He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2641 Special plaster and special capsule?

Route 19, also called Jugu Road.

As the name suggests, this road is full of undulating mountains and valleys, stretching endlessly.

However, the vegetation and greening are quite good. It is not like other mountains and rivers that are all bare rocky roads. The low-lying areas below are mostly dense forests and shrubs, and there are even many moist swamps.

It is not easy to move forward from the valley below. The road is rugged and difficult to pass.

"It's not a big problem. In the past, humans and Pokémon on this road worked together to build many long suspension bridges at high places. We can walk this section of road directly from above~"

Citron pushed up his glasses and explained to several people.

From the high entrance of the giant valley road, if you look around, you can indeed see many towering mountains and cliffs, connected by rope suspension bridges, like huge spider webs connecting and covering the entire area.

"Um, is there really no problem?"

Serena subconsciously grabbed Xiao Zhi's shoulders. It was windy at a high place, and the rapid airflow made the long suspension bridges sway from time to time, making an old friction sound.

And it’s not a steel cable material, so it feels like it could break at any time.

"It's okay, it's okay, leave it to me~!"

Ash smiled proudly, then threw a Poké Ball with his backhand, and Sonic Dragon's handsome flying dragon figure with wide wings appeared.

"Please Sonic Dragon, if anything happens and the bridge breaks, remember to help as soon as possible!"


The Sonic Dragon flapped its wings and hovered over everyone's heads, letting out a loud cry in response.

At this time, large flying Pokémon come into play.

"Please, Tanabata Blue Bird!"

"And you, remember if something happens, you must catch it!"

Seeing this, Serena and Citron also sent out their own Tanabata Blue Birds and Self-Exploding Magnemites. Only then did they have the confidence to walk onto these long and swaying suspension bridges.

As for Yurika, looking at the three large flying Pokémon, she couldn't help but ask questions.

"Speaking of which, why don't we just use flying skills and fly directly to the other end of Route 19?"

Faced with Yulijia's soul questioning, the three of them turned to look at the former in unison. Then they were stunned, then turned their heads again, and then officially walked onto a long suspension bridge.

If we fly directly there, how can we get water?


On the suspension bridge high on the giant valley road, the rapid air currents caused the suspension bridge to sway from side to side.

"Everyone, be careful~!"

Xiaozhi walked in the front. He was an expert and bold, even jumping around.

Every place in the world is different. Flying is certainly convenient, but there is no point in walking there with your own feet.

Behind them, Serena and Citron walked very carefully, holding the ropes on both sides tightly with their palms. Although their feet were weak, they couldn't even look at the abyss valley below.

"You Lijia, be careful too."

With a trembling voice, Citron did not forget to care about his sister. The long-tailed monster mechanical arm in his backpack could be activated at any time to grab Yulijia's collar.


When everyone was carefully crossing the long suspension bridge, they suddenly heard the roar of a dragon in the air, and the shadow of a flying dragon even fell on everyone and quickly flew forward.

Several people looked up subconsciously, only to see a gray flying dragon. Its whole body seemed to be made of rough rocks, and its wide wings like a pterosaur were galloping in the air.

Its claws are similar to Sonic Dragon's, they are both wing claws combined with arms and wings.

"Are there fossil pterosaurs? Are there any wild fossil pterosaurs in the Carlos area?"

Xiaozhi's heart moved and he couldn't help but quicken his pace to catch up.

Wow wow wow.!

However, his big move caused the ropes held by the three people behind him to shake, and suddenly there was a scream of ghosts and wolves.

"Haha, I'm sorry, everyone~"

Xiaozhi then slowed down, put his thoughts away, and said sheepishly.

After a while, the fossil pterosaur disappeared, but the direction it was heading seemed to be consistent with their goal?

Arriving at about the middle of Route 19, there stands a towering mountain peak that stands out from the crowd, higher than the surrounding areas.

And it extends in all directions, with many long suspension bridges connecting it to all directions. It seems that everything can lead to here.

"Hey, that fossil pterosaur...?"

While still on the adjacent long suspension bridge, Xiaozhi discovered the fossil pterosaur from before, resting on a high rock platform on the central peak.

Seeing several people approaching, he didn't show any aggression and just lay there minding his own business, which was quite strange.

Not only that, there was an orange-red flying dragon standing higher on the nearby stone platform. This was also an old acquaintance of Xiaozhi. It was a fire-breathing dragon.

"Wait a minute, what's this fire-breathing dragon doing?"

Xiaozhi suddenly noticed that the fire-breathing dragon standing at a high place seemed to be afraid of heights, and he looked around worriedly.

And his paws are still holding his big tail tightly, as if this will make him more relaxed.

With such a contrasting cuteness, Xiaozhi and others immediately understood the Charizard and quickly quickened their pace.

Sure enough, when I walked across the long suspension bridge and reached the middle peak, I saw a gentle and thin young man with short orange hair on the other side of the corner.

"Yo! Doropa!"

Xiaozhi immediately said hello, and Serena and the others followed.

"Ah, Mr. Xiaozhi! And everyone!"

Doropa turned his head and was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

However, the thing in his hand made Xiaozhi and others quite strange. It was square and square, with some air holes on the gray-brown back.

If he read it correctly, it should be a plaster, right?

And look at this posture. Are you going to apply plaster to this shy fire-breathing dragon?

"Is Charizard hurt?"

Citron couldn't help but push up his glasses and looked at the fire-breathing dragon carefully. His direct gaze made the fire-breathing dragon turn its head away with blushing cheeks.

"It's not an injury. This thing is called a characteristic plaster. It's a rare product from other places. It is said that it can change the characteristics of Pokémon!"

Doropa quickly explained to everyone.

"Special plaster?"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, vaguely remembering that he had heard of this thing before.

Does the plaster that modifies the characteristics mean to modify the characteristics of the fire-breathing dragon?

"Well, the characteristic plaster changes the Pokémon's characteristics to hidden characteristics through external application."

Doropa nodded. In fact, they also have something called "Character Capsule" in their native Kalos.

By taking the capsule orally, the Pokémon's characteristics can be switched. But it can only switch between the first characteristic and the second characteristic.

"For example, your Sonic Dragon's common characteristics are detection and penetration. The characteristic capsule can only change each other in these two characteristics, but cannot transform into the telepathy characteristic that is the rarest among Sonic Dragons."

"Generally we call it the third characteristic, or hidden characteristic."

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