He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2633 Fierce Arrow Eagle: It doesn’t fit the character!

The handwriting on the note was beautiful, using the classical italic script of the Carlos region. It seemed that the doctor was already able to write well even in his teenage years.

"To you who are reading this:"

"How are you now? Have you become the person you dreamed of being? What kind of person do you want to be?"

"Although I don't know exactly, it would be wonderful if I could stand up and say: I live a happy life every day."

"To the future Bratano."

"——Buratano dreaming of the future"

It turned out to be a letter written by a teenage doctor to his future self.

It's a little bit middle-of-the-road, but it expresses some of Bratano's thoughts when he was young.

Xiaozhi and others looked at the note and pondered for a while.

It seems that they have also entered it. I wonder what their future selves will be like?

"Can I be a good Miare Gym Leader in the future?"

Citron couldn't help but secretly thought that he had met many gym leaders along the way, and he felt that everyone was very energetic and confident.

In comparison, he seems to be a little worse.?

"Yuriga will also become a trainer in the future. Can she be as good as Serena and Ash...!?"

Yulijia fantasized about becoming a new trainer and traveling with Dongdongshu.

When the time comes, she will also choose Bubble Frog as her partner!

After all, Ash's Koga Ninja is so handsome that Yurika has already made up her mind.

"What will I do in the future?"

Looking at the note, Serena was also a little hesitant. Is she going to be a trainer in the future?

Although this journey of challenging the gym was interesting, and she was also looking forward to the upcoming Alliance Conference ceremony, she always felt that it was not a complete match.

"Also. Will I still be with Xiaozhi in the future?"

Serena glanced secretly at Ash next to her.

Will she be like this in the future, traveling with Xiaozhi?

The one who felt the deepest feelings about the words on the note was actually Xiaozhi.

As a person who has traveled to many places and has vaguely reached the top of his strength, he is actually in a period of hesitation and confusion.

Where will he travel and adventure next?

Now that your travel adventure is over, what do you do next?

Can the Pokémon Master's journey be realized by my future self?

It must be said that a piece of thinking note left by Dr. Buratano when he was a teenager made several people ponder for a long time, each with their own thoughts.

To a certain extent, it is indeed a "precious treasure"!

After a few people recovered their thoughts, the atmosphere seemed a little quiet.

"Xitron, then the key stone bracelet obtained in Salo City is completely yours, and then this key stone belongs to me."

Serena was the first to break the deadlock and looked at Citron with a smile.

Then she took off the keystone bracelet from her wrist and handed it back to Xiaozhi, who had lent it to her before.

As for the keystone in her hand, she planned to make it into a small ornament, similar to a brooch or a small decoration on the collar of a dress.

A keystone bracelet is not necessarily a bracelet!

"Very good!"

Citron was very grateful. Now he and Serena had accomplished their mission!

Xiaozhi temporarily put the note back into the candy box.

The next time you see the Doctor, give it back to him!

Two days later, the group was in no hurry to leave Lianli Town.

In the past two days, the town has become lively again, with lights and colorful decorations, and the flow of people has suddenly become much larger, because another Triple Crown satellite game is going to be held locally.

"Yo~! Serena!"

Naturally, Serena's friend Shana also came to this small town, and the two made an appointment to meet at the Pokémon Center.

This is Shana's last princess key, she is bound to get it!

The game was about to start, and Shana arrived slowly, so Serena had to hurriedly pull her into the backstage of the venue to help with makeup and dressing up.

The brothers and sisters Citron Yulijia are naturally loyal spectators, and they were waiting in the audience seats early.

"Although the hope is slim, maybe my sister-in-law will be born today!"

In Yulijia's mind, every day is a new hope.

As for Xiaozhi, he ran alone to a remote waterfall lake outside Lianli Town for special training.

With Fat Hali escaping and the "Strongest Trainers Conference" approaching, Xiaozhi's training became much more hurried and urgent.

The Triple Crown Satellite Tournament or something like that, the big sister who was all dressed up on the stage, and her partner Pokémon Ash, who was filled with all kinds of accessories, didn't have much interest in it, so they simply didn't go to watch it.

"Everyone, come out!!"

On the bank of a remote waterfall, Xiaozhi released all the Pokémon on his body.

Except for the two "extraordinary" ones, Koga Ninja and Fierce Eagle, the remaining six are all dragon-type Pokémon.


Even the Thunder Drum was leisurely stretching its neck to eat the grass blades high up.

During this period of time, although Thunder Drum still could not be tamed well for battle, it had become accustomed to staying with Xiaozhi and this group of Pokémon.

Sometimes when the two-headed tyrannosaurus and the baby tyrannosaurus get into a fight, the Thunder Drum will even take the initiative to stand up and release a thunderbolt, hitting the center of the two and ending the fight. It has a kind of big brother temperament.

"So everyone, let's start today's training!"

Xiaozhi put his hands on his hips and shouted loudly.

His wave of Pokémon was obviously divided into two small groups. One side was the all-white dragon team, and the other side was the original "three families" of water, fire and grass. However, now that Fat Hali has disappeared, only Fiery Arrow is left in this small group. Taka and Koga ninja.

Taking a break from his busy schedule, the Fiery Arrow Eagle flapped its wings and landed on the tree where the Koga Ninja Frog was leaning. He couldn't help but curiously asked:

"Lie hiss.?"

Where did the fat man go?

Although they are usually silly, they are still part of a small group.

The Fierce Arrow Eagle can't bear to see those dragon beasts with no muscles and intimidating power as its big brother!

"The armored ninja."

Koga Ninja crossed his arms, lowered his head, and shook his head in response.

In fact, it didn't understand it very well. After returning from the Ending Cave, it never saw the fat Hali again.

I don't have this annoying guy clamoring to challenge myself every day. On the contrary, I am not used to it.

"Lie hiss.?"

The Fierce Arrow Eagle's eyes widened and he let out a burst of exclamation.

Could it be that he defected? !

However, Fat Hali is not a defector character.

Usually the ones who defect are ruthless Pokémon like Koga Ninja, right?

As for a hot-blooded idiot like Fat Hali, he should be the one who keeps chasing after him.

Why did that guy run away instead?

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