He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2692 A call from the Creator God? !

Since no one was in a hurry, they temporarily stayed in the Valley of Creation.

There are quite a few empty rooms in Mayali's house, so it's not too crowded.

Coupled with the unique climate in the Valley of Creation, although it is located in a desert, this small town has warm winters and cool summers, making it very suitable for living.

This is also why although people in the Valley of Creation are in sync with the modern society outside, few go to work outside.

Although the adjacent Desert City is a developed country, it is also an oasis city.

But after all, without the protection of the creation god Arceus, the local environment is still very hot and is actually not suitable for living.

It's just that the locals are too rich, and some outdoor places have air conditioners turned on 24 hours a day, using their financial resources to smooth out the discomfort.

"I already called my brother, but he didn't answer and I don't know what happened~"

After Mei Yali packed up a few stone beds for several people, she shook her phone helplessly.

I can only send a text message to Balza explaining the situation first.

By the time they went to Desert City, my brother had returned to the Valley of Creation, just in time.

"Just have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow I will take you to visit the Valley of Creation. There are many places to play here~!"

"That's right, that's right~!"

Mei Yali said with a smile, while Hupa flew above her head to help respond.

It happened that we were tired from traveling in the desert these past few days. Although the cushions on the stone bed were not thick and their backs ached when they slept, everyone fell asleep quickly.

The next day, after enjoying the local specialty breakfast prepared by Mayali, the energetic people wandered around the town of Creation Valley with great interest.

I met a lot of local people on the street, all wearing similar clothes——

The white robe wraps the whole body and can effectively resist high-intensity light.

On their heads are cloth hats with long scarves rolled up, and there seems to be some difference in color between men and women.

These people were basically Mei Yali's acquaintances, and they greeted them warmly.

"Oh~ Hupa is finally back~?"

"You look very energetic, little Hoopa~!"

"There are also a few foreign friends~"

Mei Yali naturally responded with a smile, as she was quite familiar with the villagers.

Because Hupa also grew up in the Valley of Creation, and he used to like to drag Mayali around to play pranks in the town, making people in the town love and hate him.

Compared to Serena, Citron and the others were browsing around, while Xiaozhi was very curious about one of the things.

"By the way, what is that...?"

Everyone stopped in the center of the town. Xiaozhi pointed to the statue about three meters high in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

This is a statue of four beasts, with slender limbs and neck.

But the carving was very rough, with only the general appearance of a beast, and the other details of the face and body were not carved, so it was impossible to tell what kind of Pokémon it was.

However, on the waist of the statue, there is a dark golden circular cross, which is consistent with the shape of the necklace pendant that Mayali wears.

"This is naturally the statue of the god we believe in in the Valley of Creation - Arceus, the God of Creation!"

Mayali replied matter-of-factly, her tone becoming a bit more serious.

The reason why their Valley of Creation has such a perfect paradise environment, and why everyone is born with superpowers comes from Arceus.

Therefore, in the Valley of Creation, there are all loyal believers of Arceus.

The person who carved this huge statue was also a resident of the Valley of Creation, but he did not dare to use a knife to carve on the body or face of the great god again.

So to this day, this statue is still just a rough mold.

Of course, the yellow skeleton on the back is a foreign object, but it can be carved carefully. The junction above is even inlaid with precious desert emeralds, replicating the green gems on the skeleton of Arceus' body one to one.

"I see."

Xiaozhi and the others nodded, and they could indeed feel the strong local belief.

After all, in other places, the gods have not even sent down miracles or gifts for a long time.

Even gods may not exist at all, but some people still believe in them.

But the Valley of Creation itself is a miracle, not to mention the transcendent power within each person.

It's not too much to burn three sticks of incense for Arceus every day when you wake up.

Xiaozhi also found that when local people passed by, they would lower their heads slightly and did not dare to look up at the head of the Arceus statue.

However, since they are outsiders, they don't have these taboos.


Xiaozhi raised his head and looked directly at the rough statue, and some scenes couldn't help but emerge in his mind.

The legendary creation god Arceus left a legend in the Sinnoh region that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Many Sinnoh people also said that the Sinnoh region is the origin of the world, and Arceus created the world there.

But it's a pity that when Xiaozhi traveled in the Sinnoh region, he saw the two dragons of time and space, and even the Pluto Dragon Giratina.

Only this creation god did not see the true deity.

I have to say where I saw it.

"I guess you saw a fake Arceus when you first traveled in the Johto area?"

Xiaozhi remembered that at that time, a group of unknown totems in a ruins in the Johto area created a "Crystal Tower Arceus" out of thin air and attacked him.

Although it is a fake, it is still extremely strong.

"I wonder how strong the genuine Arceus will be?"

Xiao Zhifu murmured, and his eyes subconsciously fell on the position of the statue's eyes - it can't be called eyes. The rough carving just dug two small depressions on the face.


The next moment, the statue's eyes suddenly lit up red!

This scene startled Xiaozhi, and he quickly looked at his companions beside him.

"Hey, can't you see...?"

Xiaozhi was greatly confused when he saw that although Citron and Serena were also browsing the statues, they didn't have any strange expressions.

Obviously, two red lights like big light bulbs have appeared in the position of the statue's eyes!

"Is there anything?"

"Are you dazzled, Xiaozhi?"

Serena and the others shook their heads in confusion.

Hearing Xiaozhi's strange movement, Mei Yali understood something instantly. She quickly raised her head and glanced at the position of the statue's head, and then quickly lowered her head.

But his expression was also one of great surprise.

"Xiao Zhi. How come you can feel the call from the God of Creation?"

Mayali blurted out, then looked Xiaozhi up and down.

Seeing that he was really not dazzled, Xiaozhi quickly asked.

"Well, on the day this statue was completed, it was said that Lord Arceus came in person and bestowed divine power on it."

Mayali slowly explained, looking excited.

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