He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2458 Out of interest, Triple Crown Satellite Tournament

The next day, the local Triple Crown satellite game began.

Xiaozhi and others came to watch and sat in the audience early.

“The scale is huge”

Looking around, the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament has an extremely large indoor arena. There are almost no lights on one side of the semi-circular spectator seats, and it is completely dark.

In the darkness, the only bright stage in front added a bit of elegance and refinement to the atmosphere.

At this moment, the seats were packed and the crowd was buzzing.

"Is this almost league conference-level enthusiasm?"

Looking at the rows of figures around him, Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh.

I heard that it was the Carlos version of the "Gorgeous Contest". I didn't expect it to be so popular in the local area. The number of viewers was no less than that of large-scale events at the Alliance Conference.

"It's like this. The dream convention that expresses the bond between trainers and Pokémon in another form. Although the participants are all female contestants, the majority of the audience is men~!"

Citron pushed up his glasses, his eyes focused and his cheeks flushed with excitement.

He had only seen it online before, and this was his first time watching it offline.

"Here it comes! Shana is on stage!"

Serena came specifically to cheer for her friends. After seeing Shana on the stage, she immediately pulled Xiaozhi and gave a surprise reminder.

Under the spotlight on the stage, Shana was seen walking slowly on the slender model straight line wearing the pink and white dress she had tried on yesterday.

There is also a Bulbasaur at his feet, and the seeds on his back are decorated with many cute ribbons and garlands.

Everyone showed off their most perfect manners and walked slowly to the stage at the front.

This is the first performance item of the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament. It is a themed performance and the content will be changed according to the style of each city.

The theme performance in Haruka City is very simple, just a model catwalk.

Bang bang bang! !

As Shanna and Bulbasaur returned backstage, the audience also applauded.

As a newcomer who is debuting for the first time, and still showing in front of so many audiences, it is already good enough to go back and forth with his Pokémon without being humble or overbearing.


In contrast, Xiaozhi scratched his head, crossed his arms and wondered.

I don’t see anything special about the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament yet.

From what we can see so far, all the contestants are dressed up in gorgeous dresses and exquisite accessories.

Even the accompanying Pokémon have almost all the places where they can be installed.

"They are all beautiful big sisters!!"

Yulijia was the one who saw it the most enthusiastically, and she thought she had awakened the will of the rock.

But in her little mind, she only thought about whether there was any beautiful elder sister among them who would be willing to marry her wooden brother.

After all the contestants had finished showing off, the first project was officially over, and several judges were intensely discussing who would advance.

Fortunately, Shana advanced and came to the second and final competition event-the free performance stage.

This stage is quite similar to the first stage of the gorgeous contest, which allows Pokémon to show off their gorgeous skills, special effects and body movements on the stage.

But unlike coordination trainers, performers also need to participate in this stage.

Or use props to collaboratively display Pokémon’s skills and special effects.

Or maybe dance yourself, or even other art forms.

At this stage, it seems that the friendship and cooperation between humans and Pokémon are particularly valued.

Shanna directed her Bulbasaur to alternately use the energy ball and magic leaf moves, so that the entire stage was covered with a brilliant emerald green light curtain, which was very flashy.

"It's a pity that Shana, as a performer, didn't participate much in the performance."

Citron commented calmly and sharply.

He really came to watch the Triple Crown satellite game seriously!

Xiaozhi didn't realize it, and didn't see any difference from the first half of the gorgeous contest.

However, the victory or defeat in the free performance stage does not rely on the judges' scores, but entirely relies on the audience's scores, which is somewhat beyond Xiaozhi's expectation.

Every spectator who enters the venue will receive a voting stick. After adjusting the color to match the outstanding contestant in their mind, they can raise the stick to vote.

As the performance ended, colorful spots of light appeared in the dark auditorium.

The voting stick seems to have a special wireless connection device, and each light spot turns into a stream of light, converging on the stage and the golden key plate worn around the neck of the contestant.

The final result of this Triple Crown Satellite Match is to see which player's golden key plate receives the most dazzling light spots.


Serena naturally raised the light yellow light stick of the same color as Shana.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and others followed suit, adjusting the voting sticks in their hands to light yellow and raising them.

"But... the champion should be the performer who uses Dolemia, right?"

Citron said, the performer's dog training performance was particularly wonderful, fully demonstrating the tacit understanding between one person and one dog.

In fact, just as he thought, the orange-red light spots were the most intense, converging on the performer using Dolymia.

And the brightness of the light on Shanna's key.

Probably ranked fourth.

"It's not bad. I finished fourth in my first debut. I don't have any experience yet, so I should be able to start sprinting to win next time."

Citron was still commenting calmly.

In this beginner-level competition, you only need to win three times to participate in the subsequent master-level advanced competition. Exhibition competitions are held quite frequently in various parts of the Kalos region.

Winning three times is not that difficult.

"How's it going Serena, so are you going to participate in this competition next?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at Serena in confusion.

The four of them deliberately stayed in Haruka City for one more day. On the one hand, they wanted to cheer for Shana. On the other hand, they also wanted Serena to determine her next path.

Throughout the competition, Serena was constantly thinking about this issue. In other words, she had already thought about whether she wanted to follow the path of a performer before.

In the end, Serena shook her head, exhaled and chuckled:

"It feels like it's not particularly suitable for me. I might have to see the gorgeous competition in other places in person before I can make a decision."

"But if the city I pass by next happens to hold a Triple Crown satellite tournament, I wouldn't mind attending it~"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and Citron looked at each other and understood.

Serena probably meant that she regarded the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament as a mere hobby and would not go out of her way to participate.

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