He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2566 Everyone loves the sun and the flames!

Chapter 2566 Love from all over the place·Sunshine and flames!

With the help of Xiaozhi and others, the side guarding the rock lair finally recovered.

Several Swamp Kings and Lotus Leaf boys who fell on the ground all looked at them gratefully.


Although I don't know where Xiaozhi got a volute shell, it is not the focus now. Xianzang can only focus on it.

Realizing that these troublemaking humans were the key, Mrs. Hua Jie in the air frowned and immediately focused all her firepower.

"Long-tailed fire fox, big characters bursting with flames!!"

"Photoelectric Umbrella Lizard, use Thunder!!"

Seeing this, Serena and Citron shouted their ultimate moves at the same time.

The blazing flames roared out, creating a vacuum in the air, and no insect dared to resist it head-on.

The electric shock that burst out from the whole body of the photoelectric umbrella lizard made several flying insects in the air that wanted to swoop in and sneak attack use mouse traps, and they did not dare to get close at all.

"Now, Frog, use bubbles! Rocket Sparrow, charged fire attack! Harry, hey! Can you still hear me?!"

Xiaozhi was launching an onslaught, and when he saw that Harili's eyes had completely turned into love hearts, and he was doing a courtship dance on the spot, he suddenly felt a little defeated.

However, the other two Pokémon are still very reliable.

The frog grabbed his back with both palms and quickly threw a ball of foam like a shuriken, accurately hitting the eyes of the ancient giant fly under the leader, Mrs. Hua Jie.


In an instant, the insect's compound eyes were smeared with white foam, and its vision was blocked. The ancient giant fly also panicked, and its flight movements in the air became chaotic.

"Hua Jie"

This caused Mrs. Hua Jie above to scold her repeatedly, asking her to stabilize her movements, and she almost fell down.


But in the air, Rocket Sparrow's attack also came, with flames igniting all over her body, and she rushed straight towards the shining Lady Huajie.

To capture the thief first, capture the king. As long as the Lady Huajie is defeated first, this crisis will naturally be overturned.

Tsk bang! !

The charged flame attack successfully hit the target, and the Rocket Sparrow directly knocked it off the ancient giant fly's back.

Although Mrs. Hua Jie looks like a plant, she is actually of pure fairy attributes, and her fire moves are not particularly effective.

With her hands in front of her body, she received a charged flame attack, which also put anger on Mrs. Hua Jie's face.

"Hua Jie!!"

She raised her head and shouted loudly, and in an instant, centered on her body, a green light curtain spread towards the surrounding ground.

In an instant, the lawn under my feet grew more lush, and there were also some small flowers growing in the middle.

"Is it a grass field move?"

Xiaozhi instantly understood, but there is another move called Fairy Field. Why doesn't the opponent use that move?

But soon, he knew why.

Mrs. Hua Jie raised her hand, and a green light group instantly condensed in front of her face.

Today's sunshine is also dazzling. It is not a very sunny day, and the sun's flames condense very quickly.

But it was not only Mrs. Hua Jie's body that was condensed with the power of sunlight, but also some small flowers blooming on the grass field. The petals were also raised high, and the energy of green light clusters was also condensed on their surfaces.


Everyone looked shocked, as if they had already guessed the next scene.

Boom! ! !

The next moment, a thick golden-white laser shot out from Mrs. Hua Jie's face.

Boom! Boom! Boom! !

Not only that, the little flowers scattered on the ground all around also shot out blazing lasers!

At a rough count, there were about twenty, which meant that more than twenty rays of sunlight were shot out from the ground at the same time! !

It was like surface-to-air missile units launching attacks at the same time. The scene was extremely terrifying!

Boom! !

In an instant, there were roars and explosions near the rock lair, and explosions occurred in several locations at the same time.

Is this Mrs. Huajie going to declare war on all of them at the same time? !

The dense firepower of the sun and flames instantly suppressed the assistance of Xiaozhi and others, and even the Long-tailed Firefox, Optoelectronic Umbrella and several other Pokémon could only retreat with sweat dripping from their backs.


Even the well-informed Xiaozhi couldn't help but be shocked.

Can a green grass field be used in this way with the blazing sun?

It's like a person carrying an artillery unit with him. What is the parent-child love trait? !

The whole audience was in love. Is it a foul? !

However, in comparison, the power of the sunshine flames of the surrounding small flowers was naturally not as powerful as that fired by Mrs. Hua Jie. The power was only about 1/5, but it was also outrageous.

"Hua Jie~!"

With one blow, all the Pokémon in the rock lair were defeated, and even the Pokémon with Ash's group were knocked back.

After the energy smoke dispersed, Mrs. Hua Jie grinned, full of pride.

Don't think that she can only command these stupid bugs, but she has no fighting ability. She just doesn't bother to fight with her own hands!

The scene suddenly froze, and everyone was intimidated by the more than twenty shots of sunlight and did not dare to act rashly.

I don’t know how long the CD of the opponent’s move is, but it can still be launched at any time, right?

As for what broke the deadlock, it was



Harry was completely succumbed. He didn't care about the firepower. With loving eyes in his eyes, he ran towards Mrs. Hua Jie's direction with his short legs.


Mrs. Hua Jie just squinted her eyes, and a vine stretched out from the grassy ground and slapped Ha Lili hard on the back.

"Nima niima!!!"

But such whipping obviously made it more effective, and the cry of love became louder.

He even ran directly in front of Mrs. Hua Jie, then turned around, changed his face in an instant, and looked at Xiaozhi and his group angrily.

This means that the other party has completely controlled his mind and is going to be a dog to Mrs. Hua Jie.

Xiaozhi: "."

You're here to do a disservice, right? !

However, the situation was not yet irreversible. Xiaozhi raised his hand and shouted quickly:

"Wait a minute, you can stop and talk about anything!"

Hearing this, Citron and others also hurriedly chatted:

"Yes, you want the spring water in this rock lair. You can go in and use it at any time!"

"But this is something that all Pokémon have in common. Other Pokémon may also want to go in."

"As long as we live in harmony, it will be fine. The spring water inside is enough to accommodate five or six Pokémon. It can be used by everyone!"

Among the few people, only Xianzang has seen the spring water. The area is not large, only five or six square meters, and it can still fit in a lot if you squeeze it.

Human-type Pokémon are generally more intelligent than rodent-type Pokémon, and many can even understand human language smoothly.

"Hua Jie!"

However, Mrs. Hua Jie's attitude was quite firm and she immediately shook her head and refused, saying that this spring water could only be owned by herself!

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