He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2649 Small diamonds in the Diamond Kingdom? !

"This mega stone...?"

Ash grabbed this mega stone in his hand. At present, all the mega stones have been found out what kind of Pokémon they are connected to. Dr. Bratano also has a list of mega evolutions.

Only this one, Xiaozhi didn't know which Pokémon it was related to.

This was a parting gift given to him by the crybaby Xiaozhi from that world when he passed by the Mirror Cave and traveled to another world.

"Wait a minute, I remember that Xiaozhi mentioned it?"

Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and thought for a moment. Mirror Cave Xiaozhi seemed to have mentioned that this mega stone was picked up near Yingxue City.

The Fantasy Forest at this moment is adjacent to Yingxue City.

"Is it such a coincidence?!"

A strange feeling of destiny made Xiaozhi shiver.

Looking around, it means that there are Pokémon in this forest that can use this mega stone?

Not only that, holding the mega stone in his hand, a beam of light guiding the direction suddenly appeared in his heart, as if it was taking him forward.

"That's just right!"

Xiaozhi's mental endurance was fully stretched, and his face instantly turned into an excited and adventurous look. He held the mega stone tightly in his hands, followed the feeling in his heart, and walked in one direction of the forest.

"Sure enough, it seems like we can really go!"

This time, after walking tens of meters forward, the scene of the surrounding snowy pine forest finally changed. Xiaozhi was overjoyed. Finally, he was no longer fighting against the wall.

After walking for more than ten minutes, it seemed that even the Fantasy Forest was reaching the border. In front of us, we could faintly see the jungle becoming increasingly sparse and the light at the exit.

Just when Xiaozhi couldn't help but speed up his pace, he vaguely seemed to hear something sobbing behind the dead tree on the side.

"Hey...!" "Hey Wu...!"

Anyway, the exit was right in front, so Xiaozhi was not in a hurry to go out. After putting the mega stone back in his pocket, he turned around and looked over.

The main reason is that the cry doesn't sound like an ordinary Pokémon sound.

On the surface, it sounded like the cry of a Pokémon, but when it reached his ears, it was directly transformed into the meaning of human language, as if it had its own translator.

"Wow, I'm lost again. How on earth are I going to get out of this ghost forest?"

"The princess was also taken away by the devil. Are we going to destroy the country?"

There were two sobbing voices in total, sounding very desperate.

But when Xiaozhi jumped over the tree stump, he found two small and strange Pokémon.

Like a gopher, this Pokémon has only half of its head exposed on the ground. It resembles a gray-furred rabbit, with long rhombus-shaped ears hanging to both sides, and bulging eyeballs like two beautiful sapphires.

The bottom of the head is covered with a circle of white fluff. It's unclear how it is connected. There is a whole cone-shaped clod of soil underneath.

But unlike gophers, the soil beneath them is connected to the earth.

The clod of soil under this gray rabbit Pokémon is actually independent of the ground. Only the end position stands on the ground, and some diamond-like silver-white translucent ores can be seen exposed on it.

A Pokémon he had never seen before, Xiaozhi couldn't help but take out the illustrated book:

"Diamonds, with rock and fairy attributes, were born in high-temperature and high-pressure environments deep underground. If you are lucky when digging caves, you will dig out this Pokémon. It is said that deep in the underground, there is a group of Diamonds and The diamond kingdom where their queens live together.”

Putting away the illustrated book, Xiaozhi looked stunned.

"Diamond Kingdom?!"

Wait a minute, this is the Diamond Kingdom that Mr. Yan Kai mentioned before. Is it related to the Pokémon in front of me?

Maybe the hope of the crystal rock snake evolution tool he has been looking for lies in these two Pokémon.

Xiaozhi's eyes couldn't help but heat up.

"Who?!" "Scared me to death!"

A human head suddenly appeared behind the dead wood, and the human's eyes showed excitement and fanaticism. The two little diamonds were so frightened that their ears stood up, and the ore-like body jumped and tried to escape.

It was obviously a normal Pokémon cry, but when it reached Xiaozhi's ears, it was automatically translated into language.

Seeing that the two little diamonds were about to disappear, Xiaozhi quickly raised his hand and shouted:

"Wait a minute, I can take you out of this forest!"

If what he heard was correct, these two little diamonds should be like humans and can speak and think normally.

"Ah, what did that Twoleg say?"

"It seems that he can take us out of here. Should we believe him?"

The two little diamonds stopped running away, got together from a distance, and began to discuss in whispers.

Sure enough, we can communicate smoothly!

Xiaozhi was quite surprised and did not rush to get closer. Instead, he glanced at Pikachu on his shoulder.


Pikachu spread his hands and said that this Pokémon's language seemed a bit weird, and it didn't have much in common with its Pokémon Common Language.

In fact, when normal Pokémon make "pika pika pika" and "seed seed seed" sounds, they are basically meaningless sounds that cannot be heard by the brain.

Unlike humans, every word passes through the brain.

Even those of humans who do not have more than the brain actually have passed the brain.

The two little diamonds in front of them were just like two humans communicating normally, and they had already killed most of the Pokémon in terms of intelligence.

"But they're not super-powered Pokémon, are they?"

Xiaozhi was quite puzzled. Little Diamond's head looked like a stone head.

He can only blame it on the so-called "Diamond Kingdom". Maybe these small diamonds are just speaking the language of their own kingdom?

After a while, the two little diamonds jumped back bravely, becoming less hostile to Xiaozhi.


"Eh-lu~ Eh-lu~!"

One of them called softly, and normal language like human communication was also introduced into Xiaozhi's mind.

"We are people from the Diamond Kingdom, and we were accidentally trapped in a strange forest here."

"If you could take us out, I'd be very grateful~!"

When Xiaozhi heard this, he suddenly felt confident.

It is indeed the Diamond Kingdom.

It seems that the "fairy tale" spoken by King Yan Kai is not a lie!

"Of course, it's easy~!"

Xiaozhi patted his chest and immediately turned around to start the road ahead.

Seeing this, the two little diamonds were immediately excited and happily followed Xiaozhi with a jump.

However, the two of them still had some doubts.

How come this human can understand the language of their Diamond Kingdom?

Because when most humans hear them talking, they should just make unexplained sounds like "bah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah," right?

really weird.!

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