He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2516 Desert City and Demon Pokémon!

That night, after emerging from the sunken ship, Ash returned to the Pokémon Center near Azure Bay.

“It turns out there is such an incredible story!!”

After everyone heard about Xiaozhi's experience in the shipwreck, they were all amazed and clamored to see the two magical metal rings.

So Xiaozhi placed two golden rings on the table one after another, about the size of a bracelet.

"It just looks like nice jewelry."

Serena held up a small ring, shined it at the ceiling light, and tried to wear it on her wrist.

Citron had already taken out his identification glasses, squinted his eyes, and carefully studied and identified the details of the golden ring:

"As for the material, it's not gold, it doesn't seem to be metal, but some kind of special material that I've never seen before."

In short, no one knows the details of the golden ring.

On the TV next to it, a news interview was being played, and the location was the Azure Bay next door.

After the two underwater archaeologists made the news of the sunken ship of the Sante Annu public, the Azure Bay was still crowded with people at this late hour, and there were also archaeological experts and shipwreck enthusiasts conducting diving explorations.

Even at the nearby Pokémon Center, Ash and his friends could hear the commotion outside, and it was likely that it would not stop tonight.

A luxury cruise ship thousands of miles away, with the hull basically still intact, was discovered in the Carlos area. This is unprecedented big news!

In the news, Eddie and Lingji were being interviewed.

As the first discoverers of the sunken ship, the two enjoyed great fame for a time.

As for the Thunder Drum that Xiaozhi just conquered

After giving Serena and others a glance, they were sent back to the backyard of the Damu Research Institute.

The latter seemed to be an ancient dinosaur that had never been in contact with humans and was extremely wary. Xiaozhi could only temporarily put it back in the backyard where many Pokémon gathered to let the latter get used to it.

Maybe the latter is more adaptable to living in a reverse world.

"By the way, I have seen the dinosaur versions of Raikou and Suicune. I wonder what Entei's strange walking species will look like?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin and couldn't help but fantasize.

Could it be an ancient dinosaur dog?

Moreover, Bodangshui and Thunder Drum seemed to have been transported here inexplicably. According to Ajin, there had never been any trace of Thunder Drum in that canyon before.

It seems that it suddenly appeared just recently.

"Could it be related to these two golden rings?"

Xiaozhi tilted his head, looking puzzled. After all, the ring had its own ability to teleport through space.

Maybe they were the ones who forcibly teleported the two Paradox Pokémon from a distant location to the isolated island and canyon.

Even the extremely huge Santeanu is most likely caused by these two rings?

Everyone was watching the news about the shipwreck and chatting. At this time, Citron next to him suddenly shouted in surprise:

"I checked it!! It seems to be related to some kind of Pokémon!!"

These words immediately attracted Xiaozhi's interest, and he immediately leaned over.

But on the computer screen, there was an introduction to a city called "Desert City"——

"Desert City, this is a city surrounded by desert, but there are high-rise buildings everywhere in the city. It is an extremely prosperous city, especially known for its luxurious living standards!"

"It is said that it used to be just an ordinary desert, quite barren, but one day, a special Pokémon brought huge wealth to the local area, and in a short period of time, a modern big city was born in the desert. The establishment is completed.”

Citron introduced while scrolling the screen:

"This Pokémon is the very famous local fantasy Pokémon, known as the Demon God in the desert!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi quickly looked closely.

However, there is no exact appearance of this phantom Pokémon on the website. There is only a simple black silhouette, and it can be vaguely seen that it is a phantom beast that looks like a villain.

This phantom beast is also an unattainable legend for Desert City, and naturally there are no precise records.

But there are a pair of horn-like organs on both sides of its head, with a golden ring hanging on each of them.

The shape of the ring was specially marked and colored.

Xiaozhi quickly raised the two golden rings in his hands for comparison.

"It seems. It's true!"

The golden ring with the ability to teleport through space is actually the artifact of a certain fantasy Pokémon.

This seems reasonable.

"It's just that I only saw the ring at that time, and I didn't see any Pokémon."

Xiaozhi rubbed his head in confusion. At that time, he even rummaged through all the debris in the room, but there was nothing else.

I even went into a few nearby hatch rooms and had a look, but nothing was out of the ordinary.

Could it be that this phantom Pokémon was thrown there on purpose and then left quietly?

"Then the question is, where is this city in the desert?!"

Yulijia couldn't help raising her hand and asked.

After checking the map, Citron explained:

"The desert city is located in the northeast of the Carlos region. It is surrounded by vast deserts. It is an extremely remote location and generally has little connection with the major towns in the Carlos region."

For example, the mainstream maps of the Kalos region don't even record Desert City.

"Desert City, Demonic Pokémon"

Xiaozhi secretly memorized these keywords.

In short, these two golden rings are definitely not simple. If you pass by there, you can take a stroll in the desert city and see if you can see the so-called Demon Pokémon!

And since the golden ring can transport him directly to the location of the thunder drum and the undulating water

Does it mean that as long as this "Demon God" exerts his strength, he can change the teleportation position of the golden ring and let him teleport directly in front of other legendary Pokémon?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up and his heart pounded.

This is great news!

If this could really be done, God's tokens would no longer have to travel around the world so hard.

A portal can directly reach the designated beast.

It feels like one day is enough to see all the legendary Pokémon in the world!

“I really want to see the luxury goods there~”

"Yu Lijia hasn't been to the desert yet~!"

The golden ring is one thing. Serena and Yurika looked at each other and both became interested in this desert city.

However, they are currently located in the northwest of the Kalos region, which is still far away from Desert City.

Going to that place is a matter of course.

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