He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2548 A gangster from the Hezhong area?

At night, in the open space of this small alley in the city of Miare.

I saw Vulture Na hovering in the air, looking around frantically, trying to find the target.

call out.!

The photoelectric umbrella lizard, which is small in size and extremely fast, shuttles and runs on the ground at high speed, like a winding yellow lightning, making it difficult to catch traces.

It was the photoelectric umbrella lizard that Citron sent. In this kind of not-so-wide alleyway, the photoelectric umbrella lizard had a big advantage.

Bang! Bang!

Even with the help of the surrounding walls, the Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard can climb up by stepping on the walls left and right, reaching the same height as Vulture Na.


Gemma cursed softly, her eyes also feeling dazzled.

The relationship between the vulture and the lizard was obviously that of a hunter and its prey, but at this moment, the relationship was reversed. They were played by the photoelectric umbrella lizard.

"Now, the grid!!"

Even the photoelectric umbrella lizard suddenly jumped to a high place behind Vulture Na, pressed its tail down, and suddenly spread out a lightning net.

Sizzle! !

The grid hit Vulture Na in the middle, and even after touching the target, the big net began to shrink, dragging Vulture Na's body down until it fell to the ground.

"It's not over yet! Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, use electricity to rise!!"

After completely solving the Miare gym incident, Citron became more active and confident at the moment, and his voice was much louder.

But I saw the photoelectric umbrella lizard raised its head high, and the neck umbrella around its neck was completely opened like a sunflower. During this period, streaks of lightning continued to flow.

Zhixiu! Zhixiu! Zhixiu!

The next moment, starting from the photoelectric umbrella lizard, strong electric currents continued to rise from the surrounding ground, rising into the sky.

One of the rising currents hit Vulture Na's body right in the middle!

There is a power grid constraining the top, and then current rises below.

Boom! !

The power grid was completely detonated, and Vulture Na's body sparked a huge explosion of electricity!

Outstanding effect!

When the smoke and dust dispersed, the gloomy-looking Vulture Na fell there, her whole body charred and black, unable to fight.

"Damn you kid, how dare you hurt my baby like this!"

Gemma cursed lowly and looked at Citron with gritted teeth.

In the end, she could only glare angrily, take back Vulture Na, and step back on her high-heeled boots.

"Excellent performance, electric lizard, there's another one coming next!"

Citron exhaled a breath to calm down and waited for the next battle.

"You kid, you have some skills!"

Next to him, Wen Mo walked up with a fierce expression, this time with a bit of fear in his eyes.

This kid actually defeated Zhenma's Vulture Na so easily. In the first battle, this photoelectric umbrella lizard basically didn't consume anything.

"Damn it, let me show you the true strength of our Miare gang!"

There was already an elf ball in Wenmo's hand. When the red light fell, he saw a strong brown bull with a thick afro head and a pair of huge and sharp horizontal horns extending from it.

"Afro Buffalo. And Condorna, they are all Pokémon from the Unova region."

Xiaozhi watched the battle thoughtfully.

Could it be that they are still gangsters from the Hezhong area?

However, this battle should not be a big problem for Citron.

The surrounding environment is not spacious, and it is not suitable for the bulky afro-headed buffalo to perform.

"Afro buffalo, stomp!!"

As soon as he came up, Wen Mo focused on attribute restraint and used ground attribute moves.

The afro buffalo's forelimbs stepped heavily, and the surrounding ground suddenly roared and trembled. Fortunately, there are few people living in this area, so it shouldn't disturb the people, right?

However, Citron just responded calmly and pointed upward.

"It's useless~! Jump up!"

The Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard understood, and repeated its tricks by jumping onto the surrounding walls, using its strength from left to right, and was not affected by the vibrations on the ground.


Wen Mo launched fierce attacks one after another, and the afro-headed buffalo let out a deep roar, condensing several gravels around its body and throwing them at the target above.

It's just that at this moment, the photoelectric umbrella lizard is extremely agile and jumps and dodges around.

Rockfall's hit rate was impressive, but in this case, it was all missed, sending up rubble and smoke in the air.

"Now, discharge!!"

The photoelectric umbrella lizard even took advantage of the gap to dodge, suddenly opened its neck umbrella, and the electric current bursting out from the whole body poured down, landing on the afro-headed buffalo with great precision.


It's just that the afro hair of the afro buffalo seems to have the ability to store electricity. The seemingly fierce current is absorbed by it, and the mud cow falls into the sea.

Apart from filling the hair of the afro with static arcs, it did not cause any damage to the body of the afro buffalo.

"Is there any other coping strategy like this?"

Citron pushed up his glasses and was surprised.

It's not an electricity storage feature, but it uses the body's natural organs to deal with it, just like the little smart frog is used to using the foam on its back.

Used properly, it is more powerful than its features!

What Afro is proud of is this fluffy and thick Afro.

"Let it see your true power! Afro Assault!!"

Wen Mo finally shouted out the exclusive move of the afro buffalo, and the buffalo in front of him lowered his head. The hair on the top of his head was constantly accumulating energy, exuding a frightening aura.


After accumulating energy, the afro buffalo kicked its hind hooves and rushed towards the target!

Although it was the first time he saw this move, Citron responded calmly:

"It's useless! Your afro-headed buffalo can't hit the photoelectric umbrella lizard at all!"

Just avoid it.

"Light Lizard~!"

The photoelectric umbrella lizard once again ran up the walls of the surrounding buildings, dodging left and right flexibly.

But this wild bull could only rush out in a straight line. Before reaching its destination, the photoelectric umbrella lizard had already disappeared.

Even so, the afro-headed buffalo couldn't stop the car and could only crash into the wall of the building in that area.

Bang Bang Bang! !

The huge force immediately created a huge gap in the gravel at that location. The movement was terrifying and the smoke and dust filled the air.

It's just that the explosive head attack has a certain counter-injury effect. Even if it doesn't hit the target, this blow still makes the explosive head buffalo hit his head and make him dizzy. He keeps shaking his head and trying to stand firm.

"Now, stick it up and use discharge!!"

Citron took advantage of the situation and attacked.

This time, the photoelectric umbrella lizard did not attack directly, but like an electric flying squirrel, it first landed on the spacious back of the afro-headed buffalo.

Its limbs are spread out, clutching the target's back.

Sizzle! !

The next moment, a violent electric current surged out, hitting the tenderloin of the afro buffalo. The afro hair on the head could not absorb much.

Withstanding the electric shock from zero distance, the afro-headed buffalo suffered from pain and continued to riot and struggle in place!

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