He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2525 Qixi Blue Bird Mega Stone!

"Haha, Pokémon like Naughty Panda naturally likes to play pranks~"

At this time, Fu Ye, as the organizer, slowly walked over and said happily:

“It’s quite interesting as an interlude in the Biyi Celebration~”

Mr. Fu was quite famous in the local area, and even he came to help ease the situation. Naturally, everyone around him gave up and dispersed without further entanglement.

Seeing this, Serena was relieved, and then looked at Master Fu with gratitude.

The latter always had a smile on his face. After nodding, he patrolled around with his goat.

Seeing that the storm was over, Serena put the naughty panda back on the ground.

"Hey, this naughty panda, can't it be the baby in the bamboo forest?"

"Why did you come here?"

Xiaozhi and Citron also gathered around curiously.

However, the naughty panda's eyes were always fixed on Serena, and the latter's eyes soon softened, understanding.

"This child wants to travel with me, right?"

Serena reached out and slightly adjusted the sunglasses on the naughty panda's head. It was a pity that she didn't subdue this Pokémon at that time.

I originally thought that we would never have the chance to meet again, but I didn't expect that the latter would appear in Byi City.

"It's amazing that you came here alone from Guxiang Town~"

Listening to Serena's compliments, this naughty panda crossed his arms and looked proud.

But the next moment, a pokeball stretched out in front of it.

"So, do you want to travel with me next?"

Serena tried to calm her tone and asked sincerely.


Without much hesitation, the naughty panda immediately jumped up and slapped the button of the elf ball with his little bear paw.

It specially said goodbye to the family bully panda and was going to find Serena.


A burst of red light flashed, and the naughty panda was put into the ball. Without much struggle, the elf ball stopped vibrating.

"Success! The naughty panda has been tamed!!"

Serena's eyes twinkled, and her reddish face couldn't help but smile. She didn't expect there would be an unexpected harvest tonight.


Soon, she released it again, reached out to hold the naughty kitten's little bear paw, and shook it gently:

"Then please give me more advice. Oh, by the way, I didn't prepare a gift for you tonight!!"

Serena suddenly reacted and covered her mouth in surprise.


But the naughty kitten just shook his little finger, then gave a thumbs up, pointing proudly to the sunglasses on his forehead.

This is already the greatest gift!

"Naughty Panda."

Seeing this naive and somewhat arrogant little panda, Serena was immediately delighted. She held it in her arms and rubbed it hard. This was the best gift she had received tonight!

"You are Serena, right? Here is another gift for you~!"

But at this time, the local Miss Joy came over, holding a small gift box in her hand.

Next to her, her partner Pang Keding also put on a new nurse uniform, and her chubby figure looked very cute.

"A gift for me?"

Serena was stunned and looked around at everyone.

Could it be Xiaozhi?

She rejected the idea immediately. Xiaozhi was unpacking gifts for his Pokémon and was not paying attention to this side.

think too much!

Serena quickly unpacked the gift box and opened the lid curiously.

The box is not big, and there is a small round bead placed quietly inside.

The whole bead is light pink, but in the center of the bead, there are two blue and white curved patterns intertwined.

"Mega stone?!"

Serena recognized it at a glance. She had seen it from Xiaozhi. The intertwined patterns inside were the characteristics of the mega stone.

Also inside the box was a letter from her mother, Saki.

"Serena, congratulations on becoming a trainer~ Mom used to want you to become an armored rhinoceros rider, but now that I think about it, she doesn't seem to respect your own ideas."

"Originally, I thought you were going to participate in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, so I prepared to give you a dress for the competition. But I heard that you have been actively challenging the alliance gym recently, which is really strange."

"In this case, I will give you a Tanabata Blue Bird mega stone that I got when I was young. Maybe you can conquer a Tanabata Blue Bird as a partner and display a powerful mega evolution~ Take a new step on the road of a trainer. The steps!”

"PS: My mother also worked as a sky trainer for a period of time when she was young. She planned to use the Chinese Valentine's Day Blue Bird to kill everyone. Then she thought about it and decided that a solid ground would suit her better, so she changed careers~"

"Come on, daughter, mom will always be here to support you~!"

The letter was not too long, and Serena read it quickly.

Unexpectedly, it was a gift from her mother. This made her stand there for a moment, her eyes a little moist.

Even the voice was a little trembling:

"I didn't expect mom to think so."

Speaking of which, this was the first time that mother and daughter had such an in-depth heart-to-heart communication.

After all, I was extremely rebellious towards my mother because I was forced to ride an armored rhinoceros every day.

For example, when it comes to dressing up, whatever her mother says looks good, she will deliberately wear the opposite style.

Even the armored rhinoceros rider Serena even planned to rebelliously become a sky trainer after receiving Pokémon before she even set off for the trip.

It seems that I have always misunderstood my mother.

"When I get back later, I'll call my mother and apologize."

Serena secretly made up her mind.

Beside her, Miss Joy also smiled when she saw that the matter was resolved satisfactorily.

In fact, Saqi had sent the gift to the Elf Center in Biyi City a long time ago. It seemed that she had expected that her daughter would arrive on the day of the Biyi celebration and asked her to forward the gift on her behalf.

"Let's go, Fat Keding~"


Serena watched Miss Joy leave gratefully, and then her eyes fell on the exquisite and magical little beads in the box.

"The Tanabata Blue Bird's mega stone?"

She has some impressions of Pokémon like Tanabata Blue Bird, which is the king of the Carlos Alliance and the trump card of Ms. Dora Sena, who is good at dragon attributes.

It is a Pokémon that combines great strength with gorgeous appearance!

"It seems very good. Mom, it's been a big help!"

Serena was overjoyed. She was planning to use Mega Evolution, but she had no direction at all. She didn't even know which Pokémon to look for as a partner for Mega Evolution.

Now, her mother has decided for her!

This time, Serena is not going to be rebellious, and Qixi Blue Bird is obviously an excellent choice!

"The system will help me find out where I can catch wild Tanabata bluebirds nearby. No, young bluebirds can also be caught!"

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