He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2579 Make a name for yourself! ?

"Messenger Kuailong?"

Xiaozhi immediately imagined in his mind the appearance of a fat, fat creature with a hat on its head and a messenger bag slung across its body.

Dragonite is still very rare in the Kalos region. Even the invitations are sent by Pokémon of the level of Dragonite, so the possibility of pranks is not high.

But most of them couldn't imagine how this "strongest trainer" competition could be held under the nose of Carlos officials to grab territory.

"Are you from Team Flare?"

Citron couldn't help but doubt that if there was any other force in Carlos that could do such a thing, the only one could be Team Flare.

It's just that this organization has no reason to hold such an inexplicable meeting.

But these are not the key.

"Damn it, I'm not qualified!!"

Xiaozhi was a little frustrated and angry. He had accepted many challenges from mega evolution masters in the Kalos region in the past few months. He should have become famous, right?

Even the Alliance King has defeated one.

The original battle with Tianwang Yankai was at the entrance of the Carlos Power Plant. Many power plant employees, guards, and Miss Junsha were onlookers. It was not a hidden battle.

As a result, you still haven’t received any invitations? !

"Damn it, I also want to receive an invitation from my hometown, Fatty!"

Xiaozhi beat his feet and chest, and the more he thought about it, the more he broke his guard.

"Uh, is it a conference for the Three Wus?"

Serena, on the other hand, was much calmer and sounded like she knew nothing except the time and place of the event.

Not very reliable.

"In short, if there is such a competition, we should be able to watch it even if we are not qualified."

Citron comforted him, meaning that at the Miare Arena, we can still see two consecutive conferences?

He definitely deserves it!

Saying goodbye to Aromatherapy Gym, Xiaozhi and others did not leave Aromatherapy City immediately.

Their travel progress is not slow, only the last two gyms are left, and the distance is not too far, they are basically next to each other, and they can reach their destination quickly.

Of course, the difficulty of the last two gyms may not be that simple, so the few people were not in a hurry to continue traveling.

Serena personally stayed in the Aromatherapy Gym for the time being to practice. Whether it is her flower leaf stem or the final form of the green cotton bird, they are all fairy attributes. You can learn a lot about fairy attributes from Ma Xiu.

Especially the blue sheep bird.

Even if this Pokémon evolves into Tanabata Blue Bird, it still has no fairy attributes.

Only after mega evolution will he become a traitor to the dragon clan and become a completely opposite combination of attributes, such as a dragon and a fairy.

Therefore, this kind of Pokémon is in a very awkward situation. The normal growth trajectory and fairy attributes have nothing to do with it. It can't always maintain a state of mega evolution to master new skills, right?

Previously, I had additionally practiced the fairy moves in advance.

As for Xiaozhi, he just walked back to the Pokémon Center, took a walk, and actually returned to the Aromatherapy Gym.

When he arrived at the gymnasium arena on the third floor, a girl wearing a black short skirt was already waiting for him.

"Ash from the Kanto region! The honor of Carlos cannot be insulted, accept my challenge!!"

The girl named Tong Hua raised her hand and scolded immediately.

The two had contacted each other on the Internet before and specially made an appointment to fight at the gym.

Xiaozhi walked up to the platform and looked at the girl in the black dress. The girl's black hair was not too long and was tied into ponytails on both sides.

Although he is wearing a black miniskirt and the wide-sleeved robe that is characteristic of Aromatherapy Gym, his temperament looks more like that of a boy, and his speaking style is quite rough.

It is said that he is still a disciple of Ma Xiu?

At first, when the other party sent an online invitation to fight, Xiaozhi didn't want to pay attention to it.

I even thought about whether Team Flare was doing anything, and why would someone come to my door now?

But when he thought of the "Strongest Trainers Conference" that Ma Xiu mentioned before, Xiaozhi's mind became active again.

I looked around and saw that there were many kimono-clad ladies gathered around me, a large number of them.

Since the Aromatherapy Gym has other businesses, there are a large number of local gym trainers.

As long as I build a little more fame during this period, the "Postman Express" will come to my door sooner or later, right?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi would not refuse any challenge.

Even the mega-evolved Pokémon prepared today has a big background, and its main purpose is to make a name for itself!

On the opposite side, Tong Hua, a girl in black dress, grinned and showed her fangs, and took the lead in throwing a Poké Ball in her hand.


The red light fell, and a sky-blue bird appeared in front of her. Its wings were folded and its torso was wrapped in soft white cotton.

"Qixi Blue Bird?!"

In the cabin upstairs, Serena was asking Miss Ma Xiu for advice on the secrets of fairy attributes, when she suddenly saw the Tanabata bluebird in the open space below, and couldn't help but be stunned.

He turned his head and found that Xiaozhi was still standing on the other side.

Wait a minute, why are Xiaozhi and the trainer in the Aromatherapy Gym facing each other?

"Take a good look, Tong Hua is the most outstanding young trainer in our Aromatherapy Gym, and her Tanabata Blue Bird can undergo mega evolution, which should be of some help to your Blue Cotton Bird~"

Next to her, Ma Xiu smiled and stretched out her hand to rub Serena's green cotton bird that was sleeping soundly with its wings folded.

"I see!"

Serena quickly cheered up, held her blue cotton bird in her arms, and forced it to wake up to watch the battle.

They are located in the wooden house on the third floor of the Aromatherapy Gym, with an excellent view and a VIP viewing position.

"Qixi Blue Bird, let him see your power! Mega evolution!!"

Tong Hua, the girl in the black dress, was not polite. She took out her keystone bracelet and shouted loudly as soon as she came up.

The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird in front of him burst into dazzling light in an instant, and the next moment, its shape had changed.

The body is slightly larger, and the skin color has changed from sky blue to light blue, but the cotton covering the body is thicker. The top of the head, neck, and back are covered with fluffy cotton.

Obviously, this girl is quite confident in herself and doesn't care that she is the first to attack and will be restrained by Xiaozhi.

"Is this the Mega Tanabata Blue Bird?"


On the high platform, Serena and the blue cotton bird in her arms were staring straight at the mega Tanabata blue bird.

Compared with the improvement in momentum, it feels that the appearance has become more gorgeous.

"Is your opponent Mega Tanabata Blue Bird?"

On the field, Xiaozhi's expression didn't change much. He had fought against Mega Tanabata Blue Bird before and was very familiar with this Pokémon.

But today he wasn’t here to learn about the opponent’s Pokémon’s habits.

I’m here to make a name for myself and get an invitation from Kuailong!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi simply threw a pink love ball and shouted:

"The decision is yours, Latias!"

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