"What do you mean Yulijia, you are acting weird today?"

Watching the Citron brothers and sisters leave, Xiaozhi put his hands on his hips and complained incomprehensibly.

But when she turned her head, she found that Serena's face was already red, and her expression looked very panicked.

"What's wrong? Are you too excited to get the badge?"

Xiaozhi subconsciously thought so.

Hmm, when he was still a novice trainer, he was often so excited~!

"No, no. Xiaozhi, let's go back to the Pokémon Center to recover first, and then go to the shopping street!"

Serena quickly interrupted, grabbed Xiaozhi's wrist and chased after her.

But her mind was also in chaos at the moment.

It's just the two of them going to the shopping street. Isn't this just a date? !

Although the two of them had acted alone before, they had basically done so with purpose and would not have thought of dating at all.

But this time it was all about wandering around and shopping.

"System, system, wake up quickly!!"

Serena, who was helpless, immediately called up the system in her mind.

This guy hadn't been online for so long that she almost thought the system had disappeared.

The system also started running immediately and gave thoughtful suggestions:

"In order to prepare for the upcoming date, it is recommended to kill the third party who is getting in the way first!"

Serena was stunned, looking left and right, where was the third person?

Yulijia and Citron both said they would not follow.

After looking at it for a long time, her eyes finally settled on a chubby electric mouse on Xiaozhi's shoulder.

Serena frowned. Wouldn't the system let her kill Pikachu?

"Killing it is only one way, once and for all. But it is also possible to use a little trick to lure it away. The host can do this and so on."

The system began to whisper and come up with strange ideas.

Serena's frown gradually relaxed, as if it was true!

So next at the Pokémon Center, after restoring the bodies of several Pokémon that had previously fought fiercely in the Biyi Gym, Serena summoned up her courage and mentioned it as if by accident:

"By the way, Xiaozhi. Since you are going to give gifts to Pokémon, shouldn't you give them a surprise?"


Xiaozhi turned to look at Pikachu, suddenly reacted and clapped his hands.

That's right, if Pikachu is always following him around, wouldn't any gifts he buys be seen?

Other Pokémon are fine and can be put into Poke Balls, but Pikachu can't score goals, so it can't wear an eyepatch to seal its eyes, right?

"Leave it to me, leave it to me! Yurika will take care of Pikachu next!!"

Yurika immediately took the initiative to help and provided another assist. She immediately picked up Pikachu and ran away, not forgetting to wink at Serena.

The impudent Yurika saw through her thoughts, which made Serena blush again.

But the plan works!

After everything was ready, the two of them walked out of the Pokémon Center side by side.

In the train carriage in the center of Bizheng City, the train was moving very fast.

Through the glass behind it, you can see the entire winding coastline of Bizhi City.

However, there were not many people in the carriage. After all, most of the city's traffic was in the southern area, and not that many people often took the train to the northern high platform area.

At this moment, Xiaozhi and Serena were sitting together. There were only two of them in the empty carriage, and the atmosphere seemed a bit ambiguous.


This made Serena's face and back of her hands turn a little red, and she didn't know where to place her hands. Sometimes they were placed on the hem of her skirt, sometimes they were propped up on the seat.

Well, what do you want to say now?

Xiaozhi next to him hammered his shoulder.

By the way, Pikachu didn't stay on his shoulder today, it seems

There’s no sense of inconsistency, right?

In the past, when Pikachu was not on his shoulder for a whole day, he would feel a sense of discomfort, feeling light and heavy at the same time.

"As expected, I'm still unfamiliar with Pikachu."

Xiaozhi nodded matter-of-factly.

Compared to the girl beside him who was thinking wildly, he was just thinking about what gift to buy to increase the intimacy.

Pikachu's words.

What about electrical beads?

Electric beads are Pikachu's exclusive props, which can greatly improve double attack capabilities. In fact, he has already known this.

But there has never been an electric mouse for Pikachu.

The main reason is that this kind of prop is very rare, and he has never seen it before.

I wonder if I can buy an electric bead in the shopping street of Biyi City?

Soon, the train arrived at the station and arrived at the southern area of ​​​​Biyi City. The crowd suddenly became denser.

And as soon as you exit the station, you are faced with a straight and wide shopping street, with clothing stores, jewelry stores, props stores and other shops on both sides.

"Ah, so beautiful!!"

Serena couldn't help but stay at the entrance of the street and watch, her eyes twinkling as she looked at the dazzling array of gorgeous clothes displayed in the windows on both sides.

Whether they are worn by humans or worn by Pokémon, they are all very beautiful and cute!

No, the focus now is.

Serena shook her head to cheer herself up, and couldn't help but look to her side.

It's just that Xiaozhi beside him has disappeared at some point.


Serena raised her eyebrows and quickly took a few steps forward, looking for Xiaozhi in the crowd.

At this moment, Xiaozhi was like a wild horse running wild, walking ahead as excitedly as chicken blood.

"What about Serena, do you think the frogs would like this if given to them?!"

At first glance, he noticed the one-to-one size dolls placed outside the street in the doll shop, so he excitedly pointed at one of the strange dolls and turned around to ask.

"Isn't it a little too big?"

Serena walked over quickly and shook her head at this strange force.

"It seems, it is indeed a bit big. How about this one!?"

So Xiaozhi picked up a rich gold hat placed at the door of the clothing store next to him, and put it on his head with his backhand. It was completely sparkling under the sunlight!

"Well, are we choosing gifts for Pokémon today?!"

Serena sighed and said helplessly.


Only then did Xiaozhi react and took off the rich gold hat with a little regret.

But his attention was quickly attracted by other weird things. His figure kept moving among the people passing by, and he raised a large gold belt in his hand, about to put it on his waist.

The things she picked up basically had a strong straight male aesthetic, and even Serena was confused by it.

This "date" seems to be different from the "date" in her fantasy!

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