He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2455 Participating in the Triple Crown Satellite Game?

"Is it so easy to lose?!"

After the battle ended, Tiereno also knelt down on the ground looking at Raichu who fell to the ground. The fat man's face was full of despair, and his eyes seemed to have lost their highlights.

He was obviously using an evolved Raichu, but he was instantly killed by an iron tail! ?

Although Xiaozhi is the winner of an out-of-town competition, Pikachu should be just an ornamental pet with little fighting ability, right?

Because of this, after Tierno conquered Pikachu, he immediately chose to use the Thunder Stone to evolve.

"Hey~ don't be disappointed, Xiaozhi is not on the same level as us~ there is nothing to be ashamed of losing to him~"

As a childhood sweetheart, Shana still stepped forward and patted Tierono on the shoulder, comforting her.

Xiaozhi also walked up, and Pikachu jumped on his shoulder, so he rubbed Pikachu's head.

"It just evolved too early. But if we continue to train in the future, Raichu can still continue to improve."

Xiaozhi suggested.

Even if it evolves in advance, it may not be impossible to make up for it.

The next Raichu will just follow the path of a powerful Pokémon, and it will not be on the same track as the agile and fast-attacking Pikachu.

"I see."

Tiereno finally stood up and raised his hand to take Raichu back.

Then he looked at Xiaozhi seriously and said firmly:

"Xiao Zhi, I lost this time. But compete with me in dancing next time! When it comes to dancing, I will not lose to anyone!!"

After saying that, the chubby figure disappeared in a flash, and he rushed to the Pokémon Center for treatment.

That iron tail shot just now looked so violent, it shouldn't have given his Raichu a concussion, right?

Xiaozhi: "?"

He doesn't want to dance with a fat man at all!

"Hey Anna~ That guy Tierno just said it casually, and he forgot what he said the next day~!"

Shana came over to smooth things over.

Seeing that the smell of gunpowder in the air had not completely dissipated, Shana suddenly took Serena's arm and took her shopping happily.

"Let's go Serena~ The clothing stores in Haruka City have many new products~"

"Hey, I already bought all the new products last time I came here. But I can go shopping again~"

Serena tilted her head, made an apologetic expression to Xiaozhi and the others, and followed Shana away with a smile.

"By the way, I also need to prepare the ingredients for the road tomorrow. Yulijia, come and help me!"


The Citron siblings also walked in the other direction, leaving Xiaozhi alone.

He had nothing to do today, and no master of mega evolution came to challenge him. Xiaozhi looked around boredly, planning to find a place to rest.


His eyes quickly settled on the high slope of the cliff diagonally ahead.

Yaoxiang Gym, this is a great place!

Of course, it’s not the roller coaster slope in front, but the steep cliff wall behind!

Xiaozhi didn't waste any time and trotted to the bottom of the rock wall. On the nearly vertical rock wall, several rock climbers could be seen sweating and climbing on it.

"The decision is yours!!"

Xiaozhi threw two Poké Balls with his backhand. After the red light fell, there were Bubble Frog and Harry on the left and right.

"Bubble Frog, although there is no rock climbing technique in that ninja book, the practice of climbing trees should be similar, right?"

"Today's goal is to conquer this hillside!"

Xiao Zhigao pointed at the rock wall tens of meters high in front of him and said with great momentum.


Bubble Frog narrowed his eyes and nodded, already holding his breath and concentrating, ready to start ninja training.

As for Harry, he has no ninja talent at all.

"In that case, Harry, let's work hard to practice rock climbing and master the unique skill of rock climbing!"

Xiaozhi gave Harry a thumbs up and also spared no effort in complimenting:

"You climbed a tree and learned the headbutt technique before. Now you can definitely learn the rock climbing technique easily!"


In just a few words, Ha Lili was already praised beyond words.

Maybe the headbutts a few days ago were not accidental. Do I really have such a talent? !

As he said that, one man, one frog and one mouse, all showed off their magical powers towards the rock wall in front of them.

Xiaozhi naturally adopts the most normal human rock climbing posture, but he does not wear high-altitude protective clothing like other rock climbers.

It's not a big problem. At such a height, even if you don't use the power of the waveguide to prevent falling, nothing will happen.

The Ninja Frog, on the other hand, worked hard to control the chakra in its palms, treating the rock wall as the ground, standing upright, and began to walk very slowly step by step.

"Nah! Nah!"

Harry used all his limbs, clumsily grasping the protruding rocks, and climbed up bit by bit.

On the other end, there is a fashion clothing store in Haruka City.

Shana put on a pink and white short dress, ending with a cute black butterfly at the waist, wearing white gloves on her hands, and a pair of pale pink boots on her feet.

"How about Serena, I'll use this outfit to participate in tomorrow's Triple Crown Satellite Tournament~!"

Shanna walked around in front of Serena and couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"It looks great! Full marks~!"

Serena sat aside, still wearing her usual clothes, clapped her little hands and praised.

"By the way, Serena, why don't you try on the clothes you want to wear on stage tomorrow? It must look good too!!"

Hearing this, Serena turned her head to the side in embarrassment.

"Hey, didn't I tell you that I don't want to participate in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament tomorrow?"

Shana was stunned for a while, then her eyes widened, she came up and exclaimed:

"Eh!? Why, Serena is so beautiful!"

The Triple Crown Satellite Tournament is a unique competition in the Carlos region and is a dream performance festival specially held for women.

It is somewhat similar to the Gorgeous Contest. However, there is no tit-for-tat battle like in the second half of the Gorgeous Contest.

Each contestant performs independently and has nothing to do with the battle.

It can be said that almost every girl in the Carlos area has dreamed of standing on the stage of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament.

"Well, I'm actually challenging the gym now~"

Faced with Shana approaching her almost face to face, Serena could only explain aloud.

"Serena, Tierno, Doropa, and the others are also challenging the gym. This is so boring!"

Shana curled her lips, with regret and confusion on her face.

Although I did think about participating in the competition for the first time, I would invite an acquaintance to the stage with me, and I would not be nervous.

But Shana also wants to become the kind of rivals who compete with Serena and make progress together!

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