He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2573 The Dragon Team is gradually taking shape!

"The battle is over! Miss Ma Xiu wins!!"

The Aromatherapy Gym referee, a sweet big sister in a wide-sleeved kimono, raised her hand to end the match.

"Damn it!"

The tragic defeat also made Tierno half-kneeling on the ground, pounding the ground with his fists in anger.

And he still lost in front of Serena-chan.

In front of him, the owner of the hall, Miss Ma Xiu, also walked over slowly and comforted her softly:

"Performing well~Looking forward to your next challenge~"

The soft words and the fairy-like face made the little boy Tierno blush involuntarily.

Ma Xiu's figure is not very tall, but her legs are wearing tight black stockings and super high-heeled black boots that look like clogs, which makes her look slim.

"I see.!"

This sound of comfort also made Tierno get rid of most of the annoyance in his heart, and he blushed and cheered up again.

"Serena-chan, I'm going to practice again. I'll talk to you in detail next time~!"

Due to the tragic defeat, he was too embarrassed to be as courteous as usual in front of Serena, so he hurriedly ran out of the gym.

Ma Xiu then turned her face and noticed Xiaozhi and his party.

Especially Serena, who was standing at the front, couldn't help but her eyes lit up.

What a beautiful little girl!

"How about it, little girl? Do you want to try out the catwalk dance tonight at our Aromatherapy Gym?"

Ma Xiu came over immediately and invited in a soft tone:

"As a reward, I can give you a set of clothes designed by me~!"

"Ah! Miss Ma Xiu's clothes?!"

Hearing this, Serena's eyes widened, and there was such a good thing.

Then he showed hesitation again:

"I've never performed on a stage before, so I don't know much about catwalks or anything like that."

Ma Xiu's eyes were slightly confused, and she looked up and down at the four people in front of her again.

In this team configuration, the boy wearing a hat next to him should be challenging the gym, the girls are challenging the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament, there is also a chef and a small helper

Logically speaking, you should have stage experience.

"Miss Ma Xiu, my name is Serena! I'm here to challenge the Aromatherapy Gym!"

Serena quickly introduced herself, took out the badge box, and showed the five badges she had collected.

"Oh~ I see~!"

Ma Xiu nodded, she seemed to have some strength.

Her Aromatherapy Gym does not have any badge threshold restrictions, anyone can challenge it

But she won't adjust her fighting intensity in real time based on the challenger's level.

Those three Pokémon have the same strength no matter who comes.

The approximate difficulty is indeed the difficulty of the later gyms.

"Then I accept your challenge~"

Ma Xiu leaned over and nodded, then said slowly:

"But I can only accept one battle a day, so the Gym Challenge between us will have to be held tomorrow~!"

"no problem!"

Serena quickly agreed.

After discussing the gym challenge, Ma Xiu once again brought up the topic of the evening stage show.

Serena's soft and beautiful face made her want to match the clothes she designed.

"As for modeling skills, they can't be mastered in one or two days. But it's not a big problem. The stage of our Aromatherapy Gym is originally different from the traditional model T-stage shows in the Carlos area, and we don't value professional postures. etiquette."

Her catwalks originate more from Enju City in the Johto region and tend to be traditional in style, focusing on makeup and clothing.

The model only needs to be hunched over and have a sweet smile.

Professional skills are not important.

Serena thought for a while, glanced at her companions with blushing cheeks, and finally nodded solemnly:

"If that's the case, then I'll give it a try!"

Hearing this, Ma Xiu smiled, her big black eyes curled up in laughter.

But when she was about to drag Serena to the backstage of the gym, she seemed to smell something and suddenly sniffed the air around her.

Finally, the tip of his nose faced Xiaozhi.

Immediately, Ma Xiu almost moved her whole body to Xiaozhi, sniffing up and down like a Pokémon.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He didn't dare to move. This woman really felt like a fairy Pokémon to him.

However, Ma Xiu did not maintain this action for long, and soon returned to her original expression. She also raised one wide sleeve to cover half of her face, feeling a little ashamed.

"Well, I'm sorry, you have a hometown atmosphere."

Xiaozhi came to his senses, was he talking about Yuanzhu City?

How long has it been since he left Yuanzhu City? This man's nose is really more sensitive than a katy dog.

"Are you talking about Yuanzhu City? I have indeed traveled to Yuanzhu City before~"

Xiaozhi scratched the back of his head and said with a smile.

However, Ma Xiu shook her head meaningfully and said in a deep voice:

"It's the scent of the two ancient pagodas in my hometown, and the scent of those two erratic existences. The smell on your body is very strong~"

Xiaozhi was shocked. The two ancient towers in Yuanzhu City are the Burnt Tower and the Bell Tower, right?

So those two beings are Ho-oh and Lugia, right?

Has this woman ever had contact with the ancient gods in the Johto area?

However, Ma Xiu didn't say much. After leaving some incomprehensible words, she pulled Serena towards the small wooden building in the center of the Aromatherapy Gym.

Xiaozhi and others wanted to follow, but were blocked by several older sisters.

"Men are not allowed to enter~ Inside is the girls' dressing and makeup area~!"

A kimono elder sister said that whether they were selling clothes or models on stage, they were all geared towards women.

Of course, the audience can be male.

"Hehe~ Xiaozhi and brother are waiting outside~!"

Seeing this, Yulijia slipped in like a kitten, and naturally no one could stop her.

In response, Ash and Citron could only look at each other, helplessly walked out of Aroma Taoist Temple and returned to the Pokémon Center.

Citron went straight into the room and tinkered with the machine.

Xiaozhi walked to the training ground in the backyard alone and released the steel-type sticky beauty that he had just conquered recently.

Just try it out and see what moves the latter has.

Speaking of which, the dragon team I currently have is gradually taking shape.

The evil dragon, the two-headed tyrannosaurus, the poisonous dragon, Garbageweed, the steel dragon, Nianmeier, and the rock dragon, the baby tyrannosaurus (still an egg). There are only two left, so we have a team of six.

"When the time comes to summon the Thunder Drum back, it will be the strongest Thunder Dragon."

"And the bat dragon native to the Kalos region seems to be a flying dragon."

Xiaozhi thought about it and found that the dragons in this team had no overlapping attributes.

When the time comes, bring in another legendary dragon god to give them some exercise to increase their intensity!

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