He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2620 The Village of Koga-ryu Ninjas

Use size advantage and continuous attributes to restrain critical strikes.

boom! boom!

The frog kicked down several times with sliding tackles, and easily hit the leave king's lower plate.

Although the fists wielded by the latter had unparalleled destructive power, they could not touch the corners of the frog's clothes at all, and they all hit the air.


In the end, the leave king couldn't hold on any longer, leaned forward, and collapsed.


But on the other side, the croaking frog has also reached the state of being like a candle in the wind.

Although he has never been touched, even the rough and thick-skinned Leave King has spent a lot of time.

The cumulative damage caused by the poisonous state also brought the frog to a state of residual health.

Even standing on two feet, the Croak-headed Frog is a little unstable, and seems to fall down at any time following the footsteps of the Leave King.


This scene made the six major sects of the Ninja Alliance look at each other with some excitement, but they were silent and did not dare to take the lead.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this frog, who is like a divine soldier descended from the sky, is at the end of his strength. He only needs one more fight and can easily take his head.

The young genin in the Uesugi style who were similar to Ash's age couldn't wait to step forward, wanting to harvest their heads so that they could show their faces in front of the Asuka style kunoichi.

As for the electric rat on Xiaozhi's shoulder, it was useless. No one thought that this Pokémon had any fighting ability.

"Don't move, Qingshu...!"

However, he was soon stopped by the elders within Uesugi-ryu.

They had already surrendered before Uesugi-ryu and could not attack again no matter what.

The same idea also appears in the other five major schools, but it is difficult to take action due to their own identities.

"Since my friend has defeated our six major sects one after another, the Koga-ryu may be destined to be like this. I would also like to ask you to exercise more control over the ninjas of the Koga-ryu lineage and refrain from committing crimes again!"

Finally, the bald ninja from Kai-ryu came out and said loudly.

Anyway, they have been kidnapped, so now they will kidnap the other five major factions together!

Xiaozhi felt a little strange. He just interrupted the battle casually, why should he control this Koga style?

I'm not a leader or anything.

However, the Kai-ryu master spoke first. After speaking, these bald ninjas even turned around and left on the spot, descending from the top of this mountain.

The eyes of the other five major sects were different. Some turned around and left, while others stared angrily at the injured and cruel people of Koga-ryu behind them. In the end, they had no choice but to leave.


The cuckold ninja of the Uesugi style was still staring at his archenemy Yang Xiao with jealousy, and then his eyes couldn't help but fall on the opponent's daughter's face. He was obviously full of hatred, but his heart couldn't help but throb.

Don't tell me, the daughter and her mother really look alike...?

About ten minutes later, only the ninjas of the Koga-ryu lineage were left on the top of the mountain, which was originally crowded with people. It suddenly felt much empty.

Everyone regards Xiaozhi and Frog as the great saviors of Koga-ryu.

Seeing that the Koka-ryu was on the verge of collapse, the temporary leader of the Koga-ryu, Yang Xiao, quickly ordered his daughter to give them the Koga-ryu's secret antidote.

Looking at the pink pill handed over by this pretty kunoichi, Xiaozhi guessed that it was made from peach fruit, so he fed it into the frog's mouth with his backhand.


After a while, the frog took a long breath, its poisoning state was lifted, and its breathing finally calmed down.

Facing their great benefactor, the ninjas of Koga-ryu naturally celebrated happily and invited Xiaozhi to visit their ninja village.

Xiaozhi scratched his head. He thought he would encounter some legendary Pokémon during this time travel.

As a result, he didn't encounter any divine beasts, so he simply took things as they came, and walked toward a mountainside surrounded by a group of ninjas.


The croak-headed frog squinted its eyes and followed silently.

After successive rounds of battles, the ninjas of the six major factions were defeated, but the frog was still not allowed to complete its evolution.

"The experience points should be enough, now there is only one opportunity left."

Xiaozhi secretly thought to himself that none of the Pokémon in the group before was really powerful, so the pressure on the Frog was naturally not that strong.

"It's not in a hurry anyway."

After a change of thought, he now traveled through time and space and returned to ancient times.

No matter how long the experience lasted in ancient times, it would probably be at the same time when I returned, so there was no need to worry about my friends being impatient.

After a while, Xiaozhi followed the Koga-ryu ninjas and came to a paradise-like village.

This is a valley terrain that requires a long, narrow and hidden stone path from the previous mountain top to reach it.

There is also a huge boulder standing at the entrance. Both sides need to cooperate with the code to activate the earth escape technique and move the boulder.

Although Xiaozhi noticed that there were actually a few gophers pushing against it.

Entering this valley, you will see a wide rice farmland in the shape of a grid, with some villagers bending over and akimbo.

At the end, there are houses built adjacent to the cliff. They are all simple wooden buildings and thatched houses. There are also some elevated wooden houses built on the rock walls.

Although it is a ninja village, not all people in the village are ninjas.

The human and financial resources required to train a ninja are not low, and they exist as a strategic nature.

"Similar to a trainer."

Xiaozhi nodded and instantly understood that not every ten-year-old boy would accept the Yusanjia and set off on a journey and adventure.

But what surprised him was that there were many foam frogs jumping around in the rice fields.

It seems to be a Pokémon from the local bad streets, and its combat power is extremely weak. It just helps with some low-level rice transplanting work.


The frog squinted his eyes and didn't care.

They are all the same kind as Muggles, without any spiritual pursuits.

Seeing the noble ninja master in the village surrounding a strangely dressed young man in the middle, many farmers who were working hard also looked at him curiously.

In fact, they were quite worried today. It was said that their village might be annexed and destroyed by ninjas from other schools.

But judging from the expressions of the ninja adults in the village, there should be no danger.

Entering the village, Yang Xiao, the current leader of the Koga style, also dispersed a group of disabled and weak ninjas and told everyone to quickly find a place to recover.

No one knows whether the six major factions will join forces to attack again next time.

Or maybe some little-known ninja from a small school will come to pick up the slack and fish in troubled waters.

But not every time, a savior like Xiaozhi appears.

After dispersing the crowd, he led Xiaozhi towards the hinterland of Koga-ryu's ancestral hall without taking anyone else with him.

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