He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2508: Did Suicune cheat on you, or did the dinosaur cheat on you?

"Ash?! Why are you here?!"

Xiaoxia was the first to blurt out. She rubbed her eyes vigorously. The person in front of her was Xiaozhi, right?

Although he seemed to have become more handsome inexplicably, and suddenly became much more mature than when they met in the Hezhong area?


Xiaozhi was also stunned. It was indeed the Xiaoxia she knew, not some otherworldly Xiaoxia who liked fire attributes?

And looking at the surrounding environment, has he come to somewhere?

As soon as Xiaozhi walked out of the golden ring, there was a large fern bush in front of him. He peeled off the grass leaves and came here.

"This young man, how did you appear here?"

"It stands to reason that only the people in our team know the location of this isolated island. Outsiders have no way of knowing, let alone landing on the island."

"It's really strange. Did it fall from the sky?"

Several scientific researchers accompanying the team were equally confused.

But it's not a big problem. They are an open scientific research team, not a villain organization. An outsider intervened.

The focus now is on the waves!

"Anyway, we'll talk about other things later. Let's watch the show first!"

Xiaoxia quickly pulled Xiaozhi aside and looked back to the direction of the lake.

And the blue frog next to Xiaozhi should be the water-type royal family in the Kalos region. It’s so cute!

Just bear with it, I'll do it again later!


Shuijing, who was fighting fiercely in front, also noticed the sudden appearance of Xiaozhi, and was equally surprised.

However, facing the Legendary Pokémon level Nipples, whose strength was not inferior to that of Suicune, and might even be stronger, he could not be distracted in the slightest.

"Please! Dream-inducing tapir!!"

This time, Shuijing sent a dream-inducing tapir with a hypnotic coin in his hand and a rather wretched face.

"Eshui-kun, why do you look like this?!"

Xiaozhi finally noticed the presence on the lake and couldn't help but be speechless.

Is this Suicune cheating on her, or a dinosaur cheating on her?

"By the way, was that the wave of water last time?"

Xiaozhi finally remembered that Xiaoxia had mentioned to him before that he was going to join the Bodang Water Team organized by Mr. Shuijing.

So the golden ring just now did not actually allow him to travel to another world.

Is it still the same world, just simply connected to another location?

But why is it transmitted here?

"What is the origin of the golden ring?"

Xiaozhi could only temporarily suppress his curiosity and look at the battle ahead.


Similarly, the frog's eyes also lowered as it felt the powerful water attribute power of the opponent.

This Bodang Shui didn't care about one more human being and took the initiative to attack.

Boom! !

When he opened his mouth, another powerful jet of flame came out, which was especially powerful on a sunny day.

"Dream-inducing tapir, use mental strength to block it!!"

Shuijing responded quickly.

With moves at the level of mythical beasts and weather bonuses, she can't control the flames with just mental strength, but


The dream-inducing tapir's mental power exploded and actually controlled the water in the lake between the two of them, sweeping up and slapping the flames in the center to strangle them!

When the water flow hit the flame, countless high-temperature steam suddenly rose up, which was successfully blocked.

"it's not finished yet!"

The eyes of the dream-inducing tapir glowed with blue light, and when he closed his palms, the water flow rushed towards the undulating water in an instant!


He just didn't dodge or dodge the waves, letting the water splash against him. In the end, he just shook his head, and there was almost no harm at all.

"Is 1/4 resistant to water attributes?"

"That means it can't be the water + fire attributes originally imagined."

"Water + dragon attributes can satisfy four times the water resistance!"

Behind the scenes, several scientific researchers were quickly analyzing the data and intelligence of the Bouncing Water based on the battle in front of them.

This is an unprecedented Pokémon, and everything has to be analyzed from scratch.

"Suicune with water + dragon attributes."

Xiaozhi also nodded, agreeing with this conclusion.

Bodangshui also exudes a majestic and domineering aura, and is obviously a dragon-type Pokémon.

As if to confirm what everyone thought, the next moment, Bo Dangshui suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth, releasing a ball of pink-purple dragon energy, turning into an energy flying dragon with teeth and claws in the air!

Dragon Wave! !

"Dream-inducing tapir, use light wall!"

Shuijing responded quickly, the momentum of this dragon wave was a bit scary.


Even with the weakening of the light wall, the dragon's wave still exploded heavily in the chest of the Dream-inducing Tapir, causing the latter to retreat continuously.

"In that case, use hypnosis!!"

Shuijing immediately launched a counterattack, looking extremely excited.

This is a dream, and this is his chance to conquer the turbulent waters!

Well, in his heart, Bodang Shui has been equated with Suicune. They are both supreme beings, and their status is even higher than Lugia and Ho-oh!

In fact, they only landed on the island half an hour earlier than Xiaozhi.

They had just finished checking the surrounding plant environment when the dozing rippling water on the lake attracted their attention.

Although the purpose of their team at the beginning was just to study the intelligence data of Pulsating Water, they did not intend to start a conflict or forcefully conquer them.

But Bo Dangshui was the first to express his attitude.

If you fight it and defeat it, you will have no problem becoming a human Pokémon.

As the leader of the team, Shui Jing was naturally the first to charge!

I saw the dream-inducing tapir man shaking the hypnotic coin in his hand, and the hypnotic light waves that caused drowsiness spread out in circles.


"Didn't the other party use mysterious protection just now? It shouldn't fall into an abnormal state."

The following scientific researchers were obviously not specialized combat trainers, so they didn't see any clues.

But Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia saw through it equally.

Even with the buff bonus of mysterious guardianship, it will not fall into sleep. But hypnosis can still make this wave of water reveal its flaws in an instant and make it slightly dazed.

The next moment, Shui Jing suddenly shouted:

"Now, use Draining Kiss!"

Xiaozhi \u0026 Xiaoxia: "?"

The momentary break is just for kissing someone else, right?

But there seems to be no problem.

The water + dragon-type undulating water and the fairy-type moves are really effective.


Bo Dangshui was even more frightened when he saw a dream-inducing tapir that was pouting and running over to kiss him obscenely!

It really jumped.

Jumping more than three meters high, he avoided this disgusting sucking kiss.

But the next moment, the rippling water swooped down, and its powerful lower limbs were about to trample the dream-inducing tapir man's face.

"Now, use magic to shine!!"

However, Shui Jing smiled confidently and suddenly commanded, and the dream-inducing tapir in front of him changed his moves instantly.

After putting away the obscene kissing action, a dazzling pink light suddenly appeared between the coins in his hand. It was obvious that he was ready to go!

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