He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2554: Going to sleep part-time

On the other side, Maggie Elle had woken up leisurely on the hospital bed.

When Xiaozhi came in, he found that in addition to a few people beside the bed, there was also a gray curly kitten lying down.

Meowth, a super-powered Pokémon native to the Kalos region, seems to be Magiel's partner.

But even she herself didn't know what happened specifically, holding Miaomiao with a confused expression.

"Well, I remember that the firm couldn't continue to operate. Even Uncle Hansen went bankrupt and had to go out to work to support the operation of the firm. In order to help the uncle reduce his burden, I found a part-time job."

Maggie Elle rubbed her long, slightly curly black hair, with a hint of guilt on her face.

Xiaozhi: "."

Well, this firm was opened simply by Uncle Hansen for fun.

I was just out on a mission, so why did I think of "going bankrupt and running away"? !

It seems that Hansen did not tell Maggie Elle his identity.

Not to mention, Xiaozhi really felt a little familiar with Maggie's dazed and natural look.

"Then I met a kind-hearted Uncle Flame. He said he could provide me with financial assistance, but I had to sleep at his place."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the ward was dumbfounded, and then became extremely angry.

Is there such a crazy adult in Miare City? !

I thought I could make money part-time just by sleeping!

Maggie naturally agreed and went there to "sleep" every now and then.

Everyone became more and more annoyed after hearing this, more than once? !

Several people from the Miare Gang have even picked up the guy and are ready to kill the so-called "Uncle Flame".

"Um, what's the problem?"

Among the crowd, only Xiaozhi looked at everyone in surprise.

A part-time job that makes a lot of money can make a lot of money every day while sleeping. He wants to do it. Why are everyone so angry when they hear it?

Marchielle also had a similar expression, completely unaware of the problem in her words.

In fact, it is indeed not the kind of job you think.

What she meant by sleeping was just wearing that close combat uniform and actually sleeping in it.

As for what she did under the control of the helmet after sleeping, Magiel didn't know what it was.

One time, she even wore it to play with the Miare gang. Only then did the latter know her specific identity under the black helmet.

Marchielle put her fingers to the corners of her mouth and thought for a while before speaking. The name was a bit difficult to pronounce:

"That Uncle Flame is a kind-hearted person! I remember his name seems to be Sese Kuseloski?"

After most of the inquiries were finished, Xiaozhi and his party exited the ward, leaving only the Miare gang to accompany them.

"By the way, Uncle Hansen really has a job out of town. He's not bankrupt and ran away, so you don't need to do these extra part-time jobs!"

Before leaving, Xiaozhi decided to give a warning, always feeling that this black-haired girl was missing a nerve in her brain.

"Yeah! I know!"

Knowing the whole story, Marchielle lowered her head, and a sweet smile appeared on her face again.

Just know that you are not a burden to Uncle Hansen!

Walking out of the ward, Citron was still holding the control helmet and combat uniform in his hands, and he didn't know what to do with them.

As for the name of Uncle Flame that Magiel mentioned last, Citron pushed up his glasses and said:

"I have an impression of this Kuseloski. He was a famous scientist in the Kalos region a few years ago. He invented many novel things."

At that time, he was still a little boy who liked to read various science and technology magazines, and he had heard of Kuselowski's name.

"It's just that later on, this person seemed to have joined the Flare Group, and I never heard his name again after that."

The Flare Group, also known as the Flare Team, is the official name of this technology company.

"So, are the people from Team Flare studying this long-range combat suit?"

Xiaozhi took over this battle suit and didn't know what material it was made of. Even if he pulled it hard, it wouldn't deform in any way.

"Anyway, either you can take Citron and study it yourself, or we can give it to Miss Junsha. Anyway, I don't plan to hand it back to Team Flare."

Seeing Citron's hesitation, Xiaozhi said solemnly and made a decision immediately.

With the Carlos style of painting, his mind is much more mature than when he traveled in other areas. Indecisive matters like this are basically decided by Xiaozhi.

He doesn't have any good impression of Team Flare right now.

"Well, I'll take it and study it first. If Team Flare wants to use this thing for evil in the future, maybe I can develop a countermeasure."

After the power plant incident, Citron is now worried about this large organization entrenched in his hometown.

It's just that the battle suit itself is not the key.

This is not the first time that Magielle has "sleeped". The real-time data generated every time the battle suit is operated is the most important thing.

These must have been completely mastered by the scientist in Team Flare.

"I believe in you Citron! Your level of invention is the best!!"

However, with Xiaozhi's strong praise, Citron's confidence was completely built up.

That’s right, I am considered the great inventor of Miare, there is no reason why I should lose to others!

In the next few days, no one was in a hurry to leave Miare City.

And everyone has their own things to do, but they don't get together to act.

In the morning, Xiaozhi was called to the research institute by Dr. Buratano. It was rare for him to return to this city, so the doctor still wanted to visit.

Xiaozhi also wanted to ask Serena to go with him. After all, the latter also received the long-tailed fire fox from the Bratano Research Institute.

"Sorry, I made an appointment with a very important person online today!"

Serena apologized with both hands, got up early in the morning, dressed up, and went out in a hurry.

"Um, do you want to meet your netizens?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, he shouldn't be some messy internet guy, right?

Even the Citron brothers and sisters went to find Uncle Limone. He had no choice but to go to the Bratano Institute on his own.

After arriving at the institute, I reminisced with Dr. Buratano, whom I had not seen for a long time. The latter still looked handsome and cheerful.

"Oh~! Both the croak frog and Harry chestnut are well cultivated!!"

Especially after seeing Xiaozhi release the two Yusanjia that originally lived here, Dr. Buratano was even more impressed.

The frog was as he expected. Even though he had dumped so many trainers before, he seemed to have a huge problem.

But as long as you find the right partner, you will be the best Yusanjia!

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