He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2688 Hoopa's Wish!

"Can you still make a wish?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up and he said.

He knows Jirachi, who really has the ability to help the target realize three wishes. Did he expect that Hupa can also do it?

"Hehe~Are you shocked~?"

Hupa covered the corners of his mouth and smiled proudly.

However, its wish-making ability is not the same as Jirachi's simple wishing power, it is more of a "remote summoning".

For example, if you want gold and silver jewelry, Hupa can use his teleportation gold ring to move a mountain of gold directly from ruins, treasures or bank vaults!

In the desert city of the past, the locals were eager to get rich.

Hupa then moved all the oil underground from far away and irrigated several oil fields there, allowing Desert City to rapidly develop its economy with its rich oil resources.

Of course, Hupa, who once fulfilled his wish in Desert City, was the giant demon god Hupa, and now he has no memory.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others looked at each other passionately, wondering how many wishes they could make.

But right now, Xiaozhi and Dianxi's wishes are the most urgent.

The former is to retrieve Fat Hali, while the latter is to find Xerneas and use the latter's power to create perfect diamonds.

"You go first, Diancie."

Xiaozhi still gave the opportunity to Dianxi first, after all, the latter still had to be more urgent.

As for his fat Hali, God Z shouldn’t be able to bully a junior, right?

"Yeah! Thank you Xiaozhi!!"

Dianxi's eyes turned red with gratitude. She was indeed the human being she admired, and she really valued her!

So Dianxi slowly floated in front of Hupa, took a deep breath, and said generously:

"Help me find the legendary Pokémon, Xerneas!"

Hupa frowned and seemed to start to exert his power.

Only after a while, Hupa scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Hehe. As for this wish, Hupa can't do it for the time being."

Everyone: "?"

Especially Dianxi, who was standing at the front, her expression instantly fell.

Hupa's ability is long-distance teleportation. The first thing is to confirm the target's location and then pull it over.

"But my power has been temporarily weakened. I can't find the location of the ancient god-level existence for the time being."

Hupa's cheeks turned red and he said shyly.

Xiaozhi helped it retrieve two rings, but the ring around its waist must also be retrieved. Only when all three are returned to its place at the same time can it have the ability to understand the location of the ancient god.

Of course, it is only to understand the location. If it is captured, Hupa can only capture the second-level god at most.

I guess only by transforming into the form of that giant demon can I be able to forcibly capture the first-level god to fight, right?

Dianxi was not polite and immediately glanced at Hupa with disgust:

"Useless guy! This makes this princess happy in vain!!"

After saying that, he floated back to the back, no longer paying attention to the little devil, and his expression became extremely decisive.

"In that case, let's make my wish come true instead of looking for an ancient god!"

So Xiaozhi came forward enthusiastically:

"Hupa, please help me find my fat Hali! It should still be active in the Kalos area now!!"

According to the information obtained from Dr. Bratano, it seems that a fat Harry dressed as a vagabond has been sighted in many cities.

Most of them are active in the northern area of ​​the Kalos region, and their direction is from east to west, and I don’t know where they are going.

"Fat Hali? Leave it to me!"

Seeing that he was finally not summoning a divine beast, Hupa was relieved and quickly floated up proudly.

With a move of his little hand, the golden ring hanging on one of the horns flew out and magnified in mid-air.

Spots of light began to flicker inside like a portal, and finally the light froze, and a scene thousands of miles away appeared.

The one at the front is a fat Hali sitting on the ground and resting.


Seeing a strange golden ring suddenly appeared next to him, which was connected to another world and contained several humans, the fat Hali was also startled and quickly stood up from the ground.

However, Xiaozhi's look of surprise didn't last long, and he soon frowned.

"This fat Hali is not the one I lost!"

Although they all have the same appearance, the fat Hali opposite the golden ring obviously has a somewhat mature and steady look between his eyebrows.

My fat Hali has never looked like this before!

Hell, I found a fat Hali with a mature personality?

"Anyone else?"

Serena and the others also curiously came over to look at the opposite side. Except for the fat Hali who was looking at them doubtfully, there was also a tomboy sitting behind him wearing green overalls and red hair braids. girl.

"Hey, I didn't meet this person in Bizhi City."

Citron remembered that he must have met this red-haired girl under the Oath Tree in Biyi City.

At that time, the other party was still carrying Harili, and it seemed that it had evolved.

"that person?"

Xiaozhi's eyes skipped over the person and mouse at the front and landed at the back.

At this moment, there is a man with short dark blue hair, who is resting against the tree trunk nearby. He has a cold and handsome appearance and wears a light blue bubble scarf around his neck. He looks like a serious person.

"Is he the winner of the Kalos Alliance Conference?"

Ash recognized him as the powerful trainer who used Mega Charizard to completely defeat Shota on the day he arrived in the Kalos region.

By accident, Hupatong ended up here!

This fat Hali obviously has nothing to do with him, so Xiaozhi could only helplessly emphasize again:

"It's not this one, it's my lost fat Harry!"

"I was shocked. Did you find the wrong target?"

Hupa scratched his head and could only shrink the golden ring back, preparing to switch the position of the next Fat Hali.

However, when Jin Huan completely closed the scene on the other side, Ai Lan on the other side seemed to hear the movement, opened his eyes, and met Xiao Zhi's eyes.

But Jin Huan also switched positions in the next second.

"This person is not simple!"

Even though it was just a short look at each other, Xiaozhi could see the aggression in the other person's eyes. It seemed that this guy was looking for a strong opponent everywhere.

But none of this mattered. He quickly looked at the location connected by the next golden ring.

On the other side, Ai Lan, who was taking a lunch break by a jungle stream, also came to his senses.

"That guy just now...?"

He also has an impression of Xiaozhi and has met him by chance in several cities, but the two have not had a formal conversation yet.

Although he was younger than her, Ai Lan could sense Xiaozhi's strength.

Definitely a tough opponent!

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