He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2541 Citron vs. Citron!

"Xiao Zhi, leave it to me. This is a difficulty I have to overcome."

Citron shook his head and firmly refused Xiaozhi's help.

Defeating Hitroit was also a test for him since his two months of travel.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi shrugged and didn't intend to interfere anymore. He took Pikachu and Yurika, who was about to get in, to sit in the spectator seats next to him.

Citron also nodded towards Serena, who also walked back to the viewing area and waited to see what happened.

Taking a deep breath, Citron walked towards the crudely constructed robot and shouted in a deep voice:

"Let's have a battle first to see who is the real Miare Gym Leader!"

"Warning! Please sit back in the auditorium if you don't care. Otherwise, I will take necessary punishment!!"

Hitroit seemed completely unable to recognize his creator, his eyes were flashing and he was about to turn red.

Even the mechanical arm on one side turned into a sharp drill, as if it was about to poke a hole in Citron's chest.

"Really? But I remember that every challenger can initiate a gym leader qualification challenge to determine whether the gym leader is qualified to continue to be the gym leader!"

Citron pushed up his glasses and suddenly said that this was a program he had set for Hitler in advance, and it was considered a preliminary debugging method.

"Library owner qualifications. Hall owner qualifications"

Xitroit was stunned for a while and kept repeating. Obviously this was a keyword.

The next moment, the red light in his eyes dimmed, and Xitroit really entered the state of debugging.

"Then the next step is the gym leader qualification battle! The rules of the competition are 1v1, which determines whether the gym leader will stay or leave!"

After saying that, Hitroit walked to one end of the arena and stood ready.

Seeing this, Citron breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the debugging program had not completely failed.

The program was originally written to let challengers rate the master of the robot hall, but now it comes in handy!

Thinking of this, he calmed down and walked to the other side of the arena.

In short, let’s defeat Hitroit first!


Citron held his breath and concentrated, and took the lead in throwing a Poké Ball. It was the self-destructing magnet monster that had just completed its evolution in the northern wilderness!

On the other side, one of Hitroit's arms turned into the form of a launcher, and with a "bang", a Poké Ball was shot out.


When the red light fell, he saw a small yellow lizard crawling on the ground.

The body has orange patterns, and the slender neck and small head are black.

"The Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, an evolved form of the Umbrella Electric Lizard, has both electrical and general attributes. When exposed to sunlight, it will open its neck umbrella to generate electricity, and use electricity to stimulate body muscles, allowing its lower limbs to have amazing running speed and jumping ability."

In the audience, Serena put down her illustrated book and watched carefully.

After the two people on the field finish fighting, it will be your turn. Collect information first!

After all, the Pokémon in Xitroit's body are actually Xitron's Pokémon, and they are all his next opponents.

"Umbrella lizard.?"

As soon as this photoelectric umbrella lizard appeared, it was stunned when it saw Citron.

Why are you suddenly facing your own trainer?

However, it did not come up to say hello affectionately, but solemnly stood in front of Xitroit, preparing to challenge Xitron.

This was also the instruction that Citron left for them when he created the Heroites - to treat the Heroites completely as their trainers and strictly abide by the latter's instructions.

"That's true. The brains of electric Pokémon are indeed programmed and not very adaptable."

In the audience, Xiaozhi rubbed Pikachu's head while the old god nodded.

It is estimated that Xitroit ordered this photoelectric lizard to attack Xitron directly. This Pokémon will also obey the command and take action, right?

"This is really what I want!"

Citron's lens flashed coldly, and he immediately launched an attack:

"Self-destruct magnet, use triple attack!!"

The level of this self-destructing magnet monster that has completed its final evolution is not low. It immediately condensed three energy beams of different colors and attributes in front of it and blasted them out simultaneously!

On the other side, Xitroit's eyes flickered, and he could hear the sound of the CPU fan rotating at high speed. He was obviously "thinking" quickly.

"Use Charge!!"

The photoelectric umbrella lizard understood, and immediately raised its head high on the spot, and the neck umbrella around its neck was fully opened, like a sunflower.


There was a sudden burst of electricity on the neck umbrella.

However, the purpose of charging is not to increase your own power, but to use current to stimulate your own muscles.


At the critical moment before the triple attack, the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard rushed out and successfully evaded the attack at an extremely fast speed. It was obviously planned by Hitroit in advance.

call out! Phew! !

On the field, the photoelectric umbrella lizard's powerful and vigorous leg strength turned its small body into a streak of yellow lightning, darting back and forth around it in a dazzling way.

"Use Fire Fist!"

Following Hitroit's command, the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard suddenly appeared at a tricky angle, raised one fist, and ignited a blazing flame!

"Ah, when did the Ray Umbrella Lizard master the Fire Fist?!"

Citron was shocked and responded quickly:

"Use the gyro ball to block it!!"

The self-destructing magnet monster understood and started spinning rapidly in mid-air, so there was no need to pay attention to the blind spot from which the opponent would attack.

Bang bang! !

It was just a hasty response, but the self-destructing magnet monster that was rotating at high speed was still punched back and suffered a certain amount of damage.

"Use rock blockade!!"

Hitroit's command was straightforward and without any nonsense.

The photoelectric umbrella lizard opened its neck umbrella again, gathered several huge rocks around it, and threw them all at once.

Citron quickly pushed up his glasses, sweating profusely.

What the hell, why have my Optoelectronic Umbrella Lizard's moves changed completely? !

"Discharge, breakdown everything!!"

However, he and the self-destructing magnet are not vegetarians. The latter even bursts out with strong currents all over his body, shooting out in all directions, smashing all the incoming stones in the air and falling.

The castration continued, and the current extended by the discharge continued to shoot in the direction of the photoelectric umbrella lizard!

However, in the face of this fierce blow, Hitroit chose not to dodge:

"Use Charge!"

The photoelectric umbrella lizard understood, raised its head on the spot again, opened its neck umbrella, and was ready to fully accept this power.

Boom! !

The next moment, a large amount of electricity bombarded down, pouring like a tide, completely hitting the photoelectric umbrella lizard!

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