He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2602 Bai Ke Gym, Serena vs. Ge Jihua! (superior)

Entering the Baike Gym, before anyone could say anything, Gejihua was already covered in blue light and suspended high in the sky.

This time she opened her arms and her cloak spread out.

But she was wearing a black close-fitting dress underneath. The back of the cloak was an ordinary gray, but the inside was a gradient of black and purple, also embellished with some rays of light and stars, as if the cloak was connected to the universe and the Milky Way.

“The pussy is full”

Standing on the golden satellite orbit next to the arena, Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise.

It's all fancy, but it can still give the challenger a certain sense of oppression.


Sure enough, seeing this scene, Serena suddenly became extremely stressed.

But now it was her turn to take the stage, so she could only walk to one end of the arena with a straight face.

The golden-blue stadium lights rise, and combined with the dim cosmic star curtain around it, it feels like you are really in a cosmic stadium.

But high in the sky, Gejihua slowly fell down, her eyes cold and arrogant.

As expected, it was this little girl who challenged the gym, not Xiaozhi next to her.

By the way, looking at Xiaozhi's expression and his expression just now, does this mean he doesn't recognize himself at all?

Ge Jihua's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. In fact, she and Xiao Zhi had met once before.

When she was in the Fangyuan area, she happened to have something to do at the Green Ridge Gym, and she wanted to teach the two new twin gym leaders how to fight in doubles.

It happened that Xiaozhi came to challenge him. At that time, she, as the temporary Green Ridge Gym Leader, had a gym battle with Xiaozhi.

As a result, this kid has no impression at all?

There seems to be some changes in the face, like plastic surgery.?

Although this time, she also produced some strange prophetic images in Xiaozhi. Gejihua temporarily pulled back her thoughts and looked at Serena in front of her.

"Meow Wu~!" "Meow hum.!"

The two super-powered Miaomiao beside him had already entered the arena side by side.

The sounds and expressions are different. This is a pair of Pokémon with opposite personalities.

The male blue cat has a more docile personality, while the female white cat has very alert and cold eyes, with a hint of aggression.

On the other side, Serena took a deep breath and threw two elf balls.

boom! boom!

The red lights fell one after another, and one of them was naturally the bully panda that had just completed its evolution. As soon as it came out, it clenched its fists and roared fiercely.


The second one is the demon fire red fox, holding a black wooden staff in its hand, ready for battle.

The wooden staff of the Demon Fire Red Fox has evil attributes, so it should be considered a beneficial attribute against the gym, right?

Both sides have released their Pokémon, and the battle is about to break out. Xiaozhi and his party gathered on the golden satellite orbit nearby to watch.

The size difference between the Pokémon on both sides of the arena was huge. The two super-powered Meowths looked like two weak kittens in front of the Demon Fire Red Fox and Bully Panda.

In terms of momentum, it was Serena's side that had the upper hand.

"Wait a minute, why do I feel familiar?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his head, it seemed a bit strange at first glance.

Until now, when I see two super cats standing side by side in front of Miss Gejihua, I always feel like I have seen them somewhere before.

He couldn't remember.

"When both Pokémon on one side lose their ability to fight, the winner is determined! Then the battle begins!!"

As the trainer and referee from the Baike Gym spoke loudly, the battle officially began.

"The demon fire red fox, the bully panda, use the wave of evil!!"

At the beginning, Serena took the lead and took command.

The Bully Panda grinned and opened its mouth wide, while the Demon Fire Red Fox raised its branches and sticks high while condensing a wave of evil aura.

"Super Miaomiao, high-five surprise attack! Shadow ball!!"

Ge Jihua did not give the two super cats separate names to distinguish them. When the name of the move is called out, the two super cats will judge on their own.


Among them, the male super-powerful Miao Miao suddenly slapped his hand, and the clear sound directly interrupted the demon fire red fox's offensive move, and the latter's movements froze.

The female Super Miaomiao next to her raised her little hand, condensed a shadow ball, and threw it!

Boom boom! !

There was only a bunch of evil waves left on the field that collided with the shadow ball, causing a burst of thick black smoke.

And in terms of strength, the small-sized Super Miaomiao was even better, and the smoke in the aftermath of the explosion covered Serena's side.

"Ignore the smoke, Bully Panda, use Hell Thrust!!"

Serena attacked again.

The Bully Panda has just evolved into the evil attribute. In a short period of time, the latter has mastered only two evil attribute moves.

Waves of Evil, and melee hell thrusts.

"Ba roar!!"

The bully panda looked fierce and roared directly out of the smoke area. One of its arms was spiked and attached to a sharp black energy coat!

"Super Mew, one hundred thousand volts!"

The female super-powerful Miaomiao immediately burst out with thunder and lightning all over her body and roared out!

There is nothing that can be done about it. After all, Bully Panda has an evil attribute. The super power moves that Super Miaomiao is good at are completely ineffective against it, and it can only use moves with other attributes.

Zizzi! !

Soon, 100,000 volts successfully hit the bully panda that was rushing towards him without any movement. The current burst out and made its sprinting movement slightly slower.

But only a few.

After all, it is not a move of this attribute, so the power of One Hundred Thousand Volts is still a bit lacking.

"Ba roar!!"

With the violent roar of the bully panda, all the 100,000 volts will be torn apart, and the hell thrust will go straight to the target's throat.

Ge Jihua quickly said:

"Super Mew, help!"

This time it was the turn of the male super-powerful Miaomiao to make a move and slapped him from behind again.

The crisp sound of a slap turned into pure white energy light and fell on the female super-powered Miaomiao in front of her.

This caused the latter's attack of 100,000 volts to suddenly surge, and lightning shot into the sky, directly rising to the level of a "thunder" trick!

Helping skills can greatly increase the attack power of teammates!

"This is Miss Gejihua's doubles strategy. The female Super Miaomiao is the main attacker, while the male Super Miaomiao is assisting in the rear. The two are added together and are extremely powerful!"

Dr. Bratano couldn't help but hesitate to speak.

Boom! !

Nuo Da's lightning current burst out. This time, he was completely restrained and blocked the bully panda's brutal movements. His body was hit by the huge lightning beam and was about to fly backwards.

At this time, Serena's eyes lit up and she suddenly said:

"Now, Demon Fire Red Fox, let's follow suit!"

The demon fire red fox understood, his eyes flashed, and he instantly remembered the male super power Miaomiao's spell-casting movements, and reproduced them one to one.

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