He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2551 Martial arts routines are not as good as Wang Baquan!

The helmeted woman slashed again, but it wasn't just a sharp slash.

Bang bang! !

The Gyro Ball Ghost Sword also imparted astonishing destructive power, directly creating a large pit of gravel on the ground.

"Xiao Zhi.?!"

Citron and the others, as well as several members of the Miare gang, were stunned on the spot, watching this outrageous battle without saying a word for a long time.

It seems like neither of them are normal humans anymore? !

Gritting her teeth, Serena released her long-tailed fire fox, ready to assist Xiaozhi at any time.

It's just that in the scene, although the empty-handed Xiaozhi has been dodging in panic, the expression on his face seems to be getting more and more calm?

"Without the bonus of continuous cutting, if it's just a gyro ball, the opponent's speed will actually decrease!"

While dodging, Xiaozhi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and his movements became more and more smooth.

Just in time, try this trick!

Taking advantage of his opponent's powerful and heavy slashing action with a heavy ax, Xiaozhi lowered his body, rolled forward quickly, and got behind the helmeted woman.

The action is from the ground, as long as it can be used.

Then he kicked out his right leg smoothly and attacked the opponent's lower body!


The woman in the helmet was kicked accurately on the inside of her knee joint. Her lower body couldn't help but soften, and she staggered and almost fell out!

Then Xiaozhi turned his body sideways and bumped into him like an iron mountain.

boom! !

His shoulder and elbow hit the helmeted woman's upper body directly. The latter was barely able to stabilize her body just now when she was suddenly hit with a huge force.

This time, his whole body flew away, the ghost sword slipped out of his hand, and his helmeted head hit the corner of the wall next to him.

"I haven't completely forgotten Lucario-sensei's teachings~!"

After a successful attack, Xiaozhi clapped his palms and thought to himself with a smile.

When he was practicing the power of wave guide with the ancient Lucario in Orulando, the latter also taught him some martial arts techniques.

The other party is not only a wave guide hero, but also a martial arts master.


Xiaozhi still prefers the unstructured boxing from his hometown. The formal boxing method is completely unsuitable for him.

There was no other way, so the ancient Lucario stopped mentioning the boxing routines, and directly told Xiaozhi where the key and vulnerable parts of the human body were.

Anyway, you are naturally fast and powerful.

No need for any fancy tricks to seize the opportunity and directly attack the weak points of others!


However, with the protection of the helmet, the helmeted woman was not completely dizzy and quickly stood up again.

He even lowered his head and looked around, preparing to pick up the flying ghost sword first.

But at this moment, the ghost sword is not on the ground, but...

"I can't give you this dangerous weapon again!"

Xiaozhi chuckled and already held the scabbard of the single sword in one hand.

Needless to say, this simple broad sword is quite heavy.

"Ghost Jie!"

However, this is a Pokémon, and it naturally has its own consciousness. Suddenly, its body was held by an outsider, and it immediately started to struggle.

The ribbon at the end of the sword hilt surged up, threatening to strangle Xiaozhi's wrist.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

Xiaozhi was not polite, grabbed the ghost sword and smashed it to the ground three times.

There's something wrong with this helmet girl, and there's also something wrong with this ghost sword. It's so ruthless that it can perform continuous cuts, attacking other people's vital parts.

After three blows, the scabbard's head was buzzing, and the eyes on the hilt began to spin.

This time, he no longer resisted and became a "weapon" completely.

Xiaozhi was not polite next, it was his turn to take action.

He picked up the unconscious ghost sword and rushed towards the helmeted woman. When he got closer, he raised it high and slashed down with great force!

"Wait a minute Xiaozhi!!"


Serena and Citron quickly exclaimed. Is this posture enough to split the helmeted woman in half?

Is it possible that the single scabbard still has the power to confuse people's minds, and Xiaozhi has fallen into a rage?

But the next moment, a crisp slapping sound made the small alleyway space suddenly quiet.

Bang bang! !

But he saw that Xiaozhi had already raised the ghost sword horizontally, not to chop, but to "slap" the target with the broad blade.

With a hit on the head, the helmeted woman's head and the helmet outside vibrated at a high frequency.

"Um, it shouldn't be a direct concussion, right?"

Xiaozhi secretly thought, he had at least regained 80% of his strength.

After the mysterious helmeted woman staggered on the spot for a while, she seemed to be completely knocked unconscious. Her body finally tilted and fell to the ground, unconscious.


Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief and inserted the scabbard of the single sword in his hand, which could not be used for fighting, into the ground.

Not to mention, Pokémon like Ghost Sword is really quite strange. As a weapon, it is surprisingly handy...?

When the matter came to an end, the tense atmosphere in the alleyway suddenly dropped.


Pikachu didn't know when he had fallen from a high place, completely unharmed.

Well, anyway, I didn’t make a sound even after I fell down. I just watched the show silently until everything was resolved satisfactorily before I made a sound again.

Xiaozhi no longer had any expectations for his Pikachu. He turned his head and looked at the balcony above. The previously upright telepathic squid had disappeared.

"It's really weird. Is it someone else's Pokémon? Or is it the Pokémon of this helmeted girl?"

Logically speaking, if your trainer is defeated, the Pokémon should rush to the rescue, right?

"Hey! What do you want to do to our boss!"

However, a group of people from the Miare Gang had already rushed to the rescue, and they stood in front of the helmeted woman and scolded her.

Although his actions were a bit rough and dangerous, the other party was also standing up for their Miare gang.

But at this moment, they looked at Xiaozhi as if they were looking at a monster.

Is this human? !

"Well, we definitely don't mean any harm."

Citron quickly stepped forward and said comfortingly:

"And the main point now is to rescue the helmeted lady first, right?"

He pointed at the girl in a tight-fitting helmet who fell to the ground and was still unconscious. She wouldn't have been directly hit with a concussion by Xiaozhi's Ghost Sword earlier, right? !

Now, wiping out the Miare Gang or something like that is a trivial matter.

We must first find out the identity of this dangerous woman.

"I happen to know a little bit about first aid, so leave it to me for now!"

Citron rolled up his sleeves, and under the watchful eyes of several Miare gang members, he squatted down and slowly took off the opponent's helmet.

But what was unexpected under the helmet was a young and sweet girl with long curly black hair.

Although she has lost consciousness, the corners of her mouth still have a slight upward arc. She is obviously a girl who usually likes to show a sweet smile.

While everyone else was paying attention to the girl's appearance, Citron paid more attention to the helmet machine in her hand.

"this is?!"

It's not a protective helmet. It seems to be a head-mounted device that controls brain waves?

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