He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2587 Both evolve, the demon fire red fox! !

Although the Arrow Eagle that has completed its evolution is not large in size, it is no longer an ordinary bird at this moment, but a truly majestic falcon.

"Fire Arrow.!!"

After letting out a loud cry, the Fierce Arrow Eagle completely got rid of the opponent's shrinking aura.

The body that has become more mature and thick is bursting with hot flames, turning into a fierce fireball and rushing out!

But this is a charged flame attack, not the ultimate flash charge!

But the aura that had just completed its evolution calmed the flame bird, and it subconsciously took off to avoid it.

"Don't let it run away, continuously charge the flame attack!"

Xiaozhi shouted repeatedly from below, with such an imposing manner, it was as if his Fierce Arrow Eagle was a powerful divine beast aloft, and the other party was a domestic bird in the bad streets.

Sigh! !

Flames frequently erupted from the Fire Arrow Eagle's body, and the charged flames rushed out from left and right, faster and faster each time, constantly hitting the Flame Bird's vital parts.

The latter flapped its wings frequently and kept dodging flexibly in the air.

The size of the two Pokémon is very different. The smaller one collides with the larger one, which creates a strong visual impact.

"Now, Flash Charge!!"

At this time, Xiaozhi's eyes were bright and he suddenly shouted.

The Fierce Arrow Eagle understood that its speed had increased to the extreme, and the flames all over its body spurted out violently in an instant. The flames even turned into a faint blue, completely covering the original red flames.

Flash Charge! !

This blow went straight forward, making it difficult for the opponent to dodge.

Boom! !

In the air, there was a violent blue flame explosion, and the sound of the flash charge was loud and huge.

This blow finally caused the flame bird to stop releasing its flame shrinking aura.

Burning with rage, this is the exclusive move of this evil flame bird.

It creates a fire-like evil aura impact, and can cause the target who is touched to cower and fear, making it difficult to move.

But this move can not only be used for AOE in the whole field, but also can be used for single-point attack.

"Evil drink.!!"

In the smoke, the flame bird spread its black and red wings and jumped into the sky, with some black and gray marks on its face, which made it even angrier.

Then, with the body as the center again, crimson flames exploded, spreading out in all directions like a sea of ​​fire.


Finally, they concentrated on one point and surrounded it from all directions. In the blink of an eye, the evil-attributed sea of ​​​​fire aura in the sky had surrounded the Fierce Arrow Eagle in the sky!

Even with the latter's speed, after five stages of energy-charged flame attacks, there was no gap for it to dodge.

"Fire Arrow."

Burning with anger, it successfully hit the target, which made the Fiery Arrow couldn't help but stop its movement in the air again, its body was constantly impacted and trembling by the angry energy, and it let out a muffled groan.

The flinching effect was several times stronger than before, making it difficult to move again.

Burning with rage is the exclusive move of this flame bird, and its characteristic is called "Rage."

When one's physical strength drops to a certain level, the special attack power of the whole body will increase accordingly. This is a characteristic that becomes stronger the more you fight!


And after restraining the Fierce Arrow Eagle, the angry flame aura spread towards the ground again, once again covering the long-tailed fire fox and fire dinosaur on the ground.

The two Pokémon were just taking a breath below, but suddenly their hair stood on end and they were unable to move again.

But this time, Serena and Doroba also understood how to break this trick.

Rely on the Pokémon’s own willpower!

Speaking of which, not only did the three of them send out fire-type Pokémon today, they even had similar purposes.


Use the extreme pressure of this powerful flame bird to complete the evolution of your Pokémon!

"Long-tailed Firefox, show off your fighting spirit like Xiaozhi and Arrow Eagle, and break free from this move!!"

Serena couldn't help shouting excitedly from behind, her cheeks turning red.


After seeing the performance of the Fiery Arrow Eagle before, the Long-tailed Fire Fox naturally understood this truth, and his eyes suddenly became determined.

His body was constantly trembling and struggling, fighting against the cowering effect of his anger, and he slowly raised the branch and wooden stick in his hand.

Phew! !

When the arm was fully raised, the front end of the branch suddenly burst into flames.

And this ball of flame did not spray forward, but shot out less than half a meter, and then suddenly dispersed, and instead covered the whole body of the long-tailed fire fox behind.

In the flames, the long-tailed fire fox's body finally shone with a dazzling evolutionary white light, and its original girl-like figure and height began to grow rapidly.


As a female scream with a mature charm sounded, the long-tailed fire fox dispersed the flames around it, revealing a brand new posture.

Her figure became taller, like a mysterious witch among humans.

The hair all over the body has also become softer and thicker. The original golden fur has now turned reddish brown on the limbs and abdomen, as if wearing a dark red witch dress.

In his hand, he was still holding a branch, as if he had picked it up casually on the roadside.


The front end of the branch suddenly burst into flames, which was also a flame staff.

“Really evolved!!”

Behind, Serena's eyes flashed, looking at her long-tailed fire fox with surprise and excitement. No, it should be called the demon fire red fox now.

Originally it was only at the height of her chest, but suddenly, the Demon Fire Red Fox was even a head taller than her!


The demon fire red fox tilted his head and smiled softly at Serena. His mature temperament at this moment made him look like Serena's big sister.

Serena's battles along the way, especially those tough battles, mostly involved the Demon Fire Red Fox, so she accumulated a lot of experience points. On the contrary, she was the first of the three Carlos Royals to complete the evolution.

The power increased significantly, and the demon fire red fox finally broke free from the restraint of cowering in anger.

He even raised the tree branch staff, his eyes focused, and then a strange pink power quickly flew into the sky and landed on the flame bird.

The next moment, the bodies of the Flame Bird and the Demonic Fire Red Fox both lit up with a strange luster, as if they were alternating with each other.

The characteristics of the two Pokémon were exchanged!

"Have you mastered the characteristic exchange move?!"

Seeing this, Serena felt happy, which meant that the other party's dangerous "furious" characteristic was exchanged for her demon fire red fox.


Sure enough, this time, the body of the demon fire red fox lit up with a special attack amplification red light!

As for the characteristic of the Demon Fire Red Fox itself - Magician, this is a characteristic that can take away the opponent's props during an attack.

Although it is rare, for the Flame Bird at this moment, there is no additional combat bonus effect.

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