He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2644 Arrival, Yingxue City!

Say goodbye to Doropa and cross the long suspension bridge valley area of ​​Route 19.

Xiaozhi and his party came to a wilderness plain in the suburbs, but the color of the ground gradually changed from green to a thin white.

"It's getting cold here!"

Serena shivered and couldn't help but shrink her shoulders.

The group of people had now put on thick and warm winter clothes again.

The closer you get to Yingxue City, the temperature of the surrounding environment continues to drop, and a biting cold wind blows in your face.

Unlike the heavy snowfall in Fengxu Town, it is not in a snow and ice zone, just because it is adjacent to a frozen cave to the north.

The direction of the cave blows cold air into the town all year round, causing the temperature in Fengxu Town to drop sharply.

Yingxue City itself is located in the southeast corner of the Kalos map plate. It is already quite cold here, and it experiences snowfall most of the year.

Before entering the town, Xiaozhi and the others could see from a high slope in the distance that the entire Yingxue City was covered in white snow.

Walking into the town, the snow on the streets was cleared regularly, and a complete road was shoveled, so there was no need to worry about slipping.

It was getting late, but there were many pointed pine trees planted on both sides of the road, and some colorful small light bulbs were hung on the dark green needles.

There were lights and decorations along the way, and from time to time some Christmas-related songs could be heard from the shops along the way.

"Ah, it's almost Christmas~!"

Serena reacted and blurted out in surprise.

Arriving in a snowy city like this around Christmas is undoubtedly the most appropriate time.

"Is it Christmas again?"

While walking on the road, Xiaozhi couldn't help but think of last year's Christmas.

At that time, he was still traveling in the Hezhong area, passing through Feiyun City, the largest city there, and reunited with his abandoned monkey.

He still remembered that the Abandoned Monkey had a black boxing ring around Christmas and was beaten to death on the spot.

People in the boxing gym even covered his dead monkey with a white cloth and prepared to bury it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an own goal.

One year goes by so fast.

"Oh Xiaozhi, did you think of anything interesting?"

Next to him, seeing Xiaozhi suddenly laughing out of his own thoughts, Citron couldn't help but ask casually.

Last Christmas, he and Yulijia were still staying in the Miare Gym, there was nothing new.

The same goes for Serena. She was not a trainer at that time and was staying at home alone.

However, while she was doing nothing in her room on the second floor, sitting at the table and looking out the window boredly, Serena could actually see the second-floor window of her neighbor opposite.

The curtains on the opposite side are usually drawn tightly.

It seemed that the boy opposite who moved to Chaoxiang Town at the same time as her was somewhat autistic. Serena had almost never seen him open the curtains.

"Is that person still in the room?"

On the streets of Yingxue City, Serena couldn't help but raise her head and think.

Since their two families moved to Chaoxiang Town at the same time, their parents had quite a lively chat. They even knocked on the door opposite, planning to find their next-door neighbor to hang out with.

After all, although Shana and the others are also neighbors,

But Shana, Tieruno, and Doroba grew up together like a small, inseparable group, and it was not easy for an outsider like her to get involved.

It's just that she looked for the neighbor across the door several times, but she didn't get a response from the boy.

According to the other party's mother, the boy was already a powerful trainer when he was 6 years old, and even defeated many masters who had been famous for many years.

But later, even his mother didn't know why her son, who was like a shining star, suddenly became autistic.

"I remember that at that time, I wanted to try to force him out, right?"

Serena put a finger on her chin and recalled what happened when she was six or seven years old.

When I was a child, my personality was much wilder than now. I even wanted to force my autistic neighbor out and bask in the sun.

It’s just that the action has not yet been implemented.

Later, Serena attended Dr. Oak's summer camp and met Xiaozhi.

When I returned to Chaoxiang Town, there was already a boy in shorts with a hearty smile in the back of my mind, and he no longer paid attention to the autistic boy next door.

"He should be fine, right?"

Serena was a little worried. When she left the house, the curtains on the neighbor's second-floor window were still tightly closed.

But then I thought about it, and I realized that the relationship between the other party and me was just an ordinary neighbor, and we only met once when we moved.

Not very familiar either.

He simply stopped thinking and followed Xiaozhi and his group into the Pokémon Center in Yingxue City.

After a simple night's rest at the Pokémon Center, everyone went directly to the local Yingxue Gym early the next morning.

"It's finally here, the last gym!"

Serena was undoubtedly the most excited among the others, and her steps were much stronger than usual.

Yingxue Gym is good at ice attributes.

It's a pity that Tanabata Blue Bird, which has just mastered the mega evolution, can't be sent in, as it will be severely restrained.

"If it's an ice attribute, you have to rely on the flames of the demon fire red fox to be the main attacker!"

"And a powerful punch from Bully Panda!"

The night before, Serena had already thought about her tactics. The ice attribute had many weaknesses, so it was easy to find a strategy to overcome it.

The Yingxue Gymnasium is located in the very center of Yingxue City. The three and four sides of the city are surrounded by flat, low-lying land.

But in the center of the town is a protruding rocky area, one after another, with the gymnasium located on the flat land on the top of the hill.

"Like a cave?"

When everyone climbed up the hill and arrived in front of the gym, they discovered that Yingxue Gym was backed by a cold mountain.

The entrance to the gym is more like the entrance to a cave.

Even though the door was closed tightly at the moment, the cold wind was still blowing outside the cave entrance.

"A place like a frozen cave?"

Xiaozhi blurted out, the surface of the gray-black gym building is entirely made of steel, and there are some ice picks that are about to fall frozen on the wall beams, which is quite impressive.

Serena is dressed in winter clothes. Although her upper body is wearing a thick down jacket, her lower body is still only wearing knee-length black stockings, looking youthful and beautiful.

She took a deep breath and took the initiative to step forward, knowing that it was time for her to show off.

"Hello, I'm here to challenge Yingxue Gym!"

Turning up the volume slightly, Serena spoke towards the gym door.

But after a while, there was no response, only the cold wind blowing slowly.

It seems that the gym leader is not inside today?

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