He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 252 In the face of pressure, stay graceful


These provocative words, before Sakagi was irritated, Chaomeng below had been completely irritated, like ignited gunpowder, almost exploded, and let out a roar like a human roar.

The suppressor, not only suppressed his strength, but also his violent character.

Mewtwo has not been a docile Pokémon since ancient times. At the beginning of his re-creation, he destroyed everything he saw in front of him. He is a very destructive Pokémon.

It wasn't until Sakagi intervened that he was put on the suppressor and stopped his violent actions.

But now that the suppressor has been completely torn apart, not only has all the strength of the complete body returned, but the violent character in his bones has erupted like a volcano, which can no longer be suppressed.


The entire gymnasium began to vibrate, the surrounding transparent air seemed to have a solid body, trembling visible to the naked eye, and the chilling intent enveloped everything, and the momentum blowout had reached its peak!

And the most central Chaomeng's forehead and arms are full of blue veins, and the blue light power around the body is condensed to the extreme, the color suddenly changes, turning into a scarlet light like blood, and even the space seems to be able to withstand it. Unable to bear this huge pressure, I kept distorting...

Under the shroud of red light thought power, Chaomeng seems to be a bloodthirsty demon god at this moment, unstoppable! !

"See, this is the power of God, I am invincible!!"

Even though the railing in front of him had been distorted by the spread of the red light, Sakagi still stood firmly on the spot, embracing the energy storm around him with open arms, inhaling greedily, almost roaring.

Chaomeng in this state is completely out of his control, but he just wants to let the boy in front of him know a fact.

Mewtwo is the invincible Pokémon! !


However, right in front of the red light thoughts, on the other side of the arena, the blue-green face still showed no emotional fluctuations, but showed some interest, and then spoke softly.

"That's it?"

As soon as the words fell, Chaomeng's pupils shrank, and he fell into a rage again. His blue veins burst out, and the red light on his body burst out. The surrounding walls and ground began to crack because they couldn't bear the huge pressure. The blast will destroy almost everything...


Even though there was a beam roof, a thunderstorm exploded in the sky outside. It is conceivable that the sky above the Viridian Gymnasium is full of rolling thunder and lightning clouds at this moment. This power has reached the level of affecting nature!

Even in this apocalyptic power, with energy waves constantly blowing his green hair and clothes, he still stood there without any movement, and there was no trace of fear in his eyes, bearing the pressure head-on.

Stay graceful in the face of pressure.


Wind Speed ​​Dog also stood beside Qinglu, with no fear in the eyes of the lion, his brown mane dancing wildly with the wind, his teeth roaring, extremely cool and insolent...



For the second time, Chaomeng let out a roar similar to the roar of a human being. His power had reached its peak, and the ghastly red psychic light began to condense a little in front of him, gradually turning into a red psychic bullet. meaning.

The space around the energy bomb is also constantly distorting and blurring...

Without any doubt, this energy bomb is enough to completely blow up this Viking Gym to the ground!

"Tsk, I'm confused, you can't beat me now..."

Qinglu turned a blind eye to this terrifying thought power energy bomb, but provoked again.

The energy bullet was almost condensed to the extreme, and he snapped his fingers suddenly, and instructed:

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Loud Roar."


Wind Speed ​​Dog faced Chaomeng head-on, its mane raised its head, its pupils shrank suddenly, and a roar sounded like thunder rolling from its mouth. The terrifying and violent roar exploded instantly, even shattering the surrounding energy pressure. Hidden cover!


Chaomeng's action of releasing the energy bomb was also slightly suffocated, and the thunderous explosion made his mind fall into a momentary dizziness, and even the outer layer of the energy bomb in his hand trembled slightly.

This is roaring loudly, no matter what you want to do, just shout.

Qinglu smiled lightly, obviously very satisfied with this roar.

Perhaps in the Alola region, trainers like to call the wind speed dog a little blazing roaring tiger, which is absolutely impossible for him to accept.

In front of his wind speed dog, no matter how strong Roaring Tiger is, it should be called a small wind speed dog.


Chaomeng, who was highly concentrated, naturally didn't fail because of just a loud roar. As soon as his thought power was concentrated, the thought power energy bomb filled with a dangerous aura had already condensed and was about to be projected.


Chaomeng frowned, and he found that the big dog in front of him suddenly disappeared.


Chaomeng closed his eyes, relying on the wave of thoughts to lock on the target, in the mental map, a huge figure was rapidly approaching him.

Chaomeng quickly opened his eyes, and sure enough a big poodle was galloping towards him at such a fast speed that the distance to him was less than 2 meters.

Quickly concentrating, he was about to push out the red mind bomb in his hand.


The wind speed dog, who was less than two meters away from him, instantly wiped out the two meters, and his body was created from nothing, and a burst of fierce hot flames suddenly burst out. In less than half a breath, the flames burned to the extreme in an instant, and the color became even brighter. It changed suddenly, turning into a blue energy flame like extinction.

Flame charge, the instant burst version!


The Psychic Bullet had just been launched, and the Flame Charge had already bombarded Chaomeng's chest head-on, instantly smashing Chaomeng's own Psychic Shield completely.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the flames, the muscles of Feng Speed ​​Dog's limbs trembled for a while, and the power could burst out in two stages again. The terrifying power of Flame Charge and the blue flame of silence all exploded in Chaomeng's chest, and monstrous energy gushed out. The latter's body Unable to bear this terrifying flame attack any longer, it flew backwards like a cannonball, and smashed hard on the wall behind it, causing countless rock fragments to shatter immediately.

But Nian Li Bomb brushed against Feng Speed ​​Dog's body and shot towards the rear. The scene of cracking did not appear, but turned the place it touched into powder debris on the spot, unstoppable, constantly breaking the rock wall, In the end, it shot straight out of the Viki Pan Gym.

"Is this your invincible Pokémon? Really enough..."

In the middle of Qinglu's speech, he interrupted himself.

The yin and yang strangeness is just young and frivolous, and now he has long since given up such words.

Sakagi: "..."

Looking at the figure lying on the rocky ruins and covered by gravel, Sakagi firmly grasped the railing with his palms, his brows twitched wildly, and his expression turned ashen.

After a while, Sakagi let go of the railing with a long sigh of relief, and his expression became extremely gloomy.

"I lost..."

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