He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2453 Tierno and Shana!

Crossing Route 8, Xiaozhi and his party returned to Haruka City.

When you first enter the city, the first thing that catches your eye is the Yaoxiang Gym built on the mountainside of a cliff. The high slope rises from the ground in the city and is extremely prominent.

Looking from a distance, you can still see many skateboard enthusiasts wearing neat protective gear, flying down from high places, doing rapid challenges.

Once he makes a mistake, it doesn't matter. Eighteen years later he is a good man again.

Xiaozhi and his party did not leave in a hurry as soon as they arrived in the city. Instead, they planned to use Haruka City as a transit point and rest here for a day.

"Hey, who is that person?"

However, when passing by the landslide slope of Haruka Gym, Xiaozhi saw a familiar figure from a distance.

His figure is round and round, making him look particularly obese and unusual among the slim and toned roller-skating enthusiasts.

Of course, what surprised Ash the most was the Pokémon behind him - a large brown electric rat, which also had a round figure that resembled a trainer, with an extremely slender lightning tail behind it.

"Can Raichu still be seen in the Kalos area?"


Xiaozhi couldn't help but become curious, and the Pikachu on his shoulder looked at his evolved form playing with the pulley in an equally confused manner.

"Dong dong.?"

Even the dongdong rat on Yulijia's shoulder poked its head out.

Rather than saying that Raichu is the evolved form of Pikachu, it's actually more like its evolved form, right?

The skin color and long tails of the two look like the same series.

call out.!

Soon, two fat figures, one behind the other, quickly passed in front of everyone, and there was a sound of pulleys rotating and rubbing at high speed.

Although the opponent is fat, his movements are still very flexible.

This fat roller skater is also very perceptive. While gliding at high speed, he still has time to pay attention to his surroundings.


He noticed Xiaozhi and his group beside the track, and immediately looked shocked.

Then he quickly adjusted the angle of the pulley, tilted his body slightly, turned back in a nearly 180-degree trajectory, and finally stopped firmly in front of Xiaozhi and his party.

Stepping onto the roadside, Tierno looked ecstatic, excitedly approaching and reaching out his hand.

Xiaozhi was stunned. Are you here to find him?

He remembered that the other party was the new trainer who was at the Bratano Institute with Doroba, but the other party didn't recognize him at all at the time, right?

However, Tiereno directly bypassed Xiaozhi and held Serena's hand enthusiastically, his whole red face almost touching her.

"Ah ah Serena-chan~ Long time no see!!"

Serena was a little embarrassed about this and subconsciously took a step back. In the end, she could only respond with a dry smile:

"Well, long time no see, Tierno."

They are both from Chaoxiang Town, they are neighbors, they are considered fellow villagers who know each other.

Tiereno obviously had a good impression of Serena. After seeing the goddess in his heart, his two chubby hands couldn't help but hug the side of his cheek.

Seeing love, my body swayed unconsciously.

"Serena-chan is getting more and more beautiful~! Let me tell you how lucky I am today. When I fought against Mr. Chaklo, I hit the vital point three times in a row."

"Wait a minute, these people. Is Serena traveling with them?!"

After realizing it later, Tiereno finally reacted and looked at Xiaozhi and his group with surprised expressions.

Traveling with two men? !

"Hey, hey, hey! Didn't you see me, Yulijia?!"

Seeing that Yuereno's eyes were only on Xiaozhi and Citron, Yurika reminded angrily and hugged Serena's arm, signaling to keep distance from the fat man in front of her.

"Well, you're not traveling with me."

Tierno was still wearing his roller suit, holding his head, looking lost and depressed.

Then his face suddenly changed, he looked at Xiaozhi seriously, and said seriously:

"I remember you. You are the out-of-town trainer that Doropa mentioned. Please allow me to issue a formal challenge to you!"

But before Xiaozhi and others could respond, a jade hand suddenly stretched out from beside them.

He immediately grabbed Tiereno's ears, twisted them hard, and dragged him back.

The person coming was also a new trainer that Xiaozhi had met before at the research institute. He had dark skin and curly brown twin tails. He was a cute and outgoing girl.

While twisting Tierno's ears, she said in a helpless tone:

"I've told you several times, don't harass Serena, others will be troubled!"

"Ah, it hurts, I know!!"

Tierno quickly complained of pain and was dragged back.

There is a huge difference in body shape between the two. The latter's petite and exquisite figure is almost several times her size.

Xiaozhi: "."

Why does this scene of the nympho being dragged away by his ears seem familiar to him?

"Ah, Shanna!"

When she saw the person coming, Serena couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Hmm~ Serena, long time no see, you've become energetic~!"

Shana's greeting was much more normal, and then she released her palms and looked at everyone happily.

After a simple exchange, everyone had a basic understanding of each other.

"Tiereno, Doropa, and I are childhood sweethearts. Serena and her family only moved here after we grew up together, so our relationship is not that familiar."

Tierno was taking off his roller suit next to him, while Shana introduced their relationship with Serena to several people.

"But we are girls and our relationship is still very good~!"

Serena stepped forward and took Shana's arm, smiling.

As for Tiereno Serena next to her, when she first moved here, she would often come over to show her courtesy, but she was driven away by Shana.

"What? I just wanted to say hello!"

Tierno came over, rubbed his head and defended himself.

"Yes, yes~!"

Shana smiled jokingly. She was a childhood sweetheart. Her chubby figure was just like the mini ice pattern on his clothes. She was usually very cute and sunny.

"So you and Tierno are traveling together?"

Serena couldn't help but ask.

"No, no, we just happened to meet each other in Haruka City, so we acted together for the time being."

Shana replied waving her hands.

The three childhood sweethearts made an agreement before they became trainers. The three of them traveled separately and worked hard towards their dreams.

"Well, I'm here to challenge the Haruka Gym here. Shana is waiting to participate in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament to be held in Haruka City tomorrow."

Tierno interrupted and even took out a badge box with a smile.

At this moment, there are already placed the Chongchong badges from the White Sandalwood Gym and the local rock wall badges. It is obvious that the second Gym has been successfully conquered.

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