He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2593 A heavy collision with the steel tail!

Chapter 2593 Heavy collision·Steel tail!

Following the guidance of the waveguide, Xiaozhi walked to a branch intersection at the entrance of the frozen stone cave.

The dragon was probably buried more than seventy meters ahead, but the road in front of him was covered by a collapsed rock wall and was covered with snow, earth and rocks, turning it into a dead end.

"Stop sleeping Pikachu, it's your turn!"

Ash patted Pikachu on his shoulder, and the electric mouse almost fell asleep.


Pikachu rubbed his eyes and got up, a little confused.

Now all the affairs of Carlos have been delegated to its first general, the frog agent.

Ash looked at his Pikachu with a painful look on his face. Although he had not had much drama recently, he never expected that Pikachu would degenerate into what it is now after coming to the Kalos region.

You have to get back on your feet!

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail towards this position, and use the latest attack method you have mastered!!"

So Xiaozhi squatted on the ground, marked a red cross on a position of the avalanche clod in front of him, and then gave the command.

Pikachu landed on the ground and did some decent stretching exercises before regaining his energy.

Immediately afterwards, the small figure jumped up on the spot, bent its tail on its belly, and hugged its arms, limbs and head together.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, Pikachu turned sideways at high speed!

Coupled with the silver-black steel tail, the high-speed rotating body directly turns into a small steel drill.

Not sure where the initial momentum came from, Pikachu, which had been spinning in the air for a while, suddenly rushed out and hit the snow in front.

Chuchuchu! !

A violent excavation pile driver noise was heard, and Pikachu's figure also broke through the snow in front, knocking out a drilled tunnel nearly one meter wide!


Seeing this, Xiaozhi looked happy, quickly lowered his body, and followed Pikachu's drill into the temporary tunnel.

This is Xiaozhi's inspiration from the "Heavy Crash" move.

Generally speaking, a Pokémon with a large size and high weight will perform a heavy impact, and it will naturally be a rampage without any fancy. The inherent physical advantage makes this attack destructive!

However, some small-sized steel-type Pokémon do not have much power when hit directly. They usually rotate at high speed to increase their destructive power.

And when Pikachu uses its steel tail while rotating its body, it also produces an effect similar to a heavy impact drill!

Chuchuchu! !

The destructive power was astonishing. In less than half a minute, a rock tunnel dozens of meters long was forcibly opened. It was overwhelming!

"We're about to reach the target location, Pikachu, please move a little to the right."

Because the noise was too strong, Pikachu probably couldn't hear it even if it roared loudly, so Ash used his bond power to connect and communicate with Pikachu.

Heck, it's rare to be connected to Pikachu now, and it's still a bit strange.

Chuchuchu! !

Pikachu understood and deviated slightly from part of the track, Steel Tail Heavy Crash was still showing off its power.

Although Pikachu has been messing around for four months since Carlos' trip, the ability to perform moves so continuously and with such high intensity now also means that Pikachu has recovered more than half of its strength that was slashed when it first landed.

At this moment, they have arrived at their destination, and Kuailong is right in front of them.

Since it is not all stones, but also a mixture of snow and ice, the collapsed soil in front of you is also translucent ice blue, and a huge earth-yellow figure can be faintly seen. Being buried.

What an unlucky dragon!

"Then drill around the side...!"

So Xiaozhi quickly gave instructions.

The next thing is much simpler. Pikachu continuously rotates around the rocks near the dragon and digs them out together with the rocks.

Then Xiaozhi grabbed a corner of the frozen stone with one hand and pulled it back. It was a little difficult, but he still placed the two-meter-high huge stone horizontally and dragged it back from the rock tunnel.

It's just that the one-meter-wide tunnel is not quite enough. During the return journey, the edges of the stones were worn away, and Kuailong's fat belly was even exposed, constantly rubbing against the tunnel wall.


After about a few minutes, Xiaozhi finally pulled out the large rock with the dragon frozen in it. His face and clothes were covered with ice chips and smoke, making him quite embarrassed.

Many wild ice treasures gathered around curiously, not knowing what the humans in front of them were doing.

Facing each other, the appearance of Kuailong in the ice stone was finally fully revealed.

His eyes were closed, he was completely unconscious, and he looked extremely tired.

The hat on his head has disappeared, but there is still a postman's satchel on his waist. It is indeed the rumored Postman Dragon.

Maybe there is a letter of my own in it, but it just hasn’t been delivered!

"Please, Fierce Arrow Eagle!"

Regarding how to thaw it, Xiaozhi was extremely rough and directly summoned the Fierce Arrow Eagle.

"Use Flame Vortex!!"

As soon as it appeared, the Fierce Arrow Eagle showed no mercy, opening its mouth and spitting out a cluster of blazing flames, turning into a spiral tornado to wrap around the entire rock.

The outer layer of snow melted rapidly and turned into white mist.

The stones mixed in the middle were frozen and scattered because there was no support from the ice and snow.


After a while, a hot dragon with white smoke coming out of the oven was freshly baked.

Considering that dragon-type Pokémon are naturally resistant to fire-type moves, Xiaozhi simply ignored the damage caused by the flame vortex.

Let’s wake up this fast dragon first!

At this moment, the fast dragon still closed its eyes tightly and was not awake, but its eyelids were beating slightly, as if it was having a nightmare of a social animal, which meant that it had not completely died suddenly.

"The decision is yours, Latias, use healing wave!!"

Xiaozhi once again threw a love ball, and it was very convenient to carry a wet nurse Pokémon with him.

When Latias first appeared, she still looked like a transformed human maid.

"Ah Qiu!"

As a result, due to the freezing weather in the frozen cave, he sneezed suddenly and his body kept shaking.

A pink light flashed all over her body, and she put on a pink warm robe over her maid outfit.

Although the appearance is purely a visual disguise, it has no meaning.

Seeing the unconscious Kuailong in front of him, Latias also came to his senses, raised his hand, and a pink ball of light energy fell on Kuailong.

As soon as the healing wave came into contact with Kuailong's body, the latter's skin suddenly glowed with green light, as if he had turned into a flashing version of Kuailong.


The latter lay on the ground, whining for a while, and finally gradually regained consciousness.

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