He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2618 Fight against the six major factions! (middle)

The ninjas of the Kumogakure style and the Asuka style were easily eliminated, and the situation stabilized a lot.

There were even whispers among the six major factions, but no one took action again. Apparently they were all frightened by the strength of the frog.

"What kind of Pokémon is this frog?"

"I've never seen it before, but why is the ninja aura so strong on my body?"

"Is it the newly selected representative Pokémon of Koga-ryu?"

The crowd kept talking, which also gave Xiaozhi and the frog some time to breathe.

After all, it is a non-stop wheel battle, and you cannot give medicine in the middle. Even if you can defeat the enemies one by one, it will still be a great test for the croaking frog's physical strength.

"Incredible young man, let me come down and meet you for a while!"

At this time, a middle-aged man walked up. He looked gentle and had a kind face.

His partner is a mushroom kangaroo, following him with clenched fists - a mushroom.

This is a ninja leader from the Fukushima school.

This made Ash feel relieved, he seemed to be an upright ninja.

Although his opponent is a grass-type Dou Li Mushroom, he is probably better at fighting skills.

In terms of close combat, it is not difficult for the frog.

However, just when the middle-aged male ninja and Dou Liguo bent towards Xiaozhi and made a starting move.

The moment he lowered his head, the middle-aged male ninja's polite expression suddenly changed, becoming extremely cold and stern.

"Now, the poisonous technique!!"

The Dou Li Mushroom beside him punched in the air. What came forward was not a fierce punch, but a ball of poisonous liquid that looked extremely dangerous!

Unprepared, both Xiaozhi and the frog were deceived by the middle-aged male ninja's kind face, causing the highly toxic liquid to fall on the frog's skin.


As a rapid and sharp sound of corrosion rang out, purple bubbles appeared on the tip of the frog's cheeks and nose, and it entered a state of poisoning.

"Damn it, he turns out to be a despicable ninja!"

Xiaozhi was immediately furious. Aren't ancient ninjas very particular about integrity? How come there is such a thing as suddenly changing one's face and making a sneak attack?

The six major alliances around them remained silent, obviously knowing that Fukushima-style ninjas were good at using poison.

The Dou Li Mushroom, which looks muscular, is actually unable to throw any powerful punches at all.

"Humph, as long as you can win, you can use any method."

The middle-aged male ninja also changed his original appearance and snorted sarcastically.

The opponent is in a highly poisonous state, and even a chaotic battle between cars can kill it.

But if Fukushima-style captures this person at this moment, it will greatly improve the reputation of their school.

"In that case, the Dou Li Mushroom is the art of hypnosis!"

The next moment, the hat mushroom flicked its tail forward, and a cloud of gray-green mist suddenly flew out.

"Mushroom spores? Damn it. So dirty!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain again, this Fukushima-style ninja must be too dirty.


Fortunately, the poisoned state did not affect the frog's movements. It quickly threw a wave of water and landed on the ground in front of it, exploding like a bomb.

The strong wind aroused by the water mist barely dispersed these mushroom spores.


After just one round, the poisonous energy began to rise, causing the frog to groan involuntarily.

"Hey! Dou Li Mushroom, use the sealing technique!!"

The Fukushima ninja launched a series of fierce attacks, and this time the name of the move looked a bit fancy.

But when Xiaozhi took a closer look, he saw that the Dou Li mushroom was spraying some yellow-green powder.

It turns out to be paralysis powder!

At the critical moment, the croak-headed frog used his backhand to pluck out a ball of foam from his back, covering his face like a mask.

With the protection of foam and gas mask, he is completely immune to powder-based attacks.

"Yan Hui!"

However, this Fukushima style ninja also made Xiaozhi and the frog angry. The frog rushed out quickly, and this time the Swallow Fist was fast and powerful.

Bang bang!

A punch hit Dou Ligu's chin squarely, sending his entire body flying out and falling heavily to the ground.

Outstanding effect!

The strength of the Fukushima-ryu ninjas is mediocre. They only need to guard against evil and evil, but there is nothing difficult to deal with.


However, the poisonous state was still maintained. After defeating the enemy, the frog couldn't help but groan again and its physical strength dropped.

Seeing that the opponent was on guard and that he could not defeat him, this Fukushima-style ninja simply turned around and gave the opportunity to other schools.

Xiaozhi: "."

After observing it for such a short period of time, why did he feel that this alliance of six major factions was more evil?

Just now, he seemed to have heard that these ninjas called the Koga-ryu "evil", right?

"Boy, let me show you the positive and negative yin and yang formations of our Akutagawa style!"


This time, two ninjas came out to call for battle, one male and one female. They were both middle-aged jounin. Their words and demeanor were in perfect harmony, and they looked like they were a couple or something like that.

Their formation emphasizes two against one, and there is no need to abide by the rules of ninja duels.

Xiaozhi took a closer look and saw that Frog was surrounded by two Pokémon.

In front is a Pokémon wearing knight armor and holding a spear.

Behind him is an insect-shaped ninja wrapped in a gray-green bandage, which looks extremely fast.

"Knight Snail and Agile Bug?"

Xiaozhi felt a shiver in his heart. This was a pair of Pokémon from the Hezhu region. It would be difficult to deal with these two together.

In addition, the frog is in a poisoned state at this moment.

"In that case!"

Xiaozhi no longer hesitated, and slowly raised one hand, aiming his palm at the frog.

The power of bondage starts!

Although the power of the bond cannot restore physical strength or relieve the poisoned state, it can greatly improve the physical quality of the frog.

Sure enough, if the next frog had divine help, all six attributes of his body would be greatly improved!

Whether facing the knight snail's frontal attack, the extremely powerful and fatal needle sting trick, or facing the rapid agility insect in the dark, frequently throwing flying water shurikens

It is worth mentioning that this agile bug also masters the flying water shuriken move.

The croaking frog has to evolve into a ninja frog before it can fully master this move.


It's just that the croak-headed frog directly divided into many clones, jumped and dodged flexibly, and avoided all attacks.

It even has the energy to keep up with the swift pace of the agile bugs, moving even faster than the latter.


A Yanhui upward kick directly broke the so-called "positive and negative formation" and kicked the agile insect away like a sandbag.

Outstanding effect!

Faced with the deadly acupuncture move from Knight Snail, he also swung a water wave knife head-on!

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