He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2717 Teachings from Teacher Rice!

"What happened to the Rock God Pillar?"

Saliman scratched his head, confused.

He couldn't understand a heart of stone at all!

"Don't worry, if it responds, it's a good start. The next step is up to you!"

Xiaozhi patted Saliman on the shoulder and comforted him.

After these two days of getting along, the relationship between the two has become quite familiar, and there is basically no distinction between the royal family and the common people.

Now that I have experienced the feeling of the beast man,

The next focus is the shining Meenas!

Xiaozhi walked towards the lake where the Menas lived, and Saliman followed behind.

This Minas was a Pokémon he bought from other places at a high price, and it was incomparably beautiful.

However, he rarely cooperates with this Meena. He only keeps it in the backyard as a beautiful vase.

"A Pokémon like Menus has outstanding durability, good offensive performance, and many interference and recovery moves. In addition to being beautiful, it is also a good partner in Pokémon battles."

Xiaozhi walked to the shore and looked at the Shining Menas up close while explaining.


The latter was not that afraid of strangers and stuck out his slender head on the water.

The hair-like fins that originally hung down on both sides of the neck were like silk. The normal Menas were pink, but this shining individual was the opposite blue-purple.

There is also a fan-shaped tail that is slightly exposed from the water at the back. It is golden yellow with black lines and looks extremely noble and gorgeous!

“Really beautiful”

Xiaozhi couldn't help but exclaimed.

With this appearance alone, he will probably achieve good results if he appears in the Triple Crown Satellite Tournament.

"Actually, I don't have much experience in cooperating with Menas."

Xiaozhi scratched his head and laughed dryly.

He has killed many Menas, but he has never conquered one.

"Then how do I train?"

Saliman's face couldn't help but look a little anxious.

After experiencing the feeling of the beast man, he couldn't go back.

Now Saliman became even more eager to tame the Rock God Pillar.

"Don't worry, although I don't have much experience, I can introduce you to a friend who is an expert in Menas!"

Xiaozhi raised a finger and smiled to signal for peace of mind.


Prince Saliman stared blankly at the illustrated book that Xiaozhi took out. He scrolled down the phone's address book and found the target almost at the bottom.

It seems that he is a friend with whom he is not very close.

"Your name is Teacher Rice? Is it really a strange name?"

Saliman looked on blankly. The name sounded like an uncle who grew rice.


Soon, the other end of the phone was connected.

Xiaozhi's illustrated book is also equipped with Carlos' native 3D stereoscopic projection black technology, and the virtual projection of Fang Yuan champion Mikri appears on the illustrated book.

"Hey, this person?"

Saliman blinked. The projected figure was a bit enchanting, and the gender was temporarily unclear.

But when the other party spoke, it was a gentle male voice. It should be a man?

"Hey Xiaozhi, why did you suddenly think of calling me today?"

On the other end of the phone, Mi Keli was in a good mood and asked with a smile.

Although he was defeated by Xiaozhi at the alliance conference, Mikri didn't attach much importance to this.

On the contrary, he was very optimistic about this talented young man.

"Good morning, Master Mikri~!"

Xiaozhi also smiled and said hello.

If we want to say who is the real Brother Menas, then Master Mikri is probably ranked at the top.

It just so happens that Saliman is still a shining Menas. Master Mikri should still have some interest in the latter, right?

"I have a prince here. He needs to make him and his Menas strong enough in a short time to defeat the rock god pillar in the distance and officially tame it."

Xiaozhi quickly explained the whole story.

Mikri listened in astonishment. He first saw the shining Menas with his upper body exposed on the water and a golden tail, and his eyes suddenly brightened!

He actually wanted to capture another shining Menas.

It's just that the ugly fish is already very rare, and the probability of shining is also added.

Until now, he has not found it.

After all, not everyone is like Dawu, who can help find the Metagross all over the world with the backing of a large regional company.

Suddenly asked to help give guidance to an unknown person, Mi Keli was not very interested.

But if the person you were pointing out was a Shining Menus, that would be a different story.

"Rock God Pillar?!"

Through the 3D projection, Mikri also saw the rock god pillar sleeping against the wall in the distance, and was stunned again.

Is the mythical beast now on the streets?

Finally, he noticed Saliman's figure, aristocratic temperament, and his elegant and luxurious dress. The nobleman wore precious gemstones in many places on his body.

For Mi Keli, who has a strict aesthetic, this was once again elated.

"So it's the prince? In that case, this helped me~!"

Mikri bowed towards Saliman in the void, full of etiquette.

Saliman also quickly sat upright, raised one hand to his chest, and returned to the etiquette of treating a teacher in a desert city.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, who is this rice teacher...?"

Saliman couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you. This Master Mikri is the league champion of the Fangyuan region, and his partner is a powerful Menas!"

Xiaozhi immediately introduced him formally.

Hearing this, Saliman was even more stunned, and his expression suddenly became panicked.

In the past few days, he also went out of his way to learn about the levels of trainers in the outside world——

Ai Lan, whom he thought was the strongest before, was actually the winner of an alliance conference.

Under normal circumstances, the winner of the tournament is only at the level of a weak king.

Then there is the low-level king, the intermediate level, the high-level, and then the top level champion level!

These were the grade divisions he learned about from the foreign novels he read recently, and it made his blood boil!

And the teacher Rice in front of him is a champion-level expert? !

Saliman stared at Xiaozhi, once again surprised by the latter's identity.

A casual friend, or even the friend at the bottom of the address book with the least familiarity. Are they all league champions? !

"Don't be surprised. If your Highness wants to raise your Menas to a level that can conquer the Rock God Pillar in a short period of time, you must accept my strict guidance."

"I know, Mr. Rice! Please whip me hard!!"

Prince Saliman immediately said seriously, with a sincere and serious attitude, which made Mikri nodded with satisfaction.

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