He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2472 The parallel world of Mirror Point

By the time Xiaozhi came to his senses, he had already appeared in another cave room.

And the location where the mirror crystal originally existed. It was completely mirror symmetrical, this time appearing behind him.


When he wanted to travel back in time and turned around to touch the mirror crystal, the mirror in front of him turned into a normal solid crystal texture, which was impossible to penetrate.

"What the hell?! Hey Pikachu, can you hear my voice?"

Xiaozhi looked anxious, he had never encountered this situation before, and he quickly touched the mirror crystal up and down, trying to find the "switch" to pass.

On the other side of the mirror crystal, Pikachu was also shocked when he saw Xiaozhi's body completely traveling through it.


He jumped up subconsciously, wanting to get through together.


Pikachu's head hit the crystal solidly, and his head hurt a little.

Faintly, I could hear Xiaozhi's call from the other side.

"Why are you the only one here Pikachu?!"

"Hey, where's Xiaozhi?"

Serena and the others who came after them only saw an electric mouse staring at a crystal. They quickly gathered around the crystal and watched curiously.

Mirror Cave, it is said that behind every mirror crystal here is actually connected to another parallel world.

Only when the same individuals in two parallel worlds have some special spiritual connection with each other, the mirror bridge leading to each other will be opened, and they can communicate with each other and travel to each other's worlds.

Xiaozhi naturally didn't know these secrets and legends.

But looking at the surrounding environment, he was obviously still in the mirror cave.

Subconsciously, he propped up his own waveguide power and probed outwards.

"Eh?! What's going on?"

Soon Xiaozhi opened his eyes, looking stunned.

This place seems to be very close to the outside of the cave, and the waveguides of Serena, Citron and others are actually coming from in front of me. It seems to be outside the mirror cave?

The weirdest thing is

Xiaozhi also felt the waveguide from "himself"? !

It seems that there is another Xiaozhi staying with Serena Citron and the others?

Unable to help being curious, Xiaozhi glanced at the mirror crystal in front of him that was still impassable. He could only move a few stones and place them as markers, and then ran out in the direction of the waveguide sensing.

After a while, he walked out of the cave. Compared to when they entered the Mirror Cave before, there were bare mountain roads everywhere.

Outside the mirror cave on this side is a lush forest with birds singing and flowers fragrant.

And at this moment, the figures of "himself", Serena, Citron, and Yulijia all appeared outside the mirror cave.

Xiaozhi: "???"

He looked confused and had no idea what was happening.

Could it be possible that some hallucinogenic mushrooms were accidentally added to the lunch that Citron prepared just now? !

Although the "Xiao Zhi" and others in front of him were dressed similarly, their demeanor and speech seemed to be different from what he remembered.

Even this "Ash" is training against "Serena".

Xiaozhi did not reveal his figure immediately, but the cat was behind the rock, watching secretly.

Ash and his friends in the mirror world.

boom! boom!

Ash and Serena threw the Poké Ball at the same time. After the red light fell, in front of Ash was a foam frog that had not yet evolved.

Serena used a "large fire fox" that stood upright on both legs. Xiaozhi estimated that it should be the evolved form of the fire fox.

"The other way around.?"

Xiaozhi was stunned. The situation on his side was that he was using an evolved frog, while Serena's was still a fire fox.

As for the battle before him, it completely subverted Xiaozhi's understanding.

In order to prevent himself from being too confused, Xiaozhi decided to call the "Ash" in front of him "Mirror Cave Xiaozhi", and the others were also called "Mirror Cave Serena".

"Long-tailed fire fox! Magic flame!!"

Mirror Cave Serena's demeanor was heroic and fierce, her voice was urgent and powerful, and she took the initiative to attack.

The long-tailed fire fox in the Mirror Cave pulled out the firewood stuck in its tail and swung it suddenly, causing several ghostly flames to fly out.

"Ah Bubble Frog, quickly, quickly get out of the way!!"

Xiaozhi's voice at the mirror point seemed very weak, his momentum was extremely weak, and he was giving orders in a panic.

The Mirror Cave Foam Frog in front of him was completely different from Xiaozhi's top student foam frog. His movements were slow and clumsy, and he was dodging the magic flames awkwardly.

"Tsk, your movements as a foam frog are still stupid."

Mirror Cave Serena's character seems to have become mean and strong, and she will make a few sarcastic remarks during the battle, looking disappointed:

"Get rid of it in one go, spray flames!"

The Mirror Cave long-tailed fire fox jumped left and right and violently swung the firewood out of its hand.


The next moment, blazing flames spurted out from the front end of the firewood, and the fire was blazing into the sky.

"Ah use bubble light!"

Xiaozhi in Mirror Point was so frightened that he lost his mind. Little pearls faintly fell from the corners of his eyes, so he could only respond in panic.

The Mirror Cave Foam Frog was so frightened that its movements froze, and it could only barely open its mouth wide and spray out dense bubbles.

There are just two moves, obviously the power gap is huge.

Boom boom! !

The jet of flame easily swept away the foam light, and finally hit the foam frog's body, causing a burst of flame explosion.

The winner was decided, and the Mirror Cave Foam Frog fell to the ground with his body already charred black.

"Ah Bubble Frog."

Xiaozhi from Mirror Point fell to his knees, his face extremely disappointed.

This time Xiaozhi saw clearly. There were really little pearls hanging from the corners of the other party's eyes!

".What the hell!?"

This scene made him a little bit unbearable to look at, especially since the other party had exactly the same face as himself.

"Hey, you, this crane-tailed foam frog, still need training. How can you challenge the Sara Gym like this? It's all for nothing~"

Mirror Cave Serena, who had won the battle, arrogantly mocked her.

Seeing Xiaozhi kneeling on the ground with tears in the corners of his eyes, Serena put her hands on her hips, looking like a hot girl, and couldn't help laughing:

"Hey, hey, hey, we just lost the fight, Xiaozhi, aren't you going to cry again? Haha, you crybaby Xiaozhi~!"

The outspoken ridicule made Jingxuan Xiaozhi's shame reach the extreme.

I saw him rubbing his tear-filled eyes and couldn't help but curse angrily:

"I hate Serena the most! I don't want to travel with you anymore!!"

Then he cried loudly and ran towards the jungle, gradually disappearing from sight.

Seeing this, Mirror Point Serena also realized that she seemed to have gone too far, and subconsciously wanted to wave:

"Uh, I'm just kidding, Xiaozhi."

But before he finished speaking, Xiaozhi from the Mirror Point had already disappeared.


Xiaozhi, who had been watching in the dark, had a completely frozen expression on his face.

Everything in this world is completely reversed, right? !

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