He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2451 Ninja training, climbing trees and treading water!

Route 8 is a path surrounded by tall and green bamboo trees.

Today Xiaozhi and the other two came to this bamboo forest again, planning to return to Yaoxiang City from here.

The three little Carlos animals were also released by them and walked side by side at the front.

"Nima~" "Fukuu." "."

The three Pokémon have different looks and personalities, and Harili and Foamfrog even fight from time to time. Although Harili is the one who initiates the trouble.

But today, the fire fox walked in the middle, which made Harry Li's gunpowder smell weaken a lot, and he concentrated on being a dog licker.


Along the way, Serena kept wandering deep into the surrounding bamboo forest intentionally or unintentionally, as if she wanted to find something.

"What happened, Serena?"

Citron was attentive and couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing. That's it."

Serena didn't say anything clearly, she hesitated, but the expression on her face became depressed.

Next to him, Xiaozhi glanced at Serena without any trace, and he naturally understood the latter's thoughts.

Do you want to see that naughty panda again?

Xiaozhi didn't say much. As he walked, he began to secretly exert strength in his heart.

Light blue ripples, invisible and invisible, spread around.

He turned on the power of the waveguide to see if there were any traces of the naughty panda mother and son's waveguide nearby.


It was just that Xiaozhi's waveguide power had just spread a hundred meters, and he suddenly felt a human waveguide diagonally in front of him.

He subconsciously stopped and cast his gaze. Could it be that he was waiting for their ambush?

There was only a thicker bamboo shoot at the source of the waveguide, and there were no traces of humans.

In front of him, the foam frog also raised his head alertly and looked at the "bamboo shoot" as well.


Then without hesitation, he suddenly took action, grabbed a ball of foam from behind and threw it out.

And the "bamboo shoot" actually began to tremble, revealing traces of wrinkles like a bed sheet, and was revealed on both sides.

call out.!

A figure suddenly jumped up from it, barely able to avoid the hidden foam weapon.

"what happen?!"

"Who is it?!"

The reaction of Citron and others was half a beat too slow, and then they blurted out in surprise.

Xiaozhi also quickly became alert and carefully guarded a few people behind him. Is it a disguise similar to Heiji's?

But he saw that the person who came was a person with a very strange appearance. He seemed to be about the same age as him, with a bandage on the bridge of his nose, and the face of a passionate and impulsive young man.

He has long purple hair tied up in a very traditional way, and is dressed in blue ninja costumes with wooden geta on his feet, and a rather fancy yellow scarf tied around the collar.

"It's a ninja?!"

Xiaozhi and others exclaimed in unison.

The profession of ninja, which was rare and declining even in his hometown, could appear in the distant Kalos region?

Xiaozhi couldn't help but think of the declining nobleman in Gumu Town before, who was also a karate master only in his hometown.

If you think about it this way, it seems acceptable?

"This is Sanpei, a genin from the ninja village. He is practicing ninjutsu."

Sanping made a gesture of sealing towards several people and introduced himself.

It's really a ninja. And what the hell is a ninja village? The name is too direct, right? !

"Your Bubble Frog is very talented as a ninja. He actually saw through my transformation technique."

Sanpei's eyes couldn't help but fall on Xiaozhi's foam frog and praised it.

Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be coming for them at all, but that they accidentally interrupted the other party's practice, Xiaozhi and the others were relieved.

Then he couldn't help but get closer and curiously asked about the profession of ninja.

"Mr. Sanpei! Where is the Ninja Village? Are there all ninjas like you in it?"

"What does genin mean?"

"Can you show us some ninjutsu?!"

Facing the numerous inquiries from several people, Sanping did not answer them one by one.

However, there are a few people who want to see a demonstration of ninjutsu.

"In that case, frog!"

Sanping suddenly looked in one direction of the bamboo forest and shouted.

Obviously there were just ordinary bamboos, but there was a "bang" sound, and with a burst of white mist rising, a slender bamboo actually turned into the shape of a frog.

Another transformation technique!

"This is a Pokémon."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up and he took out the illustrated book with his backhand.

The appearance is quite similar to his own foam frog, but the limbs of his body have become more slender, and he obviously has extremely developed motor nerves.

"The croaking frog has water attributes and is the evolved form of the foam frog. It can wrap rocks in foam and throw them accurately. With its flexible skills, it can easily climb high mountains!"

The illustrated guide suggested that it was indeed the evolved form of the Bubble Frog.

And this croak-headed frog seemed to have the cold and serious temperament of a ninja, and slowly walked up to Sanpei.

"Quatou Frog, show them the results of your practice!"

Sanping commanded with a somewhat proud tone.

The frog nodded and walked straight to a thicker bamboo next to it.

Until I came to the bamboo, I closed my eyes for a while and meditated.


The next moment, the soles of his feet stepped directly on the bamboo trunk. Even if the bamboo was vertical, he could still ignore gravity and walk towards the height of the bamboo as if walking on flat ground!

This scene immediately surprised Xiaozhi and others. Is it possible to walk directly on the tree? !

This frog's display was not over yet. After reaching the highest point of the bamboo, he bent his knees to exert his strength, and then jumped out suddenly.

There was a small stream in that direction.


A surprising scene appeared. This time, the frog's paws actually stepped on the surface of the stream, floating and standing without any heaving or sinking of its body!

Seeing the expressions of Xiaozhi and others, Sanping was secretly proud and explained casually:

"This is the basic ability of our ninjas. Climbing trees and treading water are exercises that only Pokémon with ninja talents can complete!"


After completing the ninjutsu display, the frog jumped up again and landed next to Sanping with a neat movement.

And watching his evolved handsome performance throughout the whole process, even the Bubble Frog, who is usually too lazy to compete, rarely felt the need to compete.


Thinking of this, it jumped directly in the direction of the thick bamboo.

When he arrived, he held his breath and concentrated all his energy on the soles of his lower limbs.


The first foot stepped up, and then the right leg followed. The whole person began to be completely suspended in the air without falling down!

The foam frog actually climbed the tree!

Although, the back is only less than half a meter above the ground, and even the body is trembling, making it difficult to take the third step.

"Sure enough, this foam frog is very talented in ninjutsu."

But even so, Sanping's eyes still lit up and he was filled with admiration.

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