He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2478 Return to the original world!

Mirror Point Xiaozhi's resume can be said to be quite incredible.

In the Kanto Tournament, he was defeated three times by a trainer who used the cross bat, and he was defeated at the beginning.

In the Silver Conference, he finally reached the top 16, and was defeated by his archrival Xiao Mao using the Water Arrow Turtle.

"Although Xiaomao has been comforting me afterwards."

While Xiaozhi listened to Xiaozhi from the Mirror Point, his face remained calm, but waves surged in his heart.

It seems that Xiao Mao in this world is a gentle and kind childhood sweetheart, which is a bit contrary to nature!

"Then came the Fangyuan Tournament. I was still in the top 16. I was defeated by a trainer I just met in Caiyu City. I fell to the top 16 again."

The name seems to be Masamune?

"The Sinnoh Tournament was my best performance, and I finally made it to the quarterfinals. But facing my strong enemy Shinji, my Flame Monkey finally fell to his Electric Monster."

Although in the next scene, Shinji was also defeated by a mythical beast man who used the Dream God, and it was enough to defeat him twice.

"Finally, at the United Alliance Conference, I was defeated by Emperor Xiu's Monarch Snake in the preliminaries. I was ranked top 128? Instead, I hit the bottom!!"

Xiaozhi: "."

The Ash in this world is even more miserable than the Ash he saw in the Acroma simulator! !

And these experiences of defeat are completely the opposite of mine.? !

Although Xiaozhi really wants to ask Shinji in this world if he is also a "gentle and kind brother next door" type.

But seeing Xiaozhi talking and squatting down in despair, Xiaozhi quickly cheered up, but he couldn't let the flame that the other party had just ignited go out again.

"Anyway, if you follow my instructions this time and use Pokémon like Charizard and Flame Monkey to challenge, you will definitely achieve good results!"

Jingxuan Xiaozhi came back to his senses, nodded, and clenched his fists.

"This time, reaching the semi-finals will be considered a success!"

Xiaozhi: "."

Is there a possibility that the path of a trainer may not really be suitable for Xiaozhi in front of him.

He looked at Mirror Cave Serena next to him again. Should you expect Xiaozhi to change his direction?

"Oh!! The crybaby seems to have finally become handsome today! Let me tell you, I can at least make it to the finals this time!!"

However, Serena obviously wanted to see Xiaozhi fighting on the road of becoming a trainer, and was even ready to open champagne in advance to celebrate.

Xiaozhi could only smile and sigh. After all, it was not their own world. It was up to them to decide which path to take.

"By the way, I also have this thing for you."

Xiaozhi suddenly took out a green stone from his pocket, with lightning-like lines inside.

"This is a high-quality thunder stone I bought in Shixiang Town. If your Pikachu really can't progress, evolution may be a direction."

"But it still depends on Pikachu's own choice~"

At that time, Citrondo bought one and forced it on himself.

As he said that, he threw the Thunder Stone, and Xiaozhi from Mirror Point quickly caught it carefully.

Even Mirror Cave Pikachu couldn't help but cast his gaze, staring straight at the stone, as if he was also tangled in his heart.

If you evolve and increase your race value, maybe you can really become stronger?

"I know, Pikachu and I will seriously consider this suggestion!"

Mirror Point Xiaozhi carefully put it in his bag. Didn't he seem to be unable to accept what Raichu said?

When things came to an end, I glanced at the sky and saw that the sun was gradually setting.

Things finally got back on track, and they discussed how to get Xiaozhi back to his own world.

"According to the magician's records, you only need to find that specific portal crystal and let people with the same thoughts re-enact the original scene, then the magic portal can be opened again!"

The great magician Citron chanted.

Mirror Point Xiaozhi also reacted and quickly bowed his head and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I think, which has caused trouble to Teacher Dazhi!"

"It's okay, it's okay. It also allowed me to see such a magical world."

Xiao Zhipi waved his hands with a smile, deliberately emphasizing the word "magical".

"Without further ado, it's almost dusk, let's go to the Mirror Point!"

Serena took the lead and walked in front.

Because of the previous advice and teachings, her attitude towards Xiaozhi is much better now.

It wasn't a big problem. Xiaozhi happened to mark it when he came out, and the location of the teleportation crystal was also very close to the exit of the mountain road. After a while, everyone came to a dead end cave, with a huge crystal mirror at the end.

"Then, please let the two of you think about it in your mind. Xiaozhi, you can continue to think about a powerful Xiaozhi from another world who descended from the sky."

"As for Xiaozhi in another world, just think about the appearance of your partner in another world and enhance your magic power."

Hearing this, the two Xiaozhi nodded together, turned to face the mirror crystal in front of them, and thought deeply.

On the other side, Serena and her group from the original world were also waiting in front of this mirror crystal.

Pikachu even couldn't bear it and wanted to use his steel tail, which smashed the mirror directly.

"Wait a minute Pikachu, don't be impulsive!"

Citron quickly raised his hand to stop it, and through the device in his hand, he searched online for some records about the Mirror Point.

"There seems to be a natural magnetic field here, which creates each crystal in the mirror cave, which is actually connected to another parallel world."

"There is quantum entanglement between each parallel world, which will produce homogenization phenomena and sometimes even overlap."

It sounded quite sci-fi and hard to pronounce. Serena Yulijia and others frowned deeply when they heard it.

I don’t understand the scientific words at all.

"Brother, can you use some practical language! How to get Xiaozhi back!?"

Yurika interrupted without mercy.

"Well,,, in short, Xiaozhi has now gone to another world."

Citron pushed up his glasses and quickly explained in easy-to-understand terms:

"The crystal in front of you is the transmission channel. Once it is destroyed, Xiaozhi will be trapped in that world forever."

Hearing this, Serena quickly picked up Pikachu, fearing that the latter would do something.

"It's probably some magnetic field generated over there that attracted Xiaozhi there."

"What we have to do is to keep thinking about Xiaozhi and keep thinking that he will come back. According to current scientific research, thoughts in the human brain can also generate a certain magnetic field."

Everyone nodded and began to think about the mirror crystal in front of them.

"Xiao Zhi, come back quickly!"

Serena whispered anxiously.

It seemed that it really worked. The next moment, a burst of light suddenly flashed in the crystal mirror in front of me.

Not only the figures of Serena and Citron, but also the shadows of two Ash Ketchum appeared in the center at the same time! ?

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