He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2667 The target is Desert City? !

"Oh, that's right. Is this Serena's last Pokémon?"

In the backyard of the Pokémon Center, seeing the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus released by Serena, Ash couldn't help but walk up and praise:

"And it seems to be a very high level. I feel like if I exchange it with some protective gear, I can evolve into the Super Armored Rhinoceros~"

Xiaozhi looked at the armored rhinoceros up and down and couldn't help but make sharp comments.

It really meets Serena's needs and expectations, and she can go straight to the fight as soon as she conquers it.

Together with the Bully Panda and the Turtle-footed Giant Armor, you can form the three fierce brothers!

Serena: "."

This was the first time that she didn't want to continue chatting with Xiaozhi.

But soon Xiaozhi also walked to the public telephone area, dialed the phone, and there was a "Z" sound in front of him, and a one-to-one virtual projection of Dr. Buratano was projected.

"Oh Xiaozhi, you asked me to help find information about Fatty Hali, and I really gained something."

Dr. Bratano's hair is messy and his chin beard is a little sparse. It seems that he has been very tired these days.

"It is said that someone saw a strange fat Harry near Fengxu Town last week."

A photo was also projected on the screen. It was in the snowy suburbs. A fat Hali wearing a hat and a brown-gray cloak was passing through Fengxu Town like a lonely stranger in the world.

Xiaozhi: "."

This cloak doesn't suit you at all!

If Koga Ninja were to dress like this, he would suddenly feel like a misty hermit.

But Fatty Hali is a bit nondescript.

"Are you in Fengxu Town? I'll go right away."

"Wait a minute Xiaozhi, this is last week's sighting information. In a week, Fat Hali will probably not know where to go to a new place."

Dr. Bratano interrupted quickly.

"Hey, that's right."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi sighed and couldn't help but look out the window.

It's freezing and snowy outside. I wonder if Fatty Hali, a big eater, can eat enough these days?

However, this information at least proves that God Z did not harm Fatty Hali.

Moreover, the cloak and hat are obviously not the aesthetics of Fatty Hali, but are obviously the work of Z God Zigerd.

"Anyway, I will help you continue to pay attention. But to be honest, I am more curious about the destination where Zygard controls Fat Hali. What is his final plan?"

Dr. Bratano touched his chin and said that he could not figure out the thoughts of this natural monitor of Carlos.

"By the way, there are also your two little golden rings. I also found out some information."

It’s not just Fat Harry, Dr. Bratano continued.

Previously, Xiaozhi returned the treasure found in Lianli Town to Bratano. The latter was very moved when he saw the letter he wrote when he was a child, and carefully treasured it.

As for the key stone - when he was a boy, Dr. Buratano didn't know that the stone he picked up was the precious key stone, so he put it into the candy box.

Now, this letter to his future self is more important to him, so the childhood keystone was given to Serena.

During this period, Xiaozhi also told the doctor about the two small golden rings he found in the shipwreck of Azure Bay, and asked the latter to help investigate.

"It's something from a fantasy Pokémon that only exists in Desert City, a desert town north of Kalos."

"That Pokémon's name is Hupa. It is said that he once used his power to make a deserted desert city prosperous and developed."

Desert City does not exist on the official map of Carlos. It is located roughly northeast of Baike City.

Passing through a large desert area, you can reach this oasis city.

"I see. It's pretty close?"

Xiaozhi nodded matter-of-factly.

Is this the new direction that Mr. Defu said can only be found without looking at a map?

"Serena has already collected eight badges, so I highly recommend that you go to this desert city to look for the legendary Hoopa."

Dr. Buratano said seriously:

"Because whether you're looking for Xerneas, the God of X, or your fat Hali, this Pokémon might be able to help a lot!"

Hupa's little golden ring is said to be able to grab the existence of the wish from thousands of miles away.

You can even get into the golden ring and travel directly to the target.

"Is it so powerful!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was startled, and then quickly thought of what happened when he encountered the fluctuating water and the violent thunder drum. It was indeed possible to travel through space at will and reach the designated destination.

"Wow~! I can meet Lord Xerneas~!! Xiaozhi, let's go to that city quickly!"

Dianxi, who had been eavesdropping, suddenly became excited, jumping up and down Xiaozhi's trouser legs and shouting.

"Hey Diancie, don't move!"

Xiaozhi could only temporarily comfort the Diamond Princess.

Dr. Bratano, who was on the other end of the phone, naturally couldn't hear Dianci's telepathy, but he could vaguely see Dianci's figure in the stereoscopic projection, which made him take a breath.

"Hey Xiaozhi hooked up with another fantasy Pokémon so quickly?!"

If he read it correctly, it should be the Diamond Princess who only exists in Carlos' fairy tales, right? !

Bratano quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead. He has become familiar with Xiaozhi recently, and it seems that he can see all kinds of strange and weird scenes.

Before hanging up, Buratano remembered one more thing.

"One more thing, Xiaozhi."

Xiaozhi listened carefully. The information given by the doctor was very violent.

"That conference of the strongest trainers seems to have received official permission from the Kalos Alliance, and it will be held after this alliance conference."

As he spoke, Dr. Bratano himself was puzzled.

He had specifically asked the officials of the Carlos Alliance before, but was told that "the claims are false and strictly prohibited."

How can there be any argument for letting competitions of unknown origins compete with your own official competitions for traffic?

But recently, the officials of the Carlos Alliance seem to have changed their statements in an instant, saying that this competition does exist, which puzzles the doctor.

Can't a group of people suddenly be brainwashed?

He is even acquainted with the league champion Karuni, and Buratano also asked the latter, but even Karuni said that she had never heard that the league officials were organizing such a competition.

"However, I will participate. The opponent is obviously provoking our entire Kalos region. As the league champion here, I will work hard to defeat them and safeguard the glory of Kalos!"

Karuni spoke sternly at that time, and she was quite confident in her words.

She has also received an invitation letter from Express Dragon to participate in the conference!

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