition Area~"

The tour guide blew the whistle again to remind the surrounding tourists.

"Bojia~" "Bojia~" "Bojia~"

The cute round penguins followed behind, which immediately made many tourists follow them with love in their eyes.

There was even a round penguin among them that changed its direction while walking and walked all the way to Serena's feet.

"That's the direction~"

Serena quickly squatted down, rubbed the round penguin's head, then picked up the round penguin and turned it in a direction so that the latter could return straight to the team.


As the round penguin left, he even waved his little wings politely towards Serena to express his gratitude and returned to the performance group.

Beside him, Xiaozhi was touching his chin, a look of nostalgia appearing on his face again.

"Are you polite, round penguin? The round penguin I know is very arrogant and would never be so polite~"

Hearing this, Serena's expression changed and she couldn't help but test it out:

"Is it also the Pokémon of Ash's former companion? It sounds like it should be a girl."

Xiaozhi nodded and replied:

"She is a girl who challenges the gorgeous contest. Her name is Xiaoguang. Although she always says "Stupid tape, stupid tape", there are always some problems."

As he spoke, Xiaozhi shook his head seriously and followed the group of round penguins up.

"Speaking of which, I'm a little worried about Xiaoguang. I wonder if there are any problems now~?"

Serena: "?!"

"The key figure "Xiaoguang" has been recorded and will serve as the host's second enemy. Information is being retrieved. Please continue to work hard to obtain more information from the target."

The system's voice sounded again, and although it was a complete mess of words, it made Serena inexplicably irritable.

In the past, Xiaozhi also traveled with many female companions, and it seemed that each of them left an unforgettable memory.

"Wow, is there a Great Sword Demon here?!"

Xiaozhi even saw a handsome sword demon standing on the ice in the ice exhibition area.

The sharp horns on the top of its head and the sharp shell blades placed on its forelimbs make it look very imposing and sharp.

"It's very impressive. The Great Sword Demon I know is very silly, almost like Harry~"

Xiaozhi subconsciously compared it, and then couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey Xiaozhi, have you subdued the Great Sword Demon before?"

This time it was Yulijia who asked the question. After they arrived at the Ice Exhibition Area, they reunited in the audience seat.

Next to him, Serena quietly raised her ears and listened.

"No, it's not that, it's the Great Sword Demon conquered by a friend of mine. Speaking of his reckless personality, I'd like to know what Mingyi is doing now?"

Xiaozhi remembered that Mingyi was going to work at the Yew Research Institute. I wonder how she got along with Dr. Yew?

Serena was shocked, why is it the name of a girl, and she seems to have a pretty good relationship with her? !

"Enemy No. 3 Mingyi has retrieved a large number of swimsuit photos showing intimate behavior with the target. Do you need to check it?"

Serena: "?"

Finally, she shook her head vigorously to get all the system's nonsense out of her mind.

Then he boldly pretended to be casual and asked nonchalantly:

"Xiao Zhi has traveled with many companions before. I wonder who among them makes Xiao Zhi miss him more?"

"That's the problem"

While admiring the innocent performances of several round penguins on the ice on the stage, Xiaozhi lowered his head and thought.

Then he relaxed his brows and had an answer.

And he answered loudly and with absolute certainty:

"That must be Teacher Gang. If I say what I miss the most, it must be those years when Xiaogang and I were in the world together~!"

Xiaozhi's face was full of brilliant memories.

Serena nodded and secretly wrote down the name of enemy No. 4.

It seems that this one is the most threatening!


Why does this masculine and slightly rough name sound like a man's name?

"That's right. Xiaozhi is keen on fighting, and it seems reasonable to have a crush on a girl with a neutral and heroic spirit?"

Serena stared and analyzed carefully.

Xiaozhi has no doubt about him. This aquarium, which contains Pokémon from various regions, really brought back many memories for him today~()

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