He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2495 Xiaozhi vs Xiaomao! One wins or loses!

After a while, the smoke and dust dispersed.

At both ends of the arena, the two Pokémon unexpectedly fell to the ground and did not move.


Lucario even lit up with a burst of light and exited his mega evolved form.

It seems like a draw? !

There was a sudden silence in the gym, this ending was beyond everyone's expectation.

"Lucario and the long-tailed fox have lost their ability to fight at the same time."

Cocobul also raised his palms and loudly pronounced the verdict for this game:

"Since both sides lost three Pokémon, this Sara Gym Challenge is a draw!"

Hearing this, Serena was relieved, her face was still rosy, and she quickly ran over to help her long-tailed fire fox.

Although a lot of targeted training was done, in the end the enemy's turning wave missiles were still hard to guard against.

She was very satisfied to be able to fight to a draw.

"Well, you behave very well, both as a Pokémon and as a trainer."

When the battle came to an end, Cocobul walked over with his hands behind his back and praised Serena with a smile.

Mega Lucario was superior in every aspect, but Serena still defeated the strong with the weak, and even almost defeated her opponent head-on.

Perfect performance!

As for his granddaughter who is coming over on a roller coaster,

Cocobul's expression instantly became stern, and he reprimanded mercilessly:

"Hmph, your performance was too bad. You gave your opponent too many opportunities, and your coordination with your own Pokémon was also substandard!"

"Bad debut as your gym owner!!"

It is probably because after just mastering the power of mega evolution, he was too arrogant and underestimated the enemy.

"Next, play less with the pulleys and give me a good workout! Give me more time to train every day!!"


Hearing this, Kerni suddenly looked like an eggplant beaten by frost, her head wilted and lowered, and she nodded feebly.

In the end, she could only cheer up and took out a badge with a pattern of two fists clashing from her arms.

"So Serena, this is the battle badge that proves you passed the Sara Gym challenge!"

"Hey, it's not a draw."

Serena was stunned, but Korni quickly waved her hand and said:

"Actually, you don't have to win. As long as you pass the gym leader's approval, you can get the badge!"

Obviously, Serena's performance has reached the standard.

Hearing this, Serena carefully accepted the badge with excitement. This was her third badge!

And more importantly.

Serena couldn't help but look at someone in the spectator seats.

Having successfully obtained the badge should be able to slightly improve the morale of Xiaozhi's side, right? !

Several people in the audience also stood up and applauded, while Xiao Mao glanced sideways and couldn't help but joke:

"Oh~ It seems that others are working so hard, but they are actually doing it for someone~"


Xiaozhi was a little confused. Could it be that Serena was specially training her in response to the "big brother" in her body?

But these are not the point.

At this moment, the Sara Gym Challenge has ended. Xiaozhi and Xiaomao couldn't help but look at each other, and the war in their hearts began to burn.

“Next, there’s a good show to watch!”


Next to them, the Citron brothers and sisters were even more excited. This was the real feast of the day!

Soon, everyone walked out of the Sara Gym and came outside.

Xiaozhi and the two plan to use the natural beach coast outside as a competition venue to have a competition.

It just so happened that the island of the Tower of Refining was surrounded by open beaches. Cocobul also specially took the two of them to choose a location with a wide view, and 1/3 of the side was surrounded by ebb and flow of sea water, enriching the environment of the stadium.

"Eh? Why are you all out here?!"

"Is the Zoro Gym Challenge over?"

Along the way, I happened to meet three little Carlos newcomers, rushing from Salo City.

When they saw Serena smiling and displaying the battle badge with a bit of ostentation, the three of them couldn't help but feel regretful.

"It's all Tiereno's fault, he feels like a dead person when he sleeps! We all missed Serena's gym competition!!"

Shana couldn't stop complaining.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault."

Tierno held his head, although his expression was regretful, he still yawned sleepily.

However, Serena challenged Korni's full mega Lucario, while he and Doropa only challenged the unrestrained Coco Bull.

Although everyone has obtained the battle badge, the gold content is different.

The two couldn't help but look at each other. It seemed that Serena would also be a strong enemy in the alliance conference.

However, as soon as they heard that there was going to be a battle next, the three of them simply followed Xiaozhi and his party, preparing to watch fiercely.

"A battle between Mr. Xiaozhi and Mr. Xiaomao?"

Especially Doropa, his chest was heaving and panting. He was obviously the most excited about this battle!

Soon, everyone came to an open-air beach. It didn't matter the boundaries, and they simply and crudely used it as a competition venue.

"Both of you, the rules of the game."

Cocobul, still acting as the referee, first looked at the two people with questioning eyes.


"The winner is determined by one!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao shouted at the same time in tacit understanding.

Today is just a simple friendly match. There is no need to stage a 6v6 all-member battle that lasts for a week or half a month.

"Then the rules of the game are 1 vs. 1. If one party loses the ability to fight, the winner will be determined."

Cocobul said in a deep voice, then took a few steps back, leaving the arena completely to the two of them.

Serena Citron and the others, as well as Carlos' three newcomers, were also sitting under the parasols nearby, staring with big bright eyes, watching curiously.

Speaking of which, both of them are outsiders.

"Hey Xiaozhi, let me see what level you are now~!"

Xiaomao's eyes were serious, he snorted coldly, and took the lead in throwing out a Pokémon.


The red light fell, and it was the Water Arrow Turtle that had just appeared on the scene not long ago. It had a huge and hard body, with two turrets behind it, and its aura was high and tyrannical.

He is obviously a powerful warrior with a very high level and has experienced many battles!


Tiereno's eyes suddenly lit up. After all, his starting Pokémon was a Squirtle.

It’s just that if you want to evolve into the size of a water arrow turtle in the future, it seems a little difficult to continue dancing.

"Okay, okay~ Anyone with a body shape like yours can become a dancer, and so can a water arrow turtle~!"

Beside her, Shana complained mercilessly.

A fat trainer has no right to think his Pokémon is too fat!

Tierno: "."

It seems like this is really the truth? !

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