He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 250 Green vs. Sakagi!

"The owner of Viridian Gym?"

Doubt flashed in Sakagi's eyes, what does this sentence mean?

He has been in Changpan gymnasium for at least 10 years, and he has never heard of any relationship between this gymnasium and this kid in front of him, and the latter should be only 10 years old, right?


Wasn't it Xiaomao before?

What is this code?

Before he could continue to think about it, Qinglu had already stepped forward and stood at one end of the arena again. He looked up at the Iron Armored Pokémon in front of him. He was obviously suppressed by the latter before, but now he showed that he was a superior person.

"Is it bound by machines in this world...? How sad."

Qinglu recognized the steel mecha on this humanoid Pokémon at first glance, not a controller, let alone a support device.

It's a force limiter!

It is suppressing its own strength.

Thinking of this, he casually threw a poke ball.


Before the red light of the elf ball dissipated completely, a strong roar sounded out of thin air in the Changpan gymnasium, like a shocking thunder, and it seemed that even the beams of the gymnasium had been overturned, and it started to vibrate, and the air instantly became The seriousness made Boss Sakagi frowned even more, as if he was facing a formidable enemy, he couldn't help but cover his ears amidst the roar of thunder.

Even the cat boss next to him subconsciously took half a step back, as if he was frightened by the roar.

When the red light completely dissipated, a big lion Pokémon with wild mane flying wildly appeared in front of Qinglu. It still had red and black fur, joints on its limbs, and brown mane on its neck and head.

"The second wind speed dog?"

Sakagi frowned. Generally speaking, trainers rarely breed the same Pokémon.

However, this wind speed dog is completely different from the previous one. It is 1.5 times larger in size, and its whole body is filled with a terrifying and penetrating aura. The mane is dancing wantonly, and the temperature of the gymnasium is also constantly rising.

It was the pair of lion eyes looking at him, as if sizing up a low-level prey, very aggressive, as if they would pounce on the prey at any time.

"Ah this..."

Sakagi's human combat power detector scanned the huge wind speed dog in front of him, and a number immediately appeared in his mind.

five digits...

And it should still be the pinnacle of the 5 figures!


Sakagi blurted out in an instant, the five-figure peak combat power, even the god-like Pokémon in front of him, can only be achieved after the iron armor limiter is completely released.

A rookie trainer?


Sakagi repeated it again, and then thought about it, secretly thinking that this might just be an illusion of strength caused by the characteristics of the wind speed dog family.

"It's not wrong, it must be due to the intimidating nature." He comforted himself, and then he gave a loud shout, but there was already a hint of panic in his expression.

"Come on, kill it for me!!"

Hearing the order, the blue light lit up in the eye sockets of the Iron Armored Pokémon again. Without any movement, the energy of the power escaped from the body and roared towards the target. There was even a high-frequency tremor of "buzzing" in mid-air sound.

The psychic energy completely enveloped the wind speed dog, and the surrounding air became heavy again.

The powerful blue light thought power shrank for a while, causing damage to the latter continuously.

"That's it?"

It seemed a tyrannical attack, but his green face did not lose any color. The air wave driven by his thoughts made him shake his head, but it was more of a shaking of his head at the people above.

To be honest, the boss Sakagi in front of him disappointed him a little.

At least what is shown now is quite different from the boss Sakagi in the electronic world.

"Have you been fascinated by this Pokémon..."

So Qinglu snapped her fingers.


In the next second, Wind Speed ​​Dog's mane lion head flicked in the air, and then there was a sound of glass shattering in the air, and it easily broke free from the seemingly unbreakable cage of thought power, roaring like thunder Echoed in the gym again.

"Do you want to control my wind speed dog without even raising your hand...?"

Qinglu smiled coldly, and the wind speed dog in front of him also began to move lightly regardless of his thoughts, opened his mouth and lowered his figure, revealing the sharp teeth inside, and put on a fierce look.

And that Iron Armored Pokémon was a little dazed and paused, this was the first time it was broken so easily.


This time, he finally had a physical movement, slowly raised his armored head, and looked directly at the wind speed dog in front of him.

This time the enemies are a little different...

I saw him slowly raising his two arms covered by iron armor. The structure of his palm is very peculiar, it is a palm composed of three spherical fingers.


As he raised his palm, the aura on his body suddenly swelled, like a volcanic eruption, and the blue light energy ten times stronger than before shot up into the sky, condensing into a substantial wave of air and flooding every place in the arena!

There are bursts of high-frequency tremors! !


In the next moment, the energy of all the thoughts in the sky condensed at one point, and it fell on the wind speed dog again. The terrifying force made it stagger half a step, and lowered its shoulders.

The wind speed dog pressed down firmly, and even the mane on its body fell off, as if it was squeezed by a huge force.


Even the ground around its body suddenly collapsed into a small pit, unable to move half a step.

Seeing this, Sakagi slapped his big hand on the railing suddenly, his face flushed, and he looked triumphantly at the restrained Wind Speed ​​Dog, with a hint of madness.

"See it, this is the power of God! Unstoppable!!"

As long as there is a Pokémon with this power, the world is his!

Sakagi noticed that Feng Speed ​​Dog's body was trembling at this moment, which was a manifestation of using all his muscles to exert force, which proved that the current strength was the limit of the latter.

With all its strength, it can't break free!

Qinglu also nodded unexpectedly, agreeing with Sakagi's words.

That's right, this is already the full strength of the wind speed dog.

It seems that the power of this kind of Pokémon is indeed ridiculously strong. Even with the restraint of the limiting machine, the power is still higher than that of his own wind speed dog.

However, Qinglu suddenly put on a confident smile, and wrote lightly:

"But there is more than one kind of full power to control power..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Sugou, who had been crushed to the ground by endless terrifying thoughts, suddenly opened his eyes, the muscles of his limbs trembled, and his figure collapsed again.

It actually unloaded the whole body's resistance.


Then there was a sound of bones and joints rubbing, and the muscles on the wind speed dog trembled again, and the pupils of the lion's eyes shrank suddenly, and the terrifying momentum and powerful muscle strength erupted again in an instant, going back and forth !

The power that suppressed the audience reappeared!


The explosive power made the wind speed dog break free from the restraints in an instant, and roared up to the sky to dispel all the blue light thoughts around the sky. The brown mane danced around its body again, and looked at the target with scorching eyes.

It breaks free!

Seeing this, Qinglu showed a handsome smile, with wisdom in her heart.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, my wind speed dog is not particularly good at strength. Explosive power is what it is best at... Well, that's not right, it's the second best at it."

Explosive power, instant attacks, lightning-like riots, and sometimes the power that can be displayed is more terrifying than full strength.

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