He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2557 Is it Fradali who comes in? !


But not long after Citron slipped in, there was a sound at the door of the cafe, and another customer walked in.

This attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked at him curiously.

It's strange, how can such a small, remote cafe have so many people coming in so early in the morning? !

And through the blurred outline on the door glass, you can see a tall and thin man.

Dr. Buratano's eyes lit up, this time he should be the one he made an appointment with!

This tall and thin man walked in. His appearance was very distinctive and strange compared with ordinary people.

He was wearing a straight and slightly slim-fitting black suit with orange lines on the edges and a furry stand-up collar.

She has short orange-red hair. It is not a curly afro, but spreads out like a lion's mane.

He has a fair and serious face, his brows are slightly furrowed, and he is arrogant and angry. He is obviously not an ordinary person.

It's none other than the leader of Team Flare, Vladali!

"?!" "???"

Xiaozhi and even Limone, who was stalling for time at the front desk and chatting away, were shocked.

Citron is inside preparing to steal something.

Why did the real owner come? !

Fradali stood at the door. His identity was not hidden, and he often appeared on Carlos's major headlines and magazine covers.

The waiter at the front desk immediately straightened his expression and nodded to Fradali from a distance.

Although he is not a member of the Flare Team, he is just an ordinary employee of the Flare Group, so he naturally knows his big boss.

But Xiaozhi and the others were right in guessing that this underground base was abandoned by the Flare Team, and the precious research materials and props and treasures had been moved - of course, there were still some things missing.

And the two people working in the cafe didn't even know that there was a secret base under their feet.

After entering, Fradali naturally glanced around the cafe subconsciously. His outstanding and tall figure allowed him to easily see every corner of the cafe.


However, after seeing Dragon King Dorasena, Vladali was a little confused, why is this woman here?

"Oh Fradali~! This way!"

Dr. Buratano had already stood up and walked over to say hello.

He and Fradali were friends, and he specially invited the latter to meet here.

Xiaozhi looked at the corner of the back kitchen with a little nervousness, wondering how Citron was doing.

He could only bite the bullet and follow the doctor's footsteps.

Speaking of which, I didn’t expect to be here today and directly meet the leader of Team Flare!

Is the other party familiar with the doctor?

Fradali's tone was calm and polite, and he nodded slightly at the two of them:

"Bratano, long time no see. Also, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I have wanted to meet you for a long time."

His tone and demeanor did not sound like the ambitious leader of an evil organization.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was shocked. The other party really knew him!

This means that those wild words of mine that were previously published on the Internet have absolutely nothing to do with the other party!

There was suddenly a sullen look in his eyes.


The atmosphere seemed to be a bit stalemate. At this time, there was a sudden vibration from the backstage of the cafe's kitchen, causing everyone's eyes to look there subconsciously.

Seeing that Vladali was also looking over there, Xiaozhi could only suppress his emotions temporarily and interrupted:

"Mr. Fradali. Well, anyway, let's sit down and chat first."

"Yes, yes, let's sit down and chat first~!"

Dr. Buratano also quickly smoothed things over and led the two of them back to their original positions.

He probably also guessed what Xiaozhi's friends were doing, so he helped to some extent.


Fradali didn't think much and followed behind and took a seat, acting very appropriately like a polite gentleman.

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief and sat opposite Vladali.

On the other side, there seemed to be the sound of pots and pans falling in the kitchen, which made the front desk clerk want to go in and see what was going on.

"Hey, I just dropped a few bowls, what's so weird~"

Limone was still leaning on the bar with half of his arm. He quickly changed the topic and pulled the waiter to prevent him from leaving:

"Since the sticky treasure is gone, do you still have the lava snail? Um, you wouldn't use the molten beast to fool people, right?"

When the waiter heard this, he became anxious and immediately patted his chest confidently:

"Don't talk nonsense. The molten beast is highly poisonous. Even if it is roasted, it cannot be eaten!"

Nowadays, most of the grilled snails in the Carlos area are lava snails. They don’t even need to be grilled. They can be eaten as sashimi.

"That's good. My daughter likes grilled snails the most."

Limone breathed a sigh of relief and looked in the direction of Fradali out of the corner of his eye.

What a surprise. Why did the leader of Team Flare escape? !

On the other side, the first thing Citron did when he sneaked into the back room of the kitchen was to send his own furry sheep.

"Use Mushroom Spores!"

As soon as it came up, the Rong Rong Sheep released a burst of dark green powder, lingering around the chef.


The powerful hypnosis made the latter lose consciousness in an instant.

Although the general electric dragon family cannot master the move of mushroom spores

But Citron didn't know what kind of existence his father's electric dragon was matched with. How could his velvety sheep master this magical skill? !

Mushroom spores are much more effective than hypnosis, hypnotic powder and the like.

Even after the target woke up later, he didn't know that he had slept.


The chef suddenly fell asleep and fell straight down. He accidentally knocked down some stainless steel bowls on the edge of the table, causing a crisp sound.

Citron was shocked, thinking that his actions were about to be exposed.

However, after waiting for a long time and no one came in, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then boldly searched for the secret door leading to the secret base.

Since I know there is no one guarding inside, now that I have the opportunity, I can go in and take the electric dragon mega stone, and then run away at the speed of light.

Of course, Citron didn't know that the boss of Team Flare was sitting outside at this moment.

Otherwise, he would probably be so scared that his feet would become weak and he would turn around and run away.


With the help of his long-tailed monster mobile phone, Citron quickly discovered the location of the secret door.

"Let's go, Rong Rong Sheep, let's move faster!"


One person and one sheep swallowed their saliva, no longer hesitated, and quickly crossed the threshold of the secret door and walked in!

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