He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2449 Xiaozhi’s magician friend

"Thunder Drum?"

Xiaozhi recited the name silently and found it very strange.

I feel like it should be called the Long-necked Thunder God.

"So, do you want me to help you investigate this Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi suddenly looked embarrassed. He had not heard this news at all in the Kalos area, which meant that the place where the Thunder Drum was discovered was not here.

Investigating a legendary Pokémon cannot be solved in a few days.

He didn't plan to go to another area for ten days and a half in the middle of the trip.

"No, no, no, when did I, Uncle Ajin, need help from others!"

On the other end of the phone, Ah Jin waved his hands arrogantly.

However, Ah Jin quickly lowered his attitude and said a little embarrassedly:

"It's just that, well, you know, since I want to investigate a special Three Holy Beasts, I'd better have the same Three Holy Beasts in my hand to shake the field!"

"So, Xiaozhi, can you lend me that Flame Emperor for a while and take it out for a walk?"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask:

"Don't you have a Suicune?"

As seen before at the Johto Festival, Akin can smoothly command one of the three holy beasts, Suicune.

"Hey, that Suicune is not my Pokémon after all. It just works for the Johto Alliance. And as you know recently, when something happened over there, Suicune had no choice but to go there to support him."

Ah Jin said somewhat helplessly.

Recently, someone in the Johto area has been secretly discharging dirty water directly into the sea. The seawater environment has been greatly affected!

As the incarnation of the north wind, Suicune has the unique power to purify water. Now he is busy purifying water everywhere in the Johto area.

However, it seems that the effect is not great.

"It seems there is such a thing."

Xiaozhi nodded, somewhat impressed.

But he was far away in the Kalos area, and the local people didn't care at all about the bad things in the Johto area.

Just then Xiaozhi came to the door, so Ajin decided to target Xiaozhi.

He knew that Xiaozhi's Flame Emperor was far more powerful than the other two Three Holy Beasts!

Even if the Thunder Drum is faced head-on by then, Emperor Yan should be able to fight head-on!

"I see."

Xiaozhi finally understood the whole story, and he did not refuse Akin's request.

"It's not a problem for me. After all, Emperor Yan does need to be taken out for a walk often."

"But this matter still depends on Emperor Yan's own wishes. In this case, you can go to Dr. Omu to help you ask if Emperor Yan is willing to go out with you, right?"

I guess Yan Emperor himself would be interested in meeting a special individual Thunder Lord, right?

"okok! As long as you say this!"

Ah Jin was overjoyed. He also understood the Three Sacred Beasts. Walking a Flame Emperor was a piece of cake!

As he said that, he hung up the phone in a hurry and dialed Zhenxin Town.

"That, Master Ajin!"

Xiaozhi could only remind him again, and then Ah Jin scratched his head with a smile.

"Haha, I almost forgot. No problem, it's just Xiaozhi's two eggs. I can rub them until they are bright!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi gave Serena a thumbs up, and the matter was settled!


Serena looked confused and didn't understand what "consecration" meant.

This word refers to the consecration of certain devices by those enlightened monks, right? Can Pokémon eggs be opened?

After a while, through the transmission device, two eggs appeared at the other end of the screen, placed on the left and right sides of Ah Jin.

Ah Jin spit and applied it on each hand, rubbed it vigorously, and his expression became serious.

Then he raised his palms, opened his bow left and right, and approached the two eggs at the same time.

Xiaozhi and Yulijia also ran over and watched the live broadcast.


Serena looked surprised, but she saw that Ajin's palms really shone with a golden light similar to the Buddha's seal!

Isn’t it really a special effect? !


As Ah Jin's golden fingers completely touched the two fossil eggs, he slowly closed his eyes, seeming to have established some special connection with the eggs.

"Aren't they all just born Pokémon eggs? They have a brand new smell."

"The attributes of this one are pretty good, the attributes of rock and dragon. Um, the other one has the attributes of rock and ice, it's a bit stretchy."

"In terms of individuals, one is 3v and one is 4v?"

Ah Jin began to chant silently.

These words also made Serena immediately believe in Ajin's ability. You must know that they had never told Ajin what Pokémon the two eggs were!

As for Ice and Snow Dragon’s hip-stretching attribute combination of rock and ice.

Serena didn't care, as long as she was good-looking!

"The hatching date will take some time. I can't rush it, but both babies are healthy."

"I also felt a desolate and ancient smell. It turned out to be a fossil Pokémon, right? I didn't expect that fossils can hatch eggs now.?"

Once he gets to the field he is good at, Ajin appears to be very serious.

It just goes with the messy bunch of chicken coop hair on his head.

"Is this big brother like a magic stick?"

Next to you, Yulijia couldn't help but complained in a low voice.

These are only the most basic monitoring capabilities, just like the B-ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology. In fact, they cannot fully demonstrate Akin's abilities.

Next, he began to work hard.

"First of all, I will fill up all the individuals in the two eggs and raise them to full 6v!"

"Although it is a fossil Pokémon, the ancient bloodline does not seem to be too strong. Is it because of the restoration of the fossil? OK, let me tighten the bloodline concentration for you."

"One Pokémon's ability is focused on the jaw, and the other is focused on the skin. Okay, I'll make these two specialties a little higher!"

Akin said a lot in succession, leaving both Xiaozhi and Serena confused.

All in all it’s definitely a good thing!

Under the continuous consecration of Ah Jin's palms, the surface of the two fossil eggs glowed with golden light, looking extremely strange!

After about ten minutes, Ah Jin let go of his palm, and the light gradually faded.

"Hoo ho ho, I'm so exhausted, young master."

He stuck out his tongue and panted heavily. His originally energetic face instantly became visibly haggard and dim, and he weakly dropped his chin on the stage.

"Okay, okay, the two eggs were consecrated at the same time. I almost collapsed."

"As expected of Master Ajin! His techniques are still so outstanding!"

On this side, Xiaozhi naturally gave a thumbs up and praised him immediately.

"Thank you Mr. Akin!"

Beside her, Serena was also nodding her thanks seriously.

Can you consecrate Pokémon eggs? Are you really Ash's magician friend? !

"Okay, then according to the agreement, I will go to Dr. Omu to ask for Yan Emperor."

Ah Jin waved his hand, and after teleporting the two eggs back, he hung up the phone tiredly.

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