He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2476 vs Mirror Cave Serena!

After a while, in the forest.

Ash and Mirror Cave Serena had already cleared the field and threw Poké Balls at the same time.


Serena sent the same heroic long-tailed fire fox. After appearing on the stage, she pulled out the firewood from the tail, rubbed the hair, and the front end ignited flames.

This Pokémon is like a wizard, and the branch in its hand is like a staff.

One thing to say, the setting of the long-tailed fire fox is more suitable for the Citron next to him.

Xiaozhi subconsciously turned his gaze and found that Citron had also released a Hari chestnut and was watching.

Unexpectedly, in this world, the three grass-attribute Yusan families were conquered by Citron.


This Halili had a cold and aloof face. When it came out, it crossed its arms, closed its eyes, and held a branch in the corner of its mouth.

He did not look towards the arena, but leaned against the tree trunk next to him, looking extremely cold and arrogant.

Xiaozhi: "."

A Ha Lili posed in such a style that he almost broke through his defense.

This is a lizard king who was born into the wrong fetus and became a member of the Carlos Royal Family, right? !


This world is so weird. Xiaozhi quickly came to his senses and threw a Poké Ball in his hand.

The red light fell, and his top student, the frog, appeared.

"Has Ash's Bubble Frog evolved?"

Mirror Cave Serena's eyes narrowed. In her impression, Xiaozhi's Bubble Frog was a complete jerk, and he was usually silly.

But the temperament of the croaking frog in front of me should not be underestimated.

"Pre-emptive strike, long-tailed fire fox, use flame jet!!"

Mirror Cave Serena has an impatient character and took the lead in attacking.

With a sweep of the long-tailed fire fox wooden staff, blazing flames suddenly poured out.

"Shadow clone!"

The croaking frog formed a seal on the spot unhurriedly, and in the next moment, more than ten shadow clones were formed. The powerful jet of flames only penetrated one of the clones.

"And then there's the wave of water!!"

Immediately afterwards, many frogs jumped up one after another, condensed a wave of water in their hands, and threw it towards the long-tailed fire fox in the center.

Mirror Cave Serena's combat quality is not low, and she responded with a focused face:

"Use a wall of light to block it!"

The long-tailed fire fox understood and waved the firewood staff in his hand, instantly forming a spherical translucent barrier around his body.

boom.! !

The wave of water hit the light ball, making a roar, and then penetrated in. However, under the influence of the light wall, its power was reduced a lot.

By the time it fell on the long-tailed fire fox again, the damage from the water wave was no longer dangerous.

Moreover, the fluctuation of hair water also allowed Serena to determine the true identity of the frog.

"That's the one using hypnosis!!"

Mirror Point Serena's attack was like fire, she raised one arm and immediately counterattacked strongly.

Xiaozhi grinned, already having a strategy.

“Use foam and wrap your head completely!!”

The frog understood, and the foam on the back of his neck suddenly swelled up, covering his entire head in a ball of white flowers.

These bubbles seemed to have the effect of shielding the power of thoughts. Then, the hypnotic mental aura was allowed to wave in circles, but the figure of the frog did not sway at all.

"Is there such a way to use it?!"

Xiaozhi from Jingxuan was completely surprised today because he had a knife in his butt.

And he can actually fight with the powerful Serena in an inseparable manner?

"It's not a completely one-sided situation."

However, next to him, Citron shook his head, realizing that Ash's strength in this other world was far superior to Serena's.

"Brother's judgment is still so accurate."

Yulijia followed with a compliment.

In the arena, it was really easy for Xiaozhi to end the battle.

"Yan Hui!"

I saw the croak-headed frog kicking the ground violently, turning into a light blue afterimage and rushing out.


With one strike, the raised frog leg hit the long-tailed fire fox in the chin, sending it flying away.

"Damn it, use magic flame!!"

Mirror Cave Serena was anxious and quickly retaliated and attacked fiercely.

"It's too late. My frog is far faster than your long-tailed fire fox."

Xiaozhi just grinned and commanded calmly:

"It's over, Water Wave!"

The croaking frog understood, and after using Yan Hui, he continued to follow quickly.


His figure flashed, and the next moment, he appeared out of thin air like a shadow directly below the long-tailed fire fox that was flying upside down.

Moreover, the two Pokémon's figures are completely synchronized and parallel.

This is a skill called Shadow Dance Leaf that the frog learned from the Ninja Book.

On the palm on one side, a wave of water has condensed and formed, and it is simply pushed upward.

Boom boom! !

Without any hindrance, the wave of water completely exploded on the side of the long-tailed fire fox. In an instant, a burst of water mist exploded in the air, and countless water droplets splashed down.

Compared to the long-tailed fire fox falling to the ground in embarrassment.


The croak-headed frog flashed and appeared next to Xiaozhi, its breath long and flat.

"The outcome has been decided! The long-tailed fire fox has lost its ability to fight!"

Citron quickly said, if this frog wants to win, it can end the battle at any time.

"Damn it, my long-tailed fire fox!"

The defeated Serena stomped her feet bitterly, especially being defeated by a guy with the same face as Ash, which made her extremely uncomfortable.

The victorious frog also attracted the attention of Citron's cold and arrogant Harry.

It finally opened its eyes, looked at the frog head-on, and said coldly:

"Nima! (Say your name!)"

Crotal Frog: "?"

It raised its eyebrows. Did this grass hedgehog have a seizure today? Why did he follow his cruel path?

Wait a minute, the temperament and demeanor of the people around you seem to be different from usual?

The frog finally realized that something was wrong around him.

Although he was confused, the frog still folded his arms coldly, showing an indifferent look.

A ninja must remain unmoved!

"Awesome Xiaozhi!!"

After the battle, Xiaozhi from Mirror Point came up to him immediately and praised him repeatedly.

Not only the handsome and cold frog, but also Xiaozhi's confident and easy command. These are all things he wants to have in his dreams!

Compare yourself.

Mirror Point Xiaozhi admires him even more!

"Hmph, you do have some strength. You also challenged the Alliance Conference in that world, right? Did you win the championship? Are you also challenging the Kalos Alliance now?"

Mirror Cave Serena's expression softened, and she no longer resisted Xiaozhi's pursuit of education, but asked several questions in succession.

"Winner? I've won it a few times, but I haven't participated in the Kalos Alliance anymore. I feel like that level is no longer suitable for me."

Xiaozhi answered truthfully.

These words made Jingxuan Xiaozhi take a breath of cold air.

He wouldn't dare to be so bold in such a scenario even in his wildest dreams!

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