He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2492 Sara Gym, Serena vs. Korni!

The promised second day came quickly.

As the sun rose, in the morning light, Xiaozhi and his group once again passed through the beach path connecting Sara City and the island, and arrived at the Sara Gym.

This gym is not in the Refining Tower, but on the side of the island. Its appearance is no different from the Pokémon League's standard gym.

But entering it, the architectural style inside returns to simplicity.

The stone walls along the way are all made of old and solemn bricks, and like the Tower of Refining, they seem to have a long history.

All the way to the end of the gym, there is an open battle arena. At this moment, Cocobul is already standing in the referee's position, with his hands behind his back, his eyes closed, and he is ready.

Even Xiao Mao was sitting in the audience and waved to a few people from a distance.

The first game was Serena's battle. After saying cheers, Xiaozhi and his team also sat in the spectator seats nearby, waiting for the game to start.

Serena stood alone at one end of the arena, her face tensed up, and she could even hear the strong sound of her own heartbeat.

"come yet"

Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of pulleys rubbing at high speed from the side entrance of the gym.

Then Kearney was wearing a sliding suit and gliding over quickly - there was a steel ring track outside the arena, allowing Kearney to perform stunts while gliding around the arena several times in a row.

Invisibly, it added a bit of pressure to Serena.


Finally, he jumped up and landed firmly on the other end of the field.


In the spectator seats, Xiao Mao couldn't help but complain.

"It's really fancy, just like you before."

Beside him, Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain, but the target of his complaint was Xiaomao.

Brother and sister Citron and Yulijia looked at each other. The relationship between these two people is really complicated.

"Then the rules of the game at the Sara Gym are 3v3. Only the challenger can take the initiative to change Pokémon. When one party completely loses three Pokémon, it means the winner will be determined."

Cocobul coughed, indicating that the Pokémon on both sides could be released.

"Let's fight with all our strength without any regrets, Serena!!"


Korni was full of momentum and took the lead in sending out the first Pokémon.

This is a Pokémon that looks like a baby, with a garlic head and a diaper on its crotch. It's Masana!

"Please!! Turtle feet!!"

Serena's first Pokémon is Turtlefoot. Although the rock-type Pokémon is somewhat disadvantageous against Fighting Pokémon, Serena currently only has three of them, so she has no choice.

"Then, the battle begins!!"

With a low shout from Cocobul, the two of them raised their eyes, and the Sara Gym Challenge officially began!

Boom boom boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

After a fierce battle, explosions were heard all around the arena, and the two sides fought back and forth.

"Now, Huayedi, use the power of the moon!!"

As Huayedi shook the flower in her hand, a pink energy bomb was thrown out and hit the target's chest, blowing away the powerful force in front of her.

As a burst of pink mist dissipated, the hero's eyes turned white and he knelt on the ground, losing the ability to fight.

"Damn it. This flower leaf is so strong!?"

Korni frowned, couldn't help but curse, and could only raise her hand to take back her strength.

At the beginning of the game, Mashana faced off against Turtlefoot.

It was just the unfavorable attributes that allowed Mashana to easily take away Turtlefoot, who was unable to move, with a trick of splitting bricks.

Then Serena sent Huayedi. Unexpectedly, she was unexpectedly strong. She defeated Mashana forcefully and regained the victory.

Immediately afterwards, Gong Haoli, who was fighting against Korni, actually made another move, blowing up the former with the power of the moon.

"that flower?"

Cocobul, who was well-informed, raised his slender eyebrows and his eyes fell on the petals carried on the shoulders of this flower.

Generally speaking, the power of the moon, as a big move with fairy attributes, can only be mastered by high-level Huayedi, or even Mrs. Huajie who has evolved into its final form.

But Serena's flower leaf stem is obviously not very high in level, but she can already use it freely.

The flower petals he was carrying on his shoulders seemed to be very rare in the Kalos region.

Is it the unique power imparted by that flower?

"Well done! Huayedi!!"

After succeeding one after another, Serena couldn't help but scream in surprise. Now Korni only had the last Pokémon left, and she still had two lives!

"It seems like Korni only exercises that Lucario."

The situation on the field also made Xiao Mao shake his head.

He is the type of trainer who develops all Pokémon in a balanced manner and regularly changes the lineup in his hand so that the levels of all Pokémon increase evenly.

It's exactly the opposite of a trainer like Korni who only trains one ace and the rest of the Pokémon are pretty good.

Therefore, Korni's Mashana and Haoli's strength are very ordinary.

"The fun comes next!"

Xiaozhi cheered up, and Korni's expression on the stage was even more excited.


The red light fell, and this time it was the handsome and cool Lucario, with sharp eyes and high momentum!

"Huayedi, don't be careless...!"

Serena also quickly put away her previous joy. From now on, it is the most difficult part of the Sara Gym.

Her eyes couldn't help but fall on the Lucario Knight on her opponent's wrist. The opponent also had a mega evolution!

Even if he drags two useless companions with him, the powerful Mega Lucario is fully capable of one-to-three!

"Take a preemptive strike, Huayedi, use the voice of charm!!"

When the battle began, Huayedi put the Graxitia flower back on her shoulders, and then sang loudly.

The graceful and long sound, accompanied by a faint dizzying pink light, spread forward.

"It's useless, use metallic sounds!!"

Korni raised the corner of her mouth and counterattacked confidently. At this moment, fighting side by side with Lucario, her expression became extremely confident.


Lucario gave a low shout, and clasped his palms forward. When the metal spikes on the back of his hands collided, a burst of high-frequency sound waves shimmering with metallic luster spread out in an instant.

Buzz buzz.!

In an instant, the charming voice was turned on again and completely covered Huayedi's small body, leaving the latter to hold her head and moan in the metallic sound.

"Fairy Wind!!"

There was no other way, Huayedi could only force herself to grab the Graxitia flower again, and lifted it up, causing a burst of pink air to blow in an instant.

The tornado of fairy energy soaring into the sky enveloped its small body, which barely offset the discomfort of the metallic sound.

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