He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2498 The end, still superior!

The battle has completely entered a fierce stage, and there is absolutely no meaning of "friendly discussion" as Cocobul said before.

The trainers at both ends were even more furious. They were all showing their true feelings. They wished that the trainers would get off the field and throw a few punches.

"Lucario, Waveguide Fist!!"

"Megaton Boxing!!"

Following the command of the two men, Lucario attached his dark blue energy coat to his fists, while Blastoise raised his fists of white light and started fighting passionately in the center of the arena.

The Waveguide Fist is naturally a boxing move performed by Lucario by attaching the power of the Waveguide to his hands.

After all, the power of Fa Jin is too low, Zhenqi Fist needs to be accumulated, and Explosive Fist has a low hit rate, which has side effects in close combat.

Lucario simply created a powerful boxing move that was unique to him, and it had no side effects.

In the center of the arena, Lucario was using his hands and feet, and under the dark blue light was a powerful punch.

The Mega Water Arrow Turtle's feet are unable to move at this moment, and only its two huge fists can fight and punch out.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

Bursts of solid and powerful punches sounded one after another, and the hearts of the surrounding people were shaking.

Real fight between gods!

Many of them are new trainers, and their world view has been refreshed today.

Even if the regional champion of Kalos, Miss Karuna and her mega Gardevoir are here, they probably have this effect, right?


After a fistfight, this time the Mega Blastoise fell back several meters, with several solid punch marks on its face.

Obviously, Mega Lucario still has an advantage in close combat.

"Water wave! Then the freezing ray!!"

Xiaomao didn't intend to admit defeat. His Blastoise was the starting Pokémon. There was no reason why Ace would lose to the Pokémon that Xiaozhi had to conquer later!

The mega water arrow turtle set up three turrets, blasting out three powerful streams of water in an instant. With the addition of the super launcher, the power increased, and the strangled spiral came out.

Within a few seconds of being shot, it transformed into a freezing light move.


The biting cold ice light instantly froze the rotating water waves into three sharp ice pick spears, attacking the target directly!

In other places, skill combination may be a rare scenario

But in a battle of this level, it made the people around him feel less disturbed.

"Shadow clone!"

Lucario did not choose to take it hard. With a swipe of his hand, dozens of clones instantly flew out, densely covering almost the entire stadium beach.

"You should know that shadow clones have no meaning to Pokémon that master the power of waveguide."

Xiao Mao's expression did not change, and the Water Arrow Turtle in front of him closed his eyes. The power of the waveguide spread out, and soon locked onto the main body among the many shadow clones.

"Dragon Wave!!"

This time, the Mega Water Arrow Turtle fired three cannons in unison, blasting out three bunches of pink and purple dragon-shaped flames, which converged into a huge dragon-shaped shock wave in the air, swooping down and strangulating!

"Bounce away with the power of waveguide!!"

Mega Lucario's waveguide aura is fully opened, and he raises his hand and aims it in the air, with a thick and powerful waveguide energy barrier condensed in his palm.

This is no longer a move, it is simply the ultimate use of the power of the waveguide!

boom! !

The move bombarded down and was spread out by the power of the waveguide. It did not cause any harm to Lucario, but it caused a huge smoke and dust explosion on the spot.

And then, Xiaozhi did not give any instructions anymore, but united his thoughts and cooperated in the battle with great tacit understanding.


Mega Lucario was extremely fast. Under the cover of the explosion, he appeared barely half a meter in front of the Water Arrow Turtle.

And one palm was attached to the belly of the water arrow turtle.

Boom boom! !

The golden light current exploded in the palm of the hand, causing the Water Arrow Turtle to retreat continuously, causing great pain.

This is a powerful move! !

Even a paralyzing arc appeared on the Water Arrow Turtle, triggering the additional effect of Fa Jin!

"Good luck, end the battle at once and use the close-range wave missile!!"

Xiaozhi secretly initiated the command in his heart.

Lucario understood and leaned close to him again.

After Mega evolved, its own speed also increased, and its movements seemed to have a magical speed effect.

This time he got close to the Water Arrow Turtle again, raising both palms at the same time, and the power of the dark blue waveguide quickly condensed.

And without much stiffness, he pressed his palm upwards, and the wave missile hit the Water Arrow Turtle's chest without any hindrance, causing the Water Arrow Turtle's huge figure to jerk back.

"It's not over yet! Water cannon!!"

Xiao Mao finally looked panicked and shouted hurriedly.

The mega water arrow turtle was thrown backward by the wave missile. In the crisis, it still maintained its will and aimed its three turrets at the sky at the same time.

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, three black-blue water jets were blasted towards the sky, piercing the air all the way!

At the same time that the Water Arrow Turtle was blown away by the wave missile, three water cannons also landed vertically from the sky.

The directions were calculated extremely accurately, and they all dived straight in the direction of Lucario!


Lucario also looked panicked, trying his best to jump and dodge, but he could only barely dodge the two slightly less powerful water cannons on the left and right.

But the water cannon fired from the cannon barrel in the middle hit accurately!

Boom boom! !

The strong current also hit Lucario's chest, and even washed it heavily on the beach ground. His body was deeply trapped in it, and the surrounding beach rushed to both sides, creating a big hole in the same place!

At this moment, the entire arena became quiet.

The spectators all held their breath, subconsciously bent their heads and looked towards the arena.

The winner should have been decided, right?

The trainers at both ends of the field were panting and their heads seemed a little blank.

As the referee, Cocobul stared at the two rather tragic positions.


Xiaomao's water arrow turtle had fallen to the ground, its body flashed with light, and it exited its mega evolution posture.

Blastoise, can't fight anymore.


On the other side, Lucario was in almost the same scene. His body flashed with light and he could no longer maintain his mega evolution.

With his head down, his body fell into a pothole on the beach, as if he had completely lost his ability to fight.


But in the end, Lucario still drank in a low voice, stood up from his knees tremblingly, and tried hard to hold up the dog's head.

On the other side, the Water Arrow Turtle was still lying there, motionless.

"The winner has been decided, Blastoise has lost its ability to fight, and Lucario narrowly wins."

Cocobul sighed and made a decision for this battle:

"It seems that Xiao Zhi is better in this competition!"

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