He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2720 The alliance conference between the two places?

After a wonderful battle that cannot be described in words.

The surrounding field was already in ruins, with gravel and water everywhere, which showed the intensity of this battle.


The towering giant figure of the Rock God Pillar finally collapsed forward and lost its ability to fight.

On the other side, Prince Saliman and his Shining Menas were panting, and their mental and physical strength were approaching their limits.


However, the faces of each person and fish showed satisfaction.

Finally defeated the Rock God Pillar head-on!

"Awesome, bro!!"

Princess Sarah was the first to run up to celebrate.

She has been training with Saliman in the past few years, and she has a very clear understanding of the latter's strength.

I don’t know what kind of special training my brother did, but his strength improved by leaps and bounds in just a few days!

"What a perfect battle~!"

Xiaozhi and his group also came up with applause and heartfelt congratulations.

Saliman nodded solemnly, and there were even some tears of excitement in the corners of his eyes.

Then his expression straightened and he turned to look at the Rock God Pillar in front of him.

The latter's consciousness returned, and his body barely managed to stand up.

"Is that okay, Regirock, officially become my Pokémon!"

Saliman raised the luxurious ball and said loudly.

The dot pattern on Yan Shenzhu's face flickered, and he hesitated for a while facing Saliman.


Finally, it nodded solemnly, raised one rock arm, and actively touched the opening button of the luxurious ball.


A crisp sound sounded, and the Rock God Pillar turned into a red light and was sucked into the luxurious ball.

Obviously, the Rock God Pillar has completely recognized Saliman's will and strength.

"Very good!!"

Saliman finally took a long breath, and for a moment he felt open-minded and extremely relaxed.

He did something that none of his predecessors could do, he was able to perfectly control this rock god pillar!

Under the congratulations of his family and friends, Prince Saliman waved his hand and laughed loudly:

"Everyone, there is a celebration party tonight, haha! Don't miss it~!!"

After saying that, he put Menas back into the ball and took it with the Rock God Pillar to the royal family's Pokémon Center for treatment.

That night, the celebration dinner was held as scheduled, and the long square table was once again filled with all kinds of exquisite food.

However, they have been eating big meals almost every night these days, which makes Serena and the others feel a little uninterested in eating.

Bah, bah, bah!

Of course, Xiaozhi still held the knife and fork and ate happily.

The Pikachu next to the table also imitated the same pattern, as if it was connected to Xiaozhi, and gnawed at the food.

Prince Saliman and Sarah attended the event dressed up, holding glasses of red wine and chatting leisurely with everyone.

When talking about the alliance meeting more than ten days later, Serena couldn't help but blurted out in surprise:

"Asara, will you also go to the scene in Miare City when the time comes~?"

Sarah nodded:

"I will definitely go to Serena's game to cheer for her~!"

Just in time to experience the feeling of the alliance conference in advance!

"Well, I will also be there when the time comes, and I can also see the strongest trainer conference that Xiaozhi will participate in."

From the master's seat, Prince Saliman crossed his arms and nodded.

Knowing that Xiaozhi's strength is even better than that of Mr. Rice, it is understandable that the latter did not participate in the alliance conference.

"After watching the Alliance Conference, I will start to challenge the new Kalos Conference. Like Serena, I will collect badges~!"

Princess Sara smiled and said that she had already planned it.

"Oh~ You are so motivated! Then Saliman, do you also want to challenge the Kalos Alliance?"

While Xiaozhi was cooking, he raised his head from time to time and asked.

But Prince Saliman shook his head:

"After watching the alliance conference, I will go directly to the Fangyuan area and take the Rock God Pillar to challenge the alliance conference on that side!"

Stop by to visit Mr. Rice and bring him hundreds of millions of souvenirs.

"Hey, aren't you brothers and sisters going to act separately?"

Citron was stunned. He thought the brother and sister were acting together.

Saliman and Sara looked at each other and smiled, but had no such idea.

Although they are newcomers, they are not pure newcomer trainers. Their own strength has reached the level of elite trainers.

“As long as you have enough money with you, you don’t need to worry along the way~!”

Saliman is extremely ambitious and looks like he will win the championship if he goes out to fight.

"Uh, are you taking the rock god pillar with you?"

Ash just tilted his lips at this. Suliman also has a lot of highly qualified rare Pokémon. It should be quite easy to push through eight gyms.

If there hadn't been a fish frying master like Ai Lan in that Caiyou Tournament, there's a high chance that the prince would have actually won on his debut!

"Anyway, there are still more than ten days. During these days, everyone can train here with peace of mind. Then I will use my private plane to take you to Miare City to compete in the competition in person~!"

Saliman took care of everything directly.

Xiaozhi helped him officially tame the Rock God Pillar. No matter how much gratitude he received, it would not be too much for him.

That 6v baby dragon feels too low

Would you like to give me a few more rare Pokémon eggs?

A few days later, today's Xiaozhi and his team did not continue the high-intensity special training. Instead, they took a rare day to relax and wander around Desert City.

Lao Pa, the bridge guard, acted as a guide and walked in front to introduce the local customs and customs.

Even Saliman and Princess Sarah were among the crowd.

It's just that as the royal family, the two rarely leave the palace. At most, they only wander around the center of Desert City. They rarely go to the outskirts of the city, let alone the civilian area on the other side of the Savage Bass River.

"That place is just south of the civilian area, close to the edge."

Lao Pa introduced carefully.

Prince Saliman was a little embarrassed because he did not find Balza.

It happened that there was an ancient ruins of Hupa in the desert city, so he asked Lao Pa to lead the way, preparing to take Xiaozhi and others for sightseeing.

As a local, but it was also Saliman's first time there, the roads around him looked quite unfamiliar.

However, although Lao Pa is a bridge guard, his home is in a civilian area and he is still very familiar with the roads here.


Next to him was a fat cat like a tank, with a face like a mean lady, a curly tail, a gray back and a white belly.

"Wow, it's Fat Eevee!"

Yurika couldn't help but exclaimed, still following Fat Ibrahimovic, imitating the latter's walking and twerking movements.

Saliman really replaced Lao Pa with a bridge-guarding partner.


It's just that although the Dongshi cat is majestic enough, every time it looks at him, it seems to despise him.

Not as good as that mastiff godfather!

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