He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2690 The reason for punishing Hupa

There are large fields of wheat growing around the interior of the Valley of Creation.

It is the ripening season at this moment, one person is tall, and the golden wheat ears are piled up and swaying in the wind.

Unlike the people in the Ninja Village who like to eat rice, the people in the Valley of Creation prefer to eat grain bread.

A few people were still staying at the entrance of the valley. After a while, a girl came to the path ahead.

She is about the same age as Serena, has an elegant appearance, wears a white robe, and a local white turban hat on her head, with a pair of brown braids slightly exposed on both sides.

"Hupa! You are finally back!!"

As soon as the girl saw Hupa at the front who was spinning excitedly, she immediately screamed with excitement and hurriedly approached.

"I was shocked, it was Mayali!!"

Hupa obviously knew the other party, and he let out a surprise and flew up as well.

This time it became one person and one Hupa, holding hands and spinning in circles.

Noticing that Xiaozhi and his party were still watching, Hupa pulled the turbaned girl over.

"This is Mayali, who I grew up with~! These are the people who saved me, Xiaozhi, Reina, Tron and the others~~"

Hupa happily introduced both sides.

Mei Yali naturally expressed her gratitude repeatedly. Hupa, who had grown up with her since childhood, was like her younger brother and had already become a part of the family.

"Are you guys exhausted from being outside? Now go to my house and take a rest~"

She invited warmly.

"Oh~! Go home, go home~!"

Hupa knew the way well and flew to the front with cheers.

"Then we won't be polite."

Xiaozhi and the others were not polite, and followed Mei Yali with a smile, entering the Valley of Creation together.

Although they are small isolated places in the valley, the Ninja Village is really a small mountain village. There are only maybe thirty or forty houses made of thatched wood, and the population is not large.

But the Valley of Creation is completely different.

The large, well-proportioned houses and streets are located in the middle of the valley. It is no longer a village, but more like a small town.

And although the Valley of Creation is geographically isolated from the outside world, the people living there are often able to communicate with the Desert City next door.

So in terms of technology, it is no different from modern society. Many people walking on the street are holding the latest 15 mobile phones.

The house that Mayali lives in is located on the edge of the town. It is a two-story house built with khaki stones. This is also the look of most buildings in the Valley of Creation. It is like khaki squares protruding from the ground. General.

After entering the stone house, Mei Yali handed some water to several people. The water from the underground well tasted very refreshing and thirst-quenching, making Xiaozhi and his party completely come back to life.

"Let's talk about Hupa. Do you have Hupa's third golden ring? We need to use Hupa's power to find some special existences."

Putting the water glass down, Xiaozhi got straight to the point.

The main reason is that his and Dianxi's wishes are easy for Hupa who is in full condition, so he does not have any psychological burden when requesting.

"You are distinguished guests and you rescued Hupa. Of course you can make wishes or whatever."

Mei Yali gently rubbed the Hupa in her arms, but hesitated to speak.

She had noticed the two gold rings hanging on Hupa's head. It seemed that Xiaozhi and others found them for Hupa.

"But the third golden ring is not with me at the moment, but is kept with my brother."

The siblings originally lived here with their grandfather. After his grandfather passed away a few years ago, the siblings depended on each other.

However, there is Hupa at home, and Hupa likes to play pranks and make mischief everywhere. This small town is often full of chaos, but the family is not lonely.

"That's right, where is Balza? Why didn't I see it?"

Hoopa flew up and searched around the house skillfully.

Balza is Mayali's brother, three years older than her. He is a man with a reliable and steady character.

"Brother is not in the Valley of Creation now, but in Desert City next door."

Mei Yali spread her hands and said helplessly.

By the way, they also told everyone about the aftermath of the incident when they summoned the demon version of Hupa.

"On the way into the town just now, I saw a large wheat field that had been crushed. It couldn't be..."

Citron couldn't help but ask.

Mei Yali nodded, with a bit of fear in her expression:

"It happened about a week ago. At that time, my brother finally found the Pot of Punishment in the Legendary Land and came back with great interest, intending to release all of Hupa's power."

The story is quite similar to what Hoopa told. Hoopa simply refers to it as the "Magic Pot", but its real name is "The Pot of Punishment".

This pot was created by an ancestor from the Valley of Creation who relied on his innate powerful superpower.

"Legend has it that decades ago, the demon god Hupa fulfilled the wishes of the locals in Desert City and brought them wealth. However, the local good guys are war-loving and want to see Hupa's unparalleled fighting power."

Mei Yali told that these secrets were only learned from the old man in the valley after her brother and sister opened the pot of punishment.

"At that time, the Demon God Hoopa was like a playful child with not a bad character. It continued to respond to the wishes of the locals and began to fight nearby Pokémon."

"Then I summoned powerful Pokémon from other places, but I defeated them all easily."

"Finally, with all the praise, it summoned an opponent at the level of an ancient god!"

The existence of an ancient god level fight is not that simple.

For example, if Sinnoh's ancient gods Dialga and Paluagi fight randomly, the surrounding time and space will be affected.

At that time, Hupa also summoned several ancient gods in succession for a big melee!

It is conceivable that the entire Desert City was extremely destroyed by the power released by these ancient gods.

"Hupa also became cruel from the thrilling battles. Finally, he stopped obeying human beings and went berserk."

"At a critical moment, the ancestors of the Valley of Creation created the Pot of Punishment, sealing most of the power of the demon god Hupa inside. However, Hupa can only act outside in this small form that cannot fully exert its power. ”

Mayali held Hupa in her arms again. This small Hupa actually has another name.

Punishing Hupa means the appearance after being punished.

"I see."

Hearing this, several people nodded. This story really felt like a desert fantasy.

Little Hupa blinked with an innocent look on his face. He had no memory of any of this.

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