He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2678 Defeat the enemy! The strongest Koga Ninja!

"Fancy, servant sword!!"

Lianglianban obviously didn't realize what the situation was, and still took the initiative to launch an attack.

This time, facing the sharp sword coming from the opponent, Xiaozhi responded calmly:

"Try our new power, the Water Wave Knife!!"

When Xiaozhi shouted, he even unconsciously stretched his palms behind his back. The Koga Ninja in front of him was completely synchronized and grabbed the water shuriken behind him.

After all, this is a shuriken made of pure energy, not an entity.

Holding it in the hand of Koga Ninja, with a thought, its shape began to change, becoming slender and sharp.

In the blink of an eye, the huge shuriken behind his back suddenly turned into an aqua blue samurai sword!

Immediately, Koga Ninja raised his sword and slashed at the incoming servant's long blade!

Whoops! !

The water wave knife slashed through and easily cut the opponent's servant knife in half.

Fortunately, the servant sword general turned his head sideways repeatedly to avoid being hit on the side of his face.

Although the weapons of both of them are condensed from pure energy bodies, the water wave sword of Koga Ninja at this moment is compressed from the exaggerated water tornado from before, which is far more powerful than the temporary plastic sword of the servant sword general. Much more solid.

"Aren't they on the same level in terms of strength? In that case, General Sword, use your own sword!!"

He obviously knew the fighting style of the servant sword general and continued to attack.

This time, the servant sword general no longer condensed the blade in his hand, but directly pressed the black and red long blades on both sides of his face, pressed his head forward, and slashed horizontally!

The slashes from the body organs are much more powerful than before!

boom! boom! !

Sure enough, it was not so easy to cut off this time. Koga Ninja held the water wave sword in both hands and slashed repeatedly, making several iron explosions with the opponent's long beard blade!

However, in terms of strength, the Koga Ninja that hinders evolution is undoubtedly stronger.

boom! !

With the Koga Ninja's hands suddenly exerting force, the powerful slash of the water wave sword struck out, and the servant sword general was knocked out horizontally.

Buzz buzz.!

Even after he stabilized his body, General Sword's metal head was roaring and trembling, making him feel dizzy.

"What an amazing power."

Ryorenban was horrified, why did this weird-looking Koga Ninja suddenly become so powerful?

Speaking of which, the ancestor who also fought side by side with the Sword General was stopped by who.

A bad premonition suddenly came to his mind.

"Is he really that legendary hero?!"

Not far away, the leader Hanzo stared closely at Ash's version of Koga Ninja, not wanting to blink.

According to the legend passed down from generation to generation in the ninja village, they were still the Koga sect thousands of years ago. They were besieged by the six major sects controlled by villains and were in danger.

In times of crisis, a mysterious brave man descends from the sky.

Just relying on a Koga Ninja Frog, he defeated six major factions.

Later, the Koga Ninja Frog even showed an unprecedented form and defeated all the villains who were causing trouble behind the scenes. He became the biggest benefactor of their ninja village.

This is a secret that only the village can know after taking over as the leader.

Even among the incomplete murals handed down, there are ancient paintings painted by ancestors at that time based on what they saw and heard.

Although there was a person whose face could not be seen clearly, there was a rat-shaped Pokémon lying on his shoulders, and beside him was a special-looking Koga Ninja with a huge water-flowing shuriken on his back.

"Exactly right!!"

Hanzo's heart suddenly surged and he was filled with emotions.

The savior who once saved their village appeared again today.

It's just that the Pokémon they partner with are also such a coincidence. Is it the same person, or is it a reincarnation of fate?


Next to him, Shinobu who was guarding suddenly saw Hanzo with a bright expression on his face and staring straight at Ash in the crowd, and couldn't help feeling a chill.

After the leader retired, did he start to be interested in young people?

In this contest between "ninja and samurai", the Koga Ninja has the upper hand.

"Flying Water Shuriken!!"

Xiaozhi continued to attack without any need for extra words. The bonded Koga Ninja completely understood it.


He restored the water wave sword in his hand to the shape of a shuriken, put it back behind his back, and then used his palms on his waist to create several small shurikens out of thin air, and shot them out quickly.

The servant sword general quickly waved the weapons on both sides of his face, smashing all the incoming flying water shurikens into pieces.

boom.! !

The shuriken exploded, creating waves of water mist and thick smoke, completely covering the figure of the sword general.

Don't look like the other party is hiding in the smoke.

But Xiaozhi has the power of a waveguide. Even if the sky is filled with smoke and dust, he can still pinpoint the position of the Sword General in the smoke very accurately.

And at this moment, Xiaozhi is connected to the Koga Ninja Frog, and the latter can clearly accept the former's sensory feedback.

Rounding things off, it means that Koga Ninja has also obtained the buff of waveguide power perception. Even if he closes his eyes, he can clearly know the position of the sword general.

"The winner is decided, use the strongest flying water shuriken!!"

Xiaozhi shouted loudly, with high spirits, and stretched his hands behind his back.

Koga Ninja also made the same move and raised the huge shuriken behind his back again.

First, he uses a small shuriken to disorient his opponent, and then a decisive blow!


The Koga Ninja shouted, jumped up, and threw out the huge shuriken in his hand with all his strength!

In the smoke and dust, General Pu Dao couldn't tell the direction of the enemy's attack.

"Use the iron wall to block it!!"

Lianglianban gritted his teeth and could only deal with it this way.

So the servant sword general lowered his lower body, curled up his arms and head, and a burst of silver metal light appeared all over his body, and his defense increased in an attempt to block the blow.

The next moment, a huge shuriken jumped into the smoke.

Boom boom! !

Immediately afterwards, there was an earth-shattering roar and explosion, and an explosion of water mist was stirred up in the smoke and dust!

Mixed with fire and water, it splashed around, and the terrifying aftermath also blew away all the original water mist.

Everyone can also clearly see the scene in the center of the battlefield.

But he saw General Pu Dao half-kneeling on the ground. Although his back was straight, his head was hanging down.

And there was no reaction at all, just kneeling there silently.

Obviously, General Pu Dao has completely lost his ability to fight!

"I actually lost?!"

Behind him, Liang Lianban seemed to be connected to his servant sword general, half-kneeling on the ground.

He lowered his head, first in disbelief, and then his face was filled with despair.

Did he really lose to an outsider who didn't know his origins in such a simple way?

The will of the ancestors has come to an end here!

"Perhaps in this era, the will of ancestor An Kun is no longer needed, then our Liang Lian Ban has no meaning of existence."

He was so desperate that he no longer even wanted to be a rebellious nin hiding in the dark.

How about contacting the outside society and becoming an ordinary person from now on?

My skills are good, and the sports culture in the Carlos region is good.

Maybe after I stop being a ninja, I can become a basketball player?

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