He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2606 The strongest trainer is warming up? !

Soon, a clear picture gradually emerged from the chaotic and dim illusion around him.

It was like watching an immersive 3D movie, as if these scenes were actually happening around them, making the group of people dare not take a breath and stare straight at it.

"That was an unprecedented match. Your opponent was an extremely powerful being."

Along with Gejihua's lengthy introduction, a competitive arena faintly appeared on the screen, which looked very grand.

"It's the conference venue in Miare City!"

Dr. Bratano recognized this architectural scene at a glance and exclaimed.

Does this prophecy refer to the alliance conference two months later?

However, in the next scene, incomplete and rapid scenes flashed continuously, including battle scenes of Carlos, the Four Heavenly Kings, and even the champion Karuna.

"Not the Alliance Conference."

Serena shook her head. There would not be so many battles between kings and champions at the alliance conference.

Dr. Bratano even saw Ailan's figure, commanding his fire-breathing dragon to carry out a brief scene of mega evolution.

"What kind of game is this?"

The doctor was a little confused, why Ai Lan was also involved.

This prophecy was unfolded for Xiaozhi, but his eyes were fixed and he suddenly understood.

Is this the so-called strongest trainers conference?

It looks like it will really happen. The King of Champions are all contestants and he is already looking forward to it!

The prophecy screen flashed quickly, and with bursts of light, a trainer wearing a cloak was faintly revealed.

Only the body outside the cloak is exposed. The skin is extremely white, and it does not look like normal human flesh skin, which is quite weird.

In the incomplete picture, his specific face cannot be seen.

"Hey, this guy looks a bit familiar...?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and muttered, feeling that he had seen this albino before.

Is he also a powerful enemy of the strongest trainer?

The Pokémon sent by this albino seemed to be the familiar three from his hometown - Charizard, Blastoise, and Bulbasaur.

This actually made Xiaozhi remember what courier Kuailong mentioned before, that the organizer was a fellow from Guandong.

But each Yu Sanjia's body is also covered with extremely strange dark patterns, all over the body, which looks a bit evil.

The picture is actually quite normal up to this point, it just predicts Xiaozhi's next battle.

But the next moment, as the screen flickered, all the Pokémon on the field seemed to be put away.

Then Xiaozhi's figure appeared, and he directly struggled with the albino-skinned trainer.

Everyone: "???"

Wait a minute, why did the trainer go up to melee? !

Everyone wanted to see more details, but the screen flickered so fast that there was no time to see them clearly.

It seems like this prophecy just doesn’t tell you everything.

If you want to know the specific details, you have to wait until that day.

Xiaozhi: "."

So this competition called "The Strongest Trainer" is really the "strongest" trainer in the literal sense? !

Xiaozhi quickly shook his head. Although his Zhenxinzhenwangbaquan was still strong, he had stopped being rough now.

As a mature trainer, he naturally relies on Pokémon to fight. How is it that the trainer warms up in person?

I must have seen it wrong, it was a completely impossible picture!

The clip about this weird competition ended abruptly, and the surrounding scenes returned to chaos.

But before everyone had time to discuss it aloud, the surroundings lit up again, and this time the content of the picture seemed a little different, more like a transition.

"Is it the second prophecy?!"

Dr. Buratano secretly exclaimed that Miss Gujihua's previous predictions were not so exaggerated.

Most prophecies predict other people's fortunes for the next month, or whether the wife will give birth to a boy or a girl.

To hold on to death is to predict what results a contestant will achieve in this league conference.

That's it.

Today’s predictions are obviously much more advanced.


In the flickering clip, Xiaozhi vaguely saw one blue and one green figure, which seemed to be his little frog and Fat Hali, but were they a little different?

boom! boom!

Ash released the two Pokémon with his backhand and watched them together.

"Your little frog is destined to have an extraordinary life."

Gejihua, whose telepathy was floating in the air, began to sing leisurely again.

The second prophecy is not so much a prophecy for Ash as it is a prophecy for his Pokémon.

In the screen, images of the frog's life from the Pokémon egg stage flew by quickly.

Just hatched, while other Muggle foam frogs were still playing in the water, Ash's foam frog was already diligently practicing battles.

The small figure jumped around in the grass, practicing flying bubbles like shurikens.

Crotal Frog: "."

When he was a child, he was surrounded by a group of humans. Although the frog's eyes were narrowed and expressionless, his cheeks were darkly red, and he was a little embarrassed.

The diligent and unusual Bubble Frog was naturally noticed by his fellow tribesmen, and was immediately ostracized and suppressed by his peers.

However, in this environment, the foam frog still lives and exercises with a strong will.

"I didn't expect you, the little frog, to have such an experience when you were a child."

Xiaozhi put a hand on the shoulder of the frog and couldn't help but sigh.

Dr. Buratano secretly noted it down.

Judging from the background environment in the picture, it should be the training park of Yusanjia.

It seems that in the future, when incubating and nurturing young Yu Sanjia, in addition to paying attention to their physical growth, we must also pay attention to psychological issues.

When the crotch frog was pushed back angrily by eight new trainers in succession, his extreme personality might have something to do with this Genshin Impact environment, right?

But what surprised him was that Miss Gujihua's prophecy ability was not only prophecy, but could she also see the target's past?

Then the screen flashed quickly, and it came to the day when Xiaozhi and Bubble Frog first met.

Then traveling together, the foam frog evolved into a croak frog.

Later, a scene from the future appeared. In a place that looked very ancient, the frog evolved again.

And the whole body is wrapped in the violent whirlpool of water, and the appearance of the body seems to be slightly different from the appearance of ordinary ninja frogs.

"Huh? How do you become a bit like Xiaozhi?!"

Serena couldn't help blurting out, then her cheeks turned red and she quickly covered her mouth.

I guess I've been watching Xiaozhi for a long time and brought all the Ninja Frogs into it.

"What place is this?"

Dr. Buratano ruffled his messy hair. The background in the picture was not a town in the Carlos region that he knew.

It's like traveling through time and space to ancient times.?

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