He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2559 Create a beautiful world

Dr. Buratano sounded confused, why did he suddenly get involved with the Electric Dragon Mega Stone?

Xiaozhi: "?!"

But he knew that Citron was in the secret base at their feet, stealing the Electric Dragon Mega Stone? !

Even though they were hiding very smoothly, they were already discovered by the other party at the beginning? !

Xiaozhi was shocked. The lion head in front of him seemed to be something special!

Those calm and steady eyes, with extremely keen insight, seemed to have seen through him even without the power of the waveguide.

Vladali's polite and humble words made Xiaozhi not even think that the other party was a villain for a while.

Maybe the previous bad contact with Team Flare members was just a misunderstanding.

But Fradali's last words made Xiaozhi feel a chill down his back, and he suddenly felt like a villain.

Even faintly.

Does this mean that if he doesn't accept the apology, what will he do to Citron below?

After all, this is the territory of their Team Flare. Whatever Vladali wants to do is legal. Now it is Citron who is breaking the law.

Sure enough, Team Flare is not someone to be trifled with!

Finally, Xiaozhi sat back down, took a deep breath, and said:

"I accept your apology."

He was fearless, but he couldn't risk Citron's safety.

"Haha~ Our Flare Group has never had any malicious thoughts towards a young and powerful trainer like you, Xiaozhi. We have always just wanted to do something for you."

Fradali also showed a smile, as if it was a simple apology and there was no threat.

But it was all said and done, at least for the time being, there was no actual conflict between him and Team Flare.

Xiaozhi was relieved at that time, and his tone became much more easy-going:

"So, Mr. Fradali, why did you choose to "help" me?"

He deliberately emphasized the word "help".

It seems like you are the only trainer who makes hateful comments on the Internet, right?

"Of course it's because of your strong strength, Xiaozhi-kun. I already knew before you came to our Kalos region that no one in your age group can surpass your achievements."

Vladali's words of praise were so strong that he almost put Xiaozhi on the altar.

"And Xiaozhi, you are similar to that guy. Anyway, I think Xiaozhi, you are also a trainer who advocates Pokémon battles."

Vladali paused, and a cold man with black and blue hair and a Mega Charizard appeared in his mind subconsciously, and then he continued:

"I want to help a talented trainer and see what height he can reach in the end. This kind of thing shouldn't require any additional reasons, right?"

Needless to say, after such compliments from the other party, Xiaozhi even felt a little elated.

However, as he listened all the way, Dr. Buratano's brows gradually wrinkled.

Indeed, the Flare Group has launched many talent development programs over the years, discovered many potential new trainers, and will provide a large amount of resources to help them grow quickly.

It seemed like a selfless plan, but these trainers who grew up were basically completely absorbed by the Flare Group and became new members.

Or maybe the purpose is not to train trainers?


Dr. Bratano stared at his old friend, lost in thought.

In his past impression, Fradali was a smart businessman who made a lot of money by relying on his talents in his early years.

He also has an extremely enthusiastic and philanthropic personality, and basically donates most of the money he earns to charity.

But in recent years, during his exchanges with Fradali, Dr. Buratano always felt that the other person's ideas had changed a lot.

The previous topics were "How to better help poor people" and "How to make society more sound".

Now it has become "the meaning of the existence of poor human beings" and "what is a benign society".

Although there is nothing wrong, Dr. Buratano always feels like something is strange?

However, as far as he knows, Fradali’s dream has always been to “create a beautiful world”, and this has never changed.

"Perhaps the Flare Group is really a good organization?"

Before he knew it, Dr. Bratano was brought inside.

However, his former student and assistant Ai Lan seems to be very close to Fradali.

But recently, I always feel that there is something strange about Ai Lan, and her thoughts have become agitated.

Was it influenced by Fradali?

Dr. Buratano decided to talk to Fradali about Ailan after the meeting was over.

After an impeccable speech, Xiaozhi could not say anything to Fradali, and the latter planned to stand up and leave.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, do you want to join our Flare Group? We can provide you with everything you want."

Before leaving, Fradali still tried to extend an olive branch.

"No, what you want is only interesting if you pursue it yourself."

Xiaozhi simply waved his hand and refused.

Fradali chuckled, not surprised at all.

"Then remind your friend, just come out. I don't care about the things here. You can take whatever you want, but not elsewhere."

Fradali gave a final reminder before walking out of the cafe.

This is just an abandoned base with nothing of value left.

Xiaozhi tilted his mouth and looked to the side with guilty eyes, indicating that he didn't understand what you were talking about.

"Haha Xiaozhi, today's conversation went very well~ It'll be great if all the problems are solved!"

Dr. Bratano also laughed. He didn't want the young man he valued to start a fight with his old friend.

"Then let's talk next time. I have something to do with that guy~"

After saying hello, Dr. Buratano chased him out. He probably had something else to talk about with Fradali.

Only then did Xiaozhi let out a sigh of relief and sat back down.

Unexpectedly, the doctor suddenly gave himself a big job today.

"Xiao Zhi Xiaozhi, who was that lion head just now?"

Yulijia also secretly sat over and asked curiously:

"There are also dad and brother. It took a long time to order the food but it still hasn't been delivered. I'm going to starve to death."

Speaking of this, Xiaozhi subconsciously looked at the front desk. Uncle Limone was already talking and his mouth was dry.

Just in time, Citron also quietly walked out of the kitchen, his face rosy and excited, obviously he had succeeded in getting the thing.

"Forget it, it's a good thing anyway."

Xiaozhi chuckled, but did not continue to delve deeper.

Anyway, Team Flare isn't planning a catastrophic attack or anything, just mess around in secret.

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