He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2469 A complete set of key stones and mega stones!


Before the meeting, the two of them had not chosen to admit defeat. The flame chicken showed no mercy and swept its legs through the air, igniting flames.

Jianbu rushed forward and kicked directly in Lucario's direction again.

"Let it see our fighting spirit!! Lucario, carry it down!!"

Lucario crossed his arms in front of him, trying to lower his lower limbs to stand firm.


The strong kick force still pushed it back several meters, and the position of its hands was even more painful.

"Now, hold it!!"

However, at this moment, the fighting spirit of Korni and Lucario has been fully aroused.


Lucario let out a low roar, ignoring the burning sensation on his arms, and suddenly stepped forward to hug the flame chicken's drumstick.

Then he exerted force with his feet and kicked the ground boldly.

He actually pushed the flame chicken's body forcefully and rushed straight towards the cave lake next to it!

The level of this flame chicken is definitely not low, and it has absolute attribute restraint at this moment. In a head-on confrontation, it is really difficult for her Lucario to win.

But Korni noticed the cave lake next to it, which was the key to them passing the test!


The next moment, Lucario and the Flame Chicken fell into the water at the same time, causing a splash of struggling water on the water.

Wrapped in the extremely uncomfortable water flow, the Flame Chicken's calm demeanor finally began to panic and turned into a drowned rat.

When the two Pokémon staggered their bodies and jumped back to the ground at the same time, the hair on the Flame Chicken was even wet and stuck together, dripping with water.

In comparison, Lucario's condition is much better.

The hair on the whole body trembles, and the water splash is shaken off in the blink of an eye, which is a classic action of the canine Pokémon.

"Now, wave missile!"

Then Lucario jumped up suddenly, quickly condensed a blue energy bomb in his palm, and threw it out.

The hair all over his body was stuck together, and the Flame Chicken no longer had its usual vigorous movements.

Boom boom! !

The wave missile hit the flame chicken's chest, blowing it away, and finally hit the high platform rock wall at the end of the stone path.

However, this blow was obviously not enough to determine the outcome.

"Kill it in one go and use the bone stick to beat it!!"

Korni pursued the victory, and this time chose to restrain the Fire Pokémon's ground-type moves.

Lucario sprinted forward, condensing two bright blue energy bone rods between his palms, and aimed directly at the flame chicken's head.

"Wait a minute! Stop fighting!!"

At this time, a low shout suddenly came from behind the rock platform.

Lucario, who was running, felt that the voice was very familiar and subconsciously obeyed the order.

When the bone stick was about to hit the flame chicken, he pushed his palm upwards and threw the bone stick in his hand into the air.


Finally, the bone rod hit the rock wall above, splashing some gravel dust, and the move came to an end.

"This voice.?"

Korni blinked, feeling that the voice was also very familiar.

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, had an expression that he had expected for a long time. It was indeed an assessment from an acquaintance.

But he saw a figure slowly walking out from behind the stone platform.

This is a plainly dressed old man, wearing a gray training suit, and his face is very rosy and healthy.

There is some baldness on his head, but his eyebrows are slender and hook-shaped like the bangs on Korni's forehead.

"Grandpa.!? Why are you here?!"

Korni covered her mouth and exclaimed, quickly stepping forward.

The person who came was none other than the former Sala Gym Leader and Kerni’s grandfather, Cocobul.

"I'm not worried about you, so the last part of the journey to find the mega stone will be handled by grandpa himself~!"

Cocobul smiled cheerfully, and stepped forward to check the flame chicken's injury.


It wasn't a big problem. The Flame Chicken quickly stood up and shook his head to shake off the water droplets on his body.

It just ate a wave of missiles. It would only be in danger if it also ate the last bone club blow.

"So is this a test deliberately set by grandpa?!"

Kerni realized it later and finally reacted, and she was immediately very dissatisfied.

The artificial test completely conflicted with the big adventure she originally imagined!

"And grandpa, when did you tame a flame chicken? I have never seen it at home!!"

Cocobul just smiled:

"It's an old partner from before, but I haven't shown this flame chicken in front of you yet. He used to be a powerful fighter who accompanied your grandfather in the Kalos region~!"


Flames ignited on the Flame Chicken's wrists, seemingly in response to Cocobul's words.

"Well, now that you have completed all the tests, go ahead, Kerni. This is what you have always wanted."

Cocobul and the Flame Chicken then staggered away from the stone steps, leaving a clear path.

Their Sara Gym has a long history, and was even the first place in the Kalos region to use mega evolution to fight.

As the most iconic Pokémon, Lucario naturally has no shortage of mega stones.

"So it was placed here in advance?"

Behind, Xiaozhi and others also came over, completely understanding.

He is really wealthy, and he comes with a set of key stones and mega stones! ?

Cocobul nodded to Xiaozhi and the others, and had no time to introduce himself. Everyone watched Korni and her Lucario walking side by side on the stone platform.

On the stone platform, the orange mega stone is very huge. Under the reflection of the cave lake, it shines with strange colors.



With Korni's look, Lucario understood and immediately stretched out his arm.

Then he used the metal spikes on the back of his hand to forcefully insert it into the half-meter-wide irregular rough stone.


After a while of cutting left and right, a small square stone the size of a palm was cut out, with the most important red and blue lines in it.

Next, you only need to take it back and polish it into small beads, and it will be a standard mega stone.

"Congratulations Korni! I got the Lucario Mega Stone!"

"Now I can complete my mega evolution!"

When one person and one dog landed again, Xiaozhi and others naturally congratulated happily.

Korni and Lucario could not hide their excitement, and then looked at each other.

The next moment, she raised her arm, and the keystone on the back of her hand began to flicker.

Lucario also held up the Mega Stone in his hand, his expression solemn and excited.

Now that I have everything in hand.

"Then, let's mega evolve! Lucario!!"

Korni is an impatient person, so she naturally chose to try it immediately, and her fingers suddenly clicked on the keystone on the back of her hand!

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