He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2437 Boiling sea water, steam explosion!

Over the beach, the sun became dazzling, and the scorching sunlight spread on the seaside, making the beach in this area look particularly hot.

"Sunny day?"

Takeda was a little confused about Xiaozhi's thoughts.

On a sunny day, although the power of the water-type moves of Megalodon can be weakened, Gyarados is also water-type and will be weakened as well.

Is it possible that next, he only plans to use fire moves to determine the winner?

"Don't be careless, Megalodon!"

Takeda quickly reminded that the power of the large-scale explosion was no joke. Now coupled with the bonus effect of sunny weather, the damage will increase again!

"Gyarados, big words Explosion!!"

Xiaozhi was not polite and launched a fire attack on the spot.

Gyarados opened its mouth, and the blazing flame energy condensed and was thrown out, turning into a "big"-shaped flame cannonball again, stirring up the hot wind, forcing away the sea water below!

"Megalodon, dive into the water!"

Takeda could only choose to avoid the attack temporarily. Even with the strength of the Megalodon, it would be difficult for him to destroy such a large-scale explosion.

The megalodon immediately dived into the water.

Since the arena is in the center of the coastline, the sea arena on one side is not very deep. The giant tooth shark even needs to dive part of its body into the sand to expose only the shark's fins on the water.

Boom! !

The big-character explosion was a step late and missed its target. It suddenly detonated on a sea surface and ignited, directly creating a huge vacuum gap.

Suddenly the water flowed backwards and mist filled the air.

Wow wow wow.!

The megalodon, on the other hand, did not completely emerge from the water. It still only exposed a dangerous shark fin, broke through the water flow, and swam rapidly in the direction of Gyarados.

"Use Crush!"

It even opened its huge mouth, and its upper and lower jaws were filled with dense and sharp fangs, which could easily bite through and crush even the rocks along the way!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi suddenly became interested and said mysteriously:

"It's time to show your power! Gyarados, use hot water!"

This command made everyone a little confused.

I saw Mega Gyarados standing on the spot, the dark red scales on its body began to deepen in color, and strange steam and white smoke continued to float out.

At this moment, Gyarados was like a machine running at high speed, and his body temperature continued to soar.

Phew! !

As the mouth opened, a thick stream of water spurted out, and bubbles could be clearly seen inside the water stream, and extremely penetrating steam and white smoke rose from the surface.

And when this ball of hot water falls into the sea water

Plop, plop! !

The temperature of the sea water in front of Gyarados also increased rapidly, and bubbles continued to rise to the surface, as if the sea area was boiling for a while!

And being in boiling water, this mega giant tooth shark cannot maintain its high-speed parade.

"Shark roar.!"

After letting out a scream, the whole body immediately jumped out of the water, and the surface of the shark's skin was covered with hot and burning scars.

Any later and it will be cooked directly!

"How can it be?!"

Takeda was completely confused and stood there in a daze.

As a surfer, he is quite familiar with the properties of water.

The hot water move, even though it spurts out scalding hot water, is still a water attribute move, and its effect will be halved in sunny weather.

Not to mention that boiling sea water in this area to 40 degrees is considered powerful hot water!

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