He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2699 The terrifying adaptive power!

Under the leadership of Koga Ninja, other Pokémon boldly charged towards Arceus!

"Fire Arrow.!!"

Lei Jiayin's whole body was covered in flames. As soon as he came up, he used his ultimate move - Flash Charge, turning into a huge and fierce fireball and slamming into the target.

Nian Meier, who looked like she was washing her green skin, was also helping and cooperating from behind.


It poked its head out of the metal snail shell, looked up to the sky and sang loudly. The originally cloudless sky instantly revealed the sun, and the scorching sunlight shone directly on the ground of this battle space.

Sunny day!

The local Nianmei'er in Carlos is better at praying for rain. Even its evolution requires the help of natural rainfall.

But Nian Mei'er, who looks like she's washing green leaves, is very good at praying for rain, sunny weather, and even sandstorm moves!

With the bonus of sunny weather, the power of the Flame Charge of the Fierce Arrow Eagle is doubled and the momentum is high!


In response to this, Arceus' clone expression was dull and he just parted his mouth silently.

Almost instantly, thick flame energy spurted out from his mouth, burst out of the air, and turned into a large flame-shaped flaming cannonball.

Big characters explode!

Boom boom! !

The big character Explosive Flame collided head-on with the oncoming Flare Flame Charge, and a burst of flames exploded in mid-air, with countless sparks flying!

Under the sunny sky, Arceus also enjoyed the bonus of fire, and his moves were particularly powerful.

"Fire Arrow."

After a collision, the Fierce Arrow Eagle fell backwards, still smoking, and seemed to be suffering from the shock of the explosion.

The other Pokémon did not sit still and launched attacks one after another.

As soon as he came up, Arceus' clone was shown the power of the new generation - group fight tactics!

"Roaring violently!!"


Two violent masters, the twin-headed tyrannosaurus and the baby tyrannosaurus, the former condensed the dragon wave of love, and two pink-purple dragon-shaped light beams roared out.

The latter gathered his primitive power and threw out several huge rocks.


The Sonic Dragon flew behind the two of them, roared loudly, and its two big acoustic-like ears instantly released high-frequency sonic booms, turning into a translucent impact hurricane visible to the naked eye and rushing out!

Sonic blast! !

This explosive sonic wave added fuel to the Dragon Wave and Primordial Power, increasing the power of both moves to attack the Arceus clone.

In response to this, Arceus' clone tried to suppress him, only to open his mouth again.

Boom! !

This time, an orange energy beam was shot out simply and crudely, like a high-temperature flame, but with the purest destructive power.

Destroy the death ray! !

A simple blow destroyed the death ray, and when faced with a combination of three moves, they were still able to engage in a stalemate in the center of the arena without showing any signs of weakness.

Boom boom! !

In the end, they were evenly matched, and it evolved into a massive energy explosion, with another burst of thick smoke rising!

"Good opportunity, Toxosaurus uses sludge bomb!"

Xiaozhi seized the opportunity and attacked quickly.

It's just that after the Arceus clone released the destructive death ray, it didn't even move stiffly at all, and instantly aimed in the direction of the Toxic Algae Dragon.


The body shimmered with a silvery white luster out of thin air, and the seemingly extremely poisonous sludge bomb fell on the former, but it just turned into a pool of purple liquid, flowing straight down from the surface of Arceus' clone, without any effect.

The joint attacks of Ash and other Pokémon were easily resolved by the Arceus clone.

"Outrageous, a destructive death ray with no CD. And an iron wall move that can directly be immune to poison-type moves?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but complain again. Every move used by the opponent had the enhanced effect of the epic version!

And he also discovered that the power used by Arceus' clone seemed to be much weaker all of a sudden?

If it was still the same strength as when he fought Pikachu before, then his Pokémon would not just be able to resist, but would have to report to Entei one after another!

"So this is the other party's adaptive reduction of his own power?"

Xiaozhi muttered in a low voice, once again marveling at the power of the God of Creation!

After all, this is a trial space, not a space for killing mortals.

The reason why the God of Creation left his divine power here was to help his followers become stronger. Naturally, he also wanted to reduce his own strength to a level where they were evenly matched.

Otherwise, it would just be an instant kill. Is there no such thing as getting stronger through trials?

But even if the clone of Arceus only provided equal strength, the former still had the upper hand.

Various, eighteen attribute moves, physical attack, special attack, and changing defense.

And from the small moves of Freezing Wind to the big moves of Big Character Explosion, they can be switched seamlessly and used flexibly.

So difficult to deal with!

Not only that, but Arceus, the God of Creation, did not just choose to be beaten and resisted.

As Arceus opened his mouth again, he let out a loud chant.

Hoo Sa Sa! !

On one side of the entire battle space, a fierce blizzard blew across the sky in an instant, covering all of Ash's Pokémon almost in the blink of an eye!

This caused tons of damage to Xiaozhi's dragon Pokémon!

"Broken waste."

Especially the baby Tyrannosaurus Rex, the lowest level among them, was blown away like a ball. It almost rolled out of the edge of the arena space and fell to Tianguan Mountain below.

It’s not a big problem. The edge of the copy space of this Hall of Beginning can be extended infinitely.

It may seem crowded, but there is no risk of falling.

"Please, Emperor Yan!"

Seeing that the baby Tyrannosaurus had lost its ability to fight first, Xiaozhi quickly looked at Yandi beside him.

Emperor Yan nodded, jumped up and landed next to the baby Tyrannosaurus, and spit out the sacred flame.

In the flames, the baby Tyrannosaurus reborn from the ashes!

"Roaring violently!!"

Soon he became energetic again, gritted his sharp teeth, and rushed towards the Arceus clone again!

Gulu gulu!

But after a while, the baby Tyrannosaurus turned into a ball again and rolled back unable to fight.

There was no way, its level was a bit lower, and it would be too easy to die suddenly if it got mixed up in the crowd.


Xiaozhi could only helplessly turn his head to look at Emperor Yan.


Emperor Yan coughed, cleared his throat, breathed out another breath of fire, and revived the baby Tyrannosaurus again.

But things always get better slowly.

At first, everyone joined forces, none of them were Arceus's enemies, and lined up to come to Yandi for treatment.

But as everyone died more and more, they became familiar with Arceus' move and skill list, and the frequency of deaths finally began to decrease.

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