He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 224 Sakagi! Uncle Ben is coming in!

Tokiwa City.

This is a city between Zhenxin Town and Nibi City, and it is also the city Xiaozhi first arrived in. Looking at the familiar surroundings, it can be said that everything has returned to the original point.

But now Xiaozhi is no longer cute, and the attribute restraint table can even memorize the contents of the 7th floor.

Looking around with a new posture, this time he could feel a dangerous coldness in the air, instead of an ordinary novice's first stop.

"Go to the elf center first."

This time Xiaozhi's biggest support was gone, he had to be cautious in everything, and he tried his best to suppress the idea of ​​going straight to the gymnasium as soon as he arrived in the city like in the past.

I don't know if the current owner of the gymnasium is Boss Sakagi himself.

As the boss of a large multinational company, he has a lot of work to do every day, so he may not always stay in the gymnasium to accept challenges.

And even if you really face Boss Sakagi, as long as you don't casually mention words like "chong", shouldn't it be a big problem?

Xiaozhi thought to himself.

"Not necessarily, I have already blindly guessed why the Rockets set up a gymnasium. It is probably to transport talents for the Rockets..."

Xiao Gang patted him on the shoulder, he always had a different understanding.

"Muggle trainers are naturally blasted out, but if you meet a truly qualified newcomer trainer, you will either join the Rockets on the spot. If you don't join, it probably won't be cheap for the Pokémon League, maybe..."

His eyes couldn't help but deepen. With the current Xiaozhi, if he fully demonstrates his strength, he can definitely reach the level that the Rockets will focus on.

In addition, there are many core cadres he has encountered before, and they may have been blacklisted now...

But to be so unscrupulous, even the west side of the Viking Gym is the Quartz Plateau and the headquarters of the Pokémon Alliance. It seems that the current Rockets in the Kanto area may be far bigger than they imagined.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi also swallowed hard, and couldn't help but said to the electric mouse dozing at his feet:

"Pikachu, Viridian Gym seems to be ground-based, this time you have to work hard!"

Pikachu: "?"

Ground Gym, this time it has to clock in to work is outrageous? !


Everything is ready, all outfits are ready, Xiaozhi and his Pokémon have reached a peak state, and the time is almost one o'clock in the afternoon, and a group of people start to head towards Viki Gym.

In less than a while, they could already see the Viking Gymnasium from a distance. It was a small khaki-colored castle. The outer wall was made up of light yellow stone bricks and pillars. It looked old and had a classic flavor.

On the floor of the gate, facing outward is a large red silk carpet, which has a bit of classy taste in the classical style.

On both sides of the red silk carpet, there are several symmetrically arranged sculptures, on which there is the same cat-shaped Pokémon statue, with a cat's paw held up to the ear, as if to attract wealth.

The most outrageous thing is that at the door, there are two guards equipped with steel armor, holding a steel spear in their hands, with a serious expression, standing on both sides of the door looking forward, looking like a Spartan.

This is Viki-style security.

The three of Xiaozhi approached the Changpan Gym, and when they walked in, they realized that there was already a challenger standing at the gate, and it seemed that they were about to enter.

He was wearing casual and idol-like dark blue long-sleeved trousers, a pair of brown mountaineering boots, a string of egg-shaped pendants handed down by Dr. Oki at the neckline, and a birdcage-like backpack on his back.

There is always a wild smile on his handsome face, and the brown hedgehog hair standing on top of his head really attracts hatred.

"Yo, isn't this my hxd Xiaogang and his two subordinates?"

The hedgehog head noticed the three people approaching, and first pretended to ignore Xiaozhi who was in the front, but went up to shake hands with Xiaogang enthusiastically. The bond of the three-star male made them good brothers now.

It was Xiao Mao from Zhenxin Town.

Then Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi again, his eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth curled up, and an arm was put on his shoulder, with an arrogant look and a light tone.

"Oh, I didn't recognize it for a while, isn't this my fellow Xiaozhi, why are you late again?"

Xiaozhi frowned, and shook off the opponent's shoulder with a flick of his hand.

This action and words were also done by the other party when he set out on the first day of travel, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Xiao Mao, are you also here to grab the last badge?"

"The last one? Hahaha, you really made me laugh."

Xiao Mao laughed with his hips on his hips, then took out a jewelry box from his arms with his backhand, opened it, and there were two rows of badges of different shapes and colors neatly arranged inside, shining with strange light.

"1, 2,... 10 coins?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, and there were 10 badges lined up in the box.

The entry requirement is 8 badges, but at this moment Xiaomao has collected as many as 10 badges, and some of them are different from his 7 badges. It seems that there are really more than 7 gymnasiums in the Kanto region.

just this speed...

"You're so fast, Xiaomao."

Xiaozhi couldn't help admiring.

"Hmph, no matter what this uncle does, he is so fast, ah ha ha ha."

Xiaomao laughed again with his hips on his hips. Unlike Xiaozhi, he didn't come to Tokiwa City to collect badges. Now that the badges have been collected, the league competition will be held in another month and a half. He found a hell for himself Difficulty copy.

Shout out to Boss Sakagi!

He has already secretly investigated, and the boss Sakagi is in the Kanto area these days, and the last possible hiding place is the Viking Gym in front of him, so he specially picked Huang Daojiri to challenge.

"Hmph, I'm here first, so you can just watch from the outside as I break through Boss Sakagi's handsome background alone."

Xiaomao turned his head and walked towards the gate. Halfway through, he suddenly thought of something. He turned to the side, raised his palm, and pointed at one of the cat boss sculptures.

"Is this a monitor? Hey, Sakagi, are you looking at my handsome face from behind now?"

His tone was very arrogant, his words were merciless, and he even called Sakagi's name directly, and immediately started a war.

"Listen well, I'm really Xiao Mao from New Town. I'm going in and chasing you down. Tomorrow, I'll hang you on the flagpole signboard at the gate of the Quartz Alliance and engrave "Uncle Xiao Mao has arrived" on your forehead. This tour "7 big characters!!"

The three of Xiaozhi: "!"

Turtle, you are too cruel! ?

Is this what you can say with the backing of the blue and green boss? !

There is one thing to say, Xiaozhi still has the urge to give Xiaomao a hammer on the back of the head, and then leads the head on his neck to ask for credit from Boss Sakagi, and subdued this villain. Road bar Rockets level, right?

"Sakagi! Wash your chrysanthemums, I'm coming in! Hahahaha!!"

Finally, Xiao Mao gave the middle finger to the sculpture, ignored the two Spartan guards who had been frightened, and directly opened the door to enter the Viking Gym.

"I want to go in too!"

Just as Xiaozhi was about to go in, the two guards reacted, tilted the two sharp spears, and blocked Xiaozhi in front of him.

"Rules of Viki Pan Gym!"

"Only one person can enter at a time!"

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