He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2511 Thunder! Thunder drum! !

"Please Bakujiro! Help me capture this long-necked thunder god!!"

Among the crowd, Ah Jin had already rolled up his sleeves and eagerly challenged this unusually weird-looking Thunder Lord.

This is like the combination of Thunder God and Ice and Snow Dragon.

Thunder drum!

This is the name given to the long-necked thunderclap by this investigation team.

The appearance of the violent thunder drum may prove that the three holy beasts did not actually appear because of the Phoenix King. Maybe there was actually an independent ethnic group long ago?

However, these remain to be studied.

If it can be subdued, it would be great.

This team is all from the Johto Alliance. They usually have a good relationship with Ah Jin, but now they are cheering for each other.

The tiger-headed head of the fierce thunder drum is hidden in a circle of flat purple thunder clouds, and only part of the thunder-shaped beard and majestic eyes can be seen.


The sound it makes is as low as a drum and has a bit of a thunderous sound, so it is named the Thunder Drum.

"Bakujiro, use Flame Vortex!!"

Ah Jin took the lead in launching the attack, followed by the fire beast in front of him who looked a bit charming and lazy in appearance.

His ace Firemon was named Bakutaro, and the green-looking Firemon that was conquered and evolved later was the second child.


Purple will-o'-the-wisps floated from the neck and back of the Green Fire Beast. It opened its mouth and a tornado of blazing flames blasted out, enveloping and binding the thunderous drums.

However, in the flames, Meng Leigu's expression did not change at all, and he raised his forelimbs and trampled heavily.

Sizzle! !

In an instant, countless wisps of electric current rose from the surrounding ground, rising into the sky, and instantly shattered all the surrounding flame vortices.

It even continued to attack at the feet of the fire beast, and the latter could only quickly jump to the side to distance itself.

"What a powerful power-increasing trick"

Among the crowd of onlookers, Chris stood at the front and shouted worriedly:

"Hey Ajin, be careful! This guy has electric and dragon attributes, and his fire moves don't have very good effects."

"Hmph! Just watch my show!!"

Ah Jin looked high-spirited and determined to win, and then commanded loudly:

"Then let me show you the strength of my Bakujiro. Use the Demon Dance!"

The Green Fire Violent Beast nodded, and the purple-red will-o'-the-wisps around its neck, especially on the back of its neck, ignited, and then broke apart from its body, forming wisps of erratic ghostly will-o'-the-wisps in the air.

Boo hoo hoo.!

The next moment, they all shot toward the target!

The demons dance wildly, this is the exclusive ghost attribute move of the Green Fire Beast.

The skill effect is somewhat similar to that of Misfortune, which will cause twice as much damage to targets caught in an abnormal state.

However, compared to the move "Misfortune Comes Alone", Dance of Demons itself has the effect of causing the target to be burned, so there is no need to fire another will-o'-the-wisp in advance.

Moreover, the green fire beast can control these purple-red will-o'-the-wisps at will, spreading out like ghosts, and then using the power of a heaven and earth net to attack the entire body of the fierce thunder drum at the same time!

However, the Thunder Drum still did not move its body, but the thunderclouds surrounding its head began to rotate rapidly.

Sizzle! !

Amidst the bursts of thunder, golden lightning shot out from all over the sky, also shooting in all directions!

It’s a unique discharge trick!

Since the violent thunder drum was not in an abnormal state at this moment, the power of the group of demons dancing was not very high, and they were all crushed by the discharge moves in the blink of an eye.

Sizzling! !

Even the densely scattered currents reunited in mid-air, doubling their power, forming a parabolic current beam that shot towards the fire beast!

"Shadow Ball!!"

The Thunder Drum's change of moves was so fast that in panic, the green fire beast could only forcibly pick out a shadow ball and throw it out immediately.

Boom boom! !

The electric current collided with the shadow ball, and the move was barely blocked, but the impact of the explosion still affected the fire beast, hitting its chest hard and causing it to fall backwards.

"Damn it. So strong!!"

Ah Jin was a little stunned and finally put away all his playful intentions.

With the ability to control electricity at will, the Thunder Drum seems to be much stronger than the normal Thunder God!

“What a strong current”

"So it turns out that the circle of flowing clouds is used to generate electricity?"

"My body hasn't been moving. It seems like I'm not good at moving. Is Thunder Drum better at long-range special attacks?"

This investigation team actively observed and recorded the data and intelligence of the Thunder Drum.

This scene is consistent with the scientific research team investigating the undulating water on the isolated island of the lake at almost the same moment.

"In that case, use overheat!!"

Ah Jin gritted his teeth and prepared to use heavy firepower to attack.

The will-o'-the-wisps flying wildly behind the green fire beast are different from the normal fire beast. The flames behind the latter explode like a volcano.

The flames behind the Green Fire Beast were always swaying and erratic, but the scale of the burning was even greater.

However, on the other side, Thunder Drum remained as motionless as a mountain, its cold eyes condescendingly looking at the existence in front of it - the long-necked neck, making it look condescending to everyone.

However, the purple clouds surrounding Meng Leigu's head rotated faster.

Boom! !

Along with the continuous sound of thunder, the next moment, a dazzling electric arrow suddenly shot out from the thundercloud!

Its speed was so fast that everyone could only see a stream of yellow light flashing through the air.

boom! !

By the time he realized what he was doing, this lightning bolt had already hit the chest of the Green Fire Violent Beast.

Not only did it destroy the latter's overheating action in an instant, it even knocked the fire beast's body away and fell heavily in front of Akin.

When the smoke dissipated, the green fire beast had fallen into a small pit.


His eyes were spinning, and there was a vague arc of electricity on the surface of his body. It was obvious that he had completely lost his ability to fight.

The sudden blow from the fierce thunder drum made everyone and even Ah Jin look horrified.

What kind of move is this? !

Turning thunder and lightning into the form of arrows and shooting them so fast? !

"Is it a preemptive move?"

From behind, Chris analyzed it calmly. She could feel that this blow contained a strange power, as if it would definitely hit the target first.

But it's not like a preemptive move, it's more like

"Is it an electric attack move?"

Ajin's face was solemn and he muttered a summary, probably understanding the principle of this move.

As long as the opponent is going to attack in the current round, then this electric arrow of yours will definitely hit the opponent one step ahead.

But the name Dianjian is too vulgar, so we need to change it.

Well, let’s call it Thunder!

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