He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2706 Luxurious outdoor air conditioning!

Soon, Xiaozhi and his party were led across the bridge to the other side of the river filled with savage bass.

Desert City, a truly wealthy city, had just approached the urban area when several people felt the cool breeze blowing on their faces.

"This is.?"

With their eyes widened, several people could see rows of air conditioners standing about two or three meters high on both sides of the neat road.

Hoo ho ho! !

At this moment, the power of these air conditioners was adjusted to the maximum, and cold mist was constantly sprayed out.

As if performing the "Freezing Wind" move, the icy blue water mist looks very obvious in this hot desert area.

"Guigui. How much electricity does this consume?"

Citron, the electrical expert, couldn't help but feel a bit tongue-tied when he saw it.

The street at the entrance is endless, and the number of air conditioners on both sides of the road is also endless.

Really, outdoor air conditioning!

In the past, many residents of Miare City complained that their Prism Tower was wasting electricity and the lights were too dazzling every night. Compared with Desert City, it was like a big-billed gull seeing Kyogre!

"Well, it sure feels a lot cooler."

Serena squinted her eyes, enjoying the cool breeze around her.

After all, it is outdoors in the desert. Even if all air conditioners are installed, it is impossible to have the effect of a simple air conditioner indoors.

But at least the temperature is at a comfortable level.

“It’s not just the air conditioner~”

Uncle Shouqiao acted as a guide for Xiaozhi and the others, and everyone discovered that many of these air conditioners were connected to Pokémon such as Electabuzz and 3-in-1 Magnemite.

Every once in a while, there will be a Blizzard King with snowfall characteristics sitting there, using its body to assist in cooling down.

You don't even need to worry about over-consuming these Pokémon.

Basically, behind every Blizzard King, there are three or four garland-like Pokémon floating around - Flower Healing Ring. This is a Pokémon imported from the Alola region at a high price in Desert City and has powerful healing abilities. .

In Alola, Flower Therapy Huanhuan is even the auxiliary partner of many Miss Joy.

"I see."

Xiaozhi nodded, and several Flower Healing Rings took turns to perform aromatherapy. Moves like Flower Healing kept the Blizzard King in front of him at his peak at all times.

"Our desert city is now gradually getting rid of the restrictions of oil, and is trying to use Pokémon as a new energy source to bring new vitality to the city~!"

Uncle Shouqiao smiled cheerfully, with a bit of pride in his words.

Everyone nodded suddenly, this city was not as nouveau riche as imagined.

Citron touched his chin and couldn't help but look back at the civilian area on the other side of the river.

"No wonder."

Even with the help of Pokémon's power, it was obviously still too expensive.

If the city is not divided separately, it is estimated that the daily operations on this side will soon be paralyzed.

However, these were beyond the control of a foreigner like him. Citron shrugged his shoulders and stopped worrying about the huge disparity between the rich and the poor in the local area.

Then he looked at the buildings that could be seen along the way.

In addition to being built purely to show off wealth like the Sailing Building, there are also many interesting buildings here, which even Citron from the Prism Tower can see with interest.

Uncle Shuqiao took a few people to put their luggage in a Pokémon center specially used by the royal family, and took a short rest. He went to report first.

Xiaozhi sat down comfortably on the leather sofa and looked around at the empty hall.

"There's no one around."

Even this Pokémon Center looks like it was built not long ago.

However, the decorations, even the image of Ms. Joy at the front desk and her partner Fatty are very familiar. It is a standard Pokémon center in Kalos.

In fact, not many people in the royal family of Desert City are keen on Pokémon battles, but in order to take care of the current Crown Prince, such a Pokémon center was specially built.

They even hired Miss Joy from the Pokémon League official at a high salary to take charge.

A few people were sitting on the sofa, drinking frozen happy water, and chatting with interest about what they saw when they entered the city.

It’s still too hot during the day, but you can have a nice stroll around Desert City at night!

"How about Hupa, have you sensed where your third golden ring is?"

Xiaozhi asked without forgetting the business.

Generally, if an object like this has its own power, you can sense it if you get close to it, right?

At this moment, Hupa was holding a cup that was almost as big as his body, sipping ice coke and taking a long breath:

"It's so comfortable~ But Hupa doesn't feel anything about the golden ring or anything like that."

Hupa spread his hands and didn't notice any difference.

Several people raised their eyebrows. Could it be that Mr. Balza was not in Desert City?

At least Mei Yali hasn't received any phone messages from her brother yet.

"Don't worry, we will ask the prince to help find Mr. Balza when the time comes. The local royal family should have no problem finding someone."

Xiaozhi looked complacent and not worried at all.

After a few days of high-intensity training with the Arceus clone, even if he didn't call back his old teammates, Carlos' team alone was enough to handle most situations.

After a while, the bridge guard uncle came back, excitedly preparing to lead a few people into the palace.

"The prince is very happy that he can find a strong man from other places so quickly."

However, he still reminded him a little seriously:

"But if you can't satisfy him with your strength, you might be thrown into the Savage Bass River."

After all, the notice is posted there, and anyone who tears it down means that they can definitely complete the above commission, otherwise it will be a malicious humiliation.

"No problem, uncle, take us there~!"

Xiaozhi patted his chest happily, and the skilled man was bold and walked in front.

Serena and the others also looked confident and followed behind.

"That's best."

Seeing everyone's confident expressions, Uncle Shouqiao was relieved and quickly walked ahead with a smile to lead the way.

The palace is located on the edge of Desert City. It is a traditional domed temple building. The surface of the stone tower palace is golden yellow and looks very luxurious.

However, compared with the surrounding high-rise buildings, it seems a bit inconspicuous.

"This is where the royal family lives. Anyone can enter only if they are summoned by the royal family."

As soon as he entered the palace, Uncle Qiao Shou became cautious in both his tone of voice and his posture.

After passing through the luxuriously decorated front hall, several people came to the courtyard in the center of the palace.

There is a large fountain built here, and the ground is covered with rare and exotic grasses. Occasionally, you can see some rare and cute Pokémon such as the little Guoran and the little Kirby living and playing.

And there were two figures standing on the steps of the courtyard, a man and a woman, dressed in gorgeous clothes. They were obviously people of distinguished status!

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